Superbowl commercial watch!

Superbowl commercial watch!
Lets see how much racemixing, queerpushing, virtuesignalling things are pushed down our throats today, fellow americans. Post proofs if you can, keep track of how many stupid white males appear in this feast of advertising!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is there a bingo card?

don't give those faggot enablers views you retards. do something else and watch them online tomorrow.

Shit, someone get on this I'm phonefagging, squares could include
>interracial relationship (basically a freebee)
>twist ending where character is gay
>someone kneeling for the flag
>commercials featuring an all (((poc))) cast
>any explicitly illegal immigrant

>don't give views autism
>watch online with cookie trackers instead advice
Thank you reddit, you're the best:3

Play the game!

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Hurry and post your guesses before it begins.

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looks like it's working

you're bluepilled if you're even passively watching the super bowl
you don't belong here

>something about how women are powerful and brave and can do anything
>nigger "engineer" or "scientist"
>at least 5 different shitskins in one ad staring directly at the camera with something about how "we are all human/American/etc."

Guess who doesn't give a fuck about the Superbowl!

Get off my lawn kid

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>user fag doesnt have any family to watch game with
Its ok user, we're your family now

if race mixing gives us legends like mahomes, i'm all for it. save white purity for europe or some shit lmao.

You fool, europe is already gone

nah, every european country is an ethnostate still, except for maybe england, sweden and france. sweden and france are electing nationalists soon. UK is probably fucked but who gives a shit about the limeys.

Ready for the Pats to win again Jow Forums?

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> said the Jew getting ready to flee to his ethnostate Israel

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Going to use this as live chat
You guys watching right now?

Hopefully they beat the LA Niggers.

>Ozzy Osbourne vs some generic negro music

I'm with the patriots.

bruh i'm white as they come, but a KC fan. should be us in the owl.

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"diversity is our strength" unlocked

Interracial couple, too

Just tuning in

Coke commercial had WmBf.

some ugly ass singers.

Trying to put a bingo card together right now, need suggestions

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Hello (((Fellow White Man)))

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The singers are pretty good, idc

This sounds like shit. Niggers everywhere.

I'd colonize these two if you know what I mean

Add a section for pro immigrant bullshit. The commercials have been rife with that garbage for the past few years. Otherwise, seems spot on.


Impressive singing, just wish they had an image of an oven roasted jew with it, lol.


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they have decent faces for black women

I kind of lump that in with anti-white, because what else is immigration. We all know that "immigration" to (((them))) is ONLY non-white.

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equal pay
womyn power
walls/border security
cop brutality

I wouldn't colonize this one

Woman being breadwinner in relationship,
Any trannies, white cuck with black kid

Gotcha. Looks good.

fucking runied the hymn and america the beautiful

socialism and other marxist ideas

>supporting the NFL in current year
neck yourself faggot

Gladys Knight is pretty good. Old black music is pretty good.

I would

Nice touch with the jets.


>female protagonist (((movie)))

>Being a braindead Jew.
Kick the chair on your way out, faggot.

bruh i grew up in KC around a lot of bruthas, it rubs off on you lol

At least she didn't slam poetry rap battle dat shit.

God this whole event is cringy as fuck. Coming onto the field with Ozzy Osbourne and flames on the side, trashy music and such a fucking trash of attendees in the stadium.

Unironically this is the most American thing I've seen in 2019

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...why the fuck is the militray at a sportsevent?

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fuck I missed ozzy? I tuned in at the twin nigresses

>nigger licking grease off his fingers

When are the commercials? Should I wait for them or go sleep?

>t. cucked retard without a military

You all need therapy. Can't you just enjoy things without having to look at everything through a racial lens?

MLK commercial

I love jicama.

Oh there they go!

The Walmart car commerical was pretty good. Liked to see the Mystery Machine, Tumblr, and other cars there.

i been to amsterdam, your guys culture is not all that much better. whores, drugs, and soccer stars instead of football.

they have cheesy bacon fries in america?

Ah, it’s happening already

Holy based
Drumpf just got destroyed by that ad

hey MLK what a shock. obviously he's relevant still


NFL is the nigger promised land

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No. Fuck of shlomo




Dirty niggers
On your TV
It's the jews

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theyre boomer faggots theyre watching tv



someone stop this

>no stream link
where is it?
I searched youtube, but they said I had committed a "copyright infringing search query & would be added to a piracy list"

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in America you can get cheese and bacon on anything.

Have to admit that the flyby is pretty impressive. Feel kinda sad that my country can't even muster five jets to hype the crowd before a sporting event.

Leave it to a nigger to sing the most underwhelming, off tempo National Anthem ever

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Rep. John Lewis can fuck right off

You just missed a short track of crazy Train when the patriots ran onto the field. Didn't think he was there

>Whores and drugs
>I've been to Amsterdam
Amsterdam isn't representative at all and the whores are mainly a tourist attraction as are the coffeeshops. You won't find a Dutch person at either place.

It's that I'm used to the champions League finals etc which in my opinion are miles better as they're not as much based on pure commercials and media entertainment value

You get it on YouTube TV or use your parents cable login.

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Only white and Hispanic guys with hand over heart. Shows actual sides for upcoming civil war.

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only one i could find
Dude, come on.
Click the live link.

>For national anthem that is.

Based and appreciated

Every. Fucking. Time!!


We're all patriots tonight.

Or watch it on BBC or through IPTV so you don't have shitty commercials

> A coon is going to save the world.

Right here brother

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