Where the FUCK do white people really come from??

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Africa. Just like everyone else. Then they moved to Europe and the only ones who made were the ones who understood long term planning.

Space. One time there was a migration which finally found earth and began to develop.

Where Russia is now.


That's why the jews propagandise ppl to believe otherwise. they don't want a 'pan aryan' (euro+indian) alliance against them.

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the change of location doesn't turn a nigger magically in to a white blond blue eyed swede

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We were made by God. When nonwhites talk about coming from monkeys, they are talking about themselves, and they are right.

will ever find out the truth though? And how? God should have given us a guideline on how to find out about our origins if we get lost like we are right now

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>species develop differently according to laws of darwin
>some become more advanced, begin to tribe up and eventually leave
>other species did not develop with the same pace
>diet and different climate made people develop lighter traits because sun was scarcer
>competing tribes made each generation stronger and better, the weak died in battle
>natural selection bred out the weaker men
>eventually develop kin cultures, the strong did not mix with the weak, because of obvious reasons, and that they did not understand each other

I believe that light traits and fair complexion developed because of high fish diet and proximity to the sea.

Already disproven. Africa is an evolutionary dead end, some ancient group moved there and developed into the modern worthless negroe.

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Pajeet, nobody considers you a human. Go back to India.

There is a lot of evidence suggesting that an ancient civilization created by Whites that spanned the entire globe existed. It was destroyed by a global disaster, probably an asteroid hitting the North Pole around 13,000 years ago, creating a new Ice Age and deleting all previous civilizations.


its probably even worse than that... WHat if modern africans are just a result of Europeans racemixing with an archaid Hominid like Homo erectus? Europeans basically created blacks
There is evidence to that: Blacks have archaid DNA which the europeans don't, which gives weight to my theory

Vitamin D is the key. You get it from sunlight and fish is rich of it.


Modern science accepts convergent evolution of various sub-species of Hominid apes.

I. E. they sugarcoat their words to not hurt black feefees.

thats why I believe that whites first appearing in the nothern europe is false. I think whites first appeared in the southern hemispheres

Blacks have gorilla DNA in them

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where did we white folk come from? my dear boy, we've always been here. seek Uí Breasail, there you find all the answers to every question not yet asked.

North America.
After the YD the Clovis ( Solutreans) had to live and eat entirely from the sea and the sky was black with ash.
The First naturally blue eyed and blond baby was born between florida and the Bahamas 9,300 years ago.
North America is the legendary Atlantis. It was not Russia or the Black sea flood. In fact the Paracas skulls in Peru have that same UE DNA from Russia.
This is the most ironic and yet damaging thing in all history. Only one race is truly native and indigenous to North America and its not Mongloids from Siberia.

Blonde hair in Europeans is at least on the male line a neotenic trait stemming from the Adriatic pocket population of native Europeans during the last ice age.

Ginger hair originated from the males of the southern-French glacial pocket population.

The female line that carried the blonde and the ginger hair trait came from central Asia.

So Northerners are basically HAPA Balkanites.

The irish really are interesting. Scotia, the daughter of a egyptian pharao, the founder of Scotland settled and died in Ireland and she is the reason why irish have red hair. Maybe she knew about Atlantis and described it as UI Breasail?

Except Europe was under a Glacier then and its impossible.
All this shit is so easily debunked by hard science and geology.

Attached: IceAge europe.jpg (736x625, 162K)

what is impossible?

The ice age ended quickly and resulted in floods destroying coastal cities where the most advanced were likely to settle. Technologies come and go. You begin with a simple product, as your skills improve it becomes more complex, requiring more resources to produce. If a major catastrophe happens to a society and cause menace, either by war or a natural disaster, you may kill of those who knew how to make things advanced, putting progress several steps back. Imagine suddenly being put into the medieval times as us for instance, how are you going to make smartphones. Writing were also not very developed in the past, you passed on knowledge through oral tradition or by example. By this you can argue that civilizations come and go. How long did it take for us to go from dark ages to the industrial revolution, a few centuries at most. The same can have happened during the time they built say the pyramids, suddenly they had a golden age, before being invaded or died from a drought.

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Psst the people of the only historically known functional kingdom South of the Sahara have R1b Haologroups meaning they were Euromutts.
Coincidentally Nigeria is the only successful negroid country thanks to them and they were the ones who sold the black slaves to the west.

reminder. The very first blue eyed DNa arrived on the coast of Spain 7K years ago.
It was not russia or france.
yet windover bog is older and had 168 x haplo blond skeletons.
The oldest white people are found on North America.

