If we invade Venezuela will you enlist Jow Forums?

If we invade Venezuela will you enlist Jow Forums?

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Die for Israel? I'll pass.

of course

I don't think incels make good soldiers.

I'm a HS dropout so it would probably be my best shot at getting in easily

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Fuck no why would I want to be more inclined to do that? Venezuelan citizens are good people they hate their leaders.

Sure, always wanted to bag me some beaners

we shouldn't be invading anyone that hasn't attacked us for real, unprovoked.

Bring war home.

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Just send in Erik Prince, that's the free market solution.

Why the fuck would I risk my life for anything going on in Venezuela?

Fuck no, I wont die for oil companies, only for Israel.

>dying in a humid jungle where you'll probably end up getting captured and decapitated by Marxist Narco Cartels who put it on liveleak

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no, venezuela is a complete clusterfuck that needs to sort its self out


Joke's on you I'm already enlisted

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Why the hell would anybody sign up for that shit, knowing they're doing it for their masters gains and nothing more.

Coca Cola, sometimes war

>eyyyyyy look at me! I'm so hardcore for keeping up the (((good fight))) for israel even though I've already lost a leg!!

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Americans learned their lesson about not being captured alive after the Pacific Theater, Vietnam, and most recently, ISIS execution videos. It's pretty well understood in the armed forces that if you let yourself get captured by any nationality that isn't Western European, you can safely expect the most miserable torture and death imaginable.



Was it really the Jesuits?

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This is going to make millions of refugees that America will be held accountable for. Jews win again.

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American would destroy Venezuela. Regardless we should just ignore them. Stupid to get into another war.

I would argue there is nothing more american then that my man

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already served in the IDF, so I will pass.

[previous president i dislike] was a faggot for dragging the US into pointless wars but if [current president i like] went to war i'd support him 100%

Well I'm fat and out of shape these days but if the contracting gigs blow up again I'll brush up on my Spanish and jump into that.

just vote trump in 2020 and you will finally be free

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I'll never enlist. Enlisting is for plebs. Might get my commission if it becomes a world war, though.


Hell yes, you get to shoot spics for free and there is gonna be some prime pussy down there

I'm too old, and vision is too poor. But I wouldn't join anyways.

So much this.

No fuck the kikes!

>No more (((banker's))) wars
>Pic related is flyover in Jerusalem when war on kikes is declared

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Kill all neocons and neolibs. Send the military to Hell.

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> venezuela

are you aware of how easy would be to invade Venezuela ? it would take less than a day to take control of the whole country.

i would much rather fight on the border of mexico and kill mexican cartel fags

yes because killing commies needs to be done

>Get maimed in a war for Israel
>Ask for seconds

My disgust is unfathomable.

In the VCA yeah sure, als long we can kill americans its ok.

Being a NEET drop out is better than dying for Israel, unless you have a death wish, that is. If you feel like dying you’re better off martyring yourself and taking a few kikes with you.

all the Russians have to do is supply them and EC the shit out of US coms and surveillance and the Venezuela has a pretty good chance to fuck the US.

Its also a pretty good test and evaluation of US tech and possibilitys.


we're not gonna invade venezuela
probably just syria 2.0 providing weapons/intel to the opposition and air support

why is the United States all of a sudden so interested in the Venezuela I thought The Orange Man didn't want to be the police of the world why do the fuck doesn't he build his wall.
why are you so eager to go to war and fight for the Jews

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>bring war home
oh they will, prepare yourself for the biggest influx of needy beaners ever seen. War is just code for mass migration of knuckle dragging 3rd worlders

I'll stay behind and uh...protect the women

Becasue trump is a zionist shill

Who said anything about dying, faggot? I wanna get paid to erase commie beans and be celebrated as a hero for it.

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This. Starve the kikes of their blood libel.

>1 post by this memeflag

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Your people will die fighting, blood will be spilt, for some zionist who wants their oil & yet you think you will be a "hero" look at the "heroes" homeless on your streets.

just say when

Do you like this flag better?

The russians could bring missles into venezuela and you pissants would still bitch about wars for israel.
You can't even hold on to your inner cities so why don't leave south america to international communism.

Don’t enlist. It fucking blows. Trust me you end up hating your life and counting down the days til you get out.

>his leg skipped a day


Didn't some faggots posted here that if Trump gets elected they'll enlist?

Well, did they?

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I’d rather have a Social Democrat running Venezuela than a Socialist, but it’s still too far to the left to justify dying for. Maybe if they had a Falangist or Integralist party.

Yes I'd like to see some dead mutts.

There's not 20 years in American history that we have not been at war, it's just tradition at this point. You wouldn't understand.

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Yes of course. Killing mutts is sacred duty of every good man.

Latina pussy ripe for the taking

I'm American i'm just living in Costa Rica, I'm also a natsoc i'm very fine with war I just want it to benefit our people and not Israel

I'm from Germany and can't enlist in the US Army but I'll help you out in the cyberwar against the commies.

I tried to enlist, but they rejected me because of my psychological profile.

Shit already enlisted... I hope I don’t get my ass shot off out there!

sure right when Trump & Ivanka, Bush, Hillary & Bill take the charge

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>fighting a war for social democracy.

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I don't see why I should.

I honestly want to enlist in the next war bc I want adventure. I also hate socialists. I would love to get the chance to kill another man. This

He there for his buddies

how exactly does this benefit israel

Only if I get to take home a Venezuelan qt3.14.

But alas I am too old.

I only fight on the home front.

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It's a war for the (((petrodollar))), we didn't care about this shithole until they started converting to chinese yuan and russian rubles instead of the (((USD))), and once we replace their government they will be more friendly to israel just like Trump and Bolsonaro

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Been there done that. Knew a couple guys like the one in pic. There’s no fucking reason to get involved. If the Venezuelans can’t get their shit together and fight for themselves then why the fuck should we help. If they start the fight then I’d say we help them.

>plot twist

We’ve already got boots on the ground. AMA


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Is the US going to arm the "freedom fighters" or is there going to be a full-scale invasion for freedom?

The failures of the Venezuelan economy are not inherent to Socialism.

Venezuela is fucked because of 4 issues:
>Economic warfare waged by political opposition, such as larger businesses withholding goods from market and price gouging basic consumer goods along with foreign sanctions led by the US
>Fake News campaigns where foreign journalists lie and shittalk to spread dissent, such as in the case of the "$750 condom" story (a lie) since condoms only cost $8 and there have been situations where the gov't gave out 18 million condoms to anyone free of charge
>Collapse in oil prices due to worldwide price fall
>Gov't corruption

Do not misread me here. I do not like Maduro as I think he is an autocratic faggot who did nothing to alleviate the very rooted corruption that is rife in the country. But I must oppose further intervention within its affairs since it really isn't up to us to decide the destiny of a foreign country, especially when those who are fervently backing the opposition have described "regime change" as "a good business opportunity." Again, it also does not fucking help when you have treasonous snake opposition leaders touring banks world wide to threaten them to NOT lend to the country just so they could get in power as well.

If you are remotely fucking redpilled, you should oppose further intervention in Venezuela regardless of what you think of socialism, chavez, AOC, or whatever. You want to start a fucking refugee crisis? Then intervening directly is how you do so.

>Condom Story
>Biz opp quote from Bolton
>Faggot touring banks

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>We’ve already got boots on the ground. AMA
1. How did you find out?
2. Just JSOC?
3. Is the Foreign Legion in French Guiana there?
4. What's the red line?

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No, we're definitely going in if Maduro doesn't quit pretending and fails to step down.
They're starving their people, and they seem to be paying to send large groups of people toward our nation. It's not working.

well, if past engagements are anything to go by... only a few thousand americans will die over decades and millions of brown people will die instead...

no, i was prepping for north korea/ chyna.

Fuck no. I don't know a single person IRL that gives one fuck about Venezuela. None of them even realize a happening is going on there.

Because I care what you think?

Muh incels
Go back

They lied about Vietnam
They lied about Iraq
They lied about Afganistan
They lied about Iraq (again)
They lied about Libya
They lied about Syria
Why should we believe anything they say about Venezuela?

fuck off kike

why, in 2019, would you ever even for a single second think American lawmakers care about brown people starving to death or being refugees?

Better get your GED first then cause even the Army is gonna think you're too much of a mouthbreather.

because it sells well to dupes on both sides, and there's oil.
but it's still true, they're starving to death, eating out of the trash.
that's a recipe for pestilence.

it totally worked for Vietnam veterans user.

>everyone gets an M9

For good reason


it did, I know plenty who have done a lifetime of happy life.
you're repeating the socialist bullshit narrative. most of the people who went to nam had no problems.