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That Northern Europe is home. Its not. peeople eventually migrated up there but only after the last glacial maximum melted it open. 4K years ago


Doggerland was Atlantis
Nothing in the Atlantic

humanity is older than last ice age though

It was not Doggerland, Mu or Lemuria.
North America was Atlantis, Lake Agassiz was the flood.
The Old Copper culture shipped millions of pounds of raw copper from Michigan to the Med.
They had over 10K people working in the Michigan mines, the artifacts are there.

Jew spotted

I recommend this book.


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yep. but thats why the Solutreans had to Leave Europe 25,000 years ago. The Glaciers drove them out, and it only melted open 4500 years ago.
All those pretty cave paintings in Lusceux and Chavet caves were covered back up by ice for 20,000 years.

atlantis unironically

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Are you saying it's okay to get the tech support goddess of my dreams??? And my genetics won't be horrifically mutted.

lads and gents, i present to you the exact location of atlantis

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wrong, atlantis was an island that now is landlocked in north western africa

Unironically genetically modified by ayys.

hey inforgraphic bro
where is part 4 ?


>shilling for bright insight


prepare your neurons to get nogged


i had known about the eye of the sahara before bright insight though

>calling anyone a shill

Next weekend we will build it. I called the most educated PHD Anthropologist yesterday.

Shill Thread wut

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I'm white.
And I'm going to make you wish Hitler won WW2 you fuckin inbred piece of trash.

I don't suggest you mix with Indians, you are degenerate and Indians should stick to varna and Euros don't have varna. that said, euro+indian is one of the less damaging race mixing. so white i dont promote varna or race mixing, i would be amenable to this sort of coupling if the people could demonstrate they couldn't find a mate that was more similar but really, there is already a science for how to maintain blood purity, it is about 5th cousins. Indians are farther than 5 cousins away from Europeans.

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The oceans were lower then by 240 feet. Once again geology disproves that.

There is literally nothing in the Atlantic ocean. No clue or evidence of a continent there, except for something over a million years ago, rather 10,000 years ago or 100,000.

t. Shill

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Hadnt considered that but I believe whites where in America before mongoloids

what was discussed?
and who is we? Do you work in anthropology?
you should take a tripcode so i can recognize you in these threads

there is a logical explanation to the 240 feet problematic. it was explained in the comments under the bright insight video. Something about how the earth rises after 12400 years (time when YD happened)

>what are rising sea levels
>what are the azores
>what are the canary Islands
>what is corrupt PC (((science)))

they found whale skelletons at the richat structure
non-fossilized ones

what the fuck did i say that makes me a shill? that the eye of africa is atlantis? fucking kill yourself im so sick of you kikes trying to sow confusion by calling everyone a fucking shill. gas.

How many times in the last month alone did you read "stolen Land" "this is Indigenous land" " Muh Noble savage meme". Dozens.
Either we give North America to the Mongloids and support their Turtle Island legend, or proclaim North America as Atlantis.
If you want to beat Communism and leftist antifa bs, then just fucking go with it. North America was Atlantis. It wasnt Injuns or Africans shipping all those oxhide ingots to the Med.
But we know it happened. We know the YD and greenland Impact was real, we know the Lake Agassiz outburst flood happened. we know the Solutreans were first on North America.
We call that shit empirical evidence and hard science.

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The majority of stone tools found from 24000 years ago are exactly in 240 feet of water. The Cinmar point was dredged up by a scallop dredger 40 miles offshore from Virginny.
Virginia is the Key, thats why they push that state so hard.

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Please shut the fuck up

god knows what else can be found there ...

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Go eat some spotted dick then KYS.

I think we may have evolved in mangrove swamps, climbing about from branch to branch and occasionally going for a dip (explains the hairless bodies and paddle feet).
We would have licked moisture from branches and hollows, and dipped with our hands for fish whenever the tide brought fresh food.
It also explains the vitamin D thing, and our voicebox. Varied calls would have been useful to an extended troop sometimes out of eyeshot.
It explains why babies can swim as newborns, and the lack of fossil evidence of a missing link (we've been looking in the wrong places...all the bones are burried in the mud in coastal mangrove swamps).
The stupid proto swamp monkeys moved out onto the plains and became food for lions (africans), and the smart ones built rafts and spread along the coastlines (europeans).
Humans are mostly thick on the ground near rivers and seas. We have a natural affinity to water. We're swamp apes.


Look into map of dolmens
>North Africa

Someone is keeping the truth from us


This is exactly really interesting post user

I'm wondering how quickly we would have developed boats after living around water for so long

White people rose up outta hell.

You rage you lose
Its not like they blend in anyway

The braindead Injun at DC harassing the kids said Injuns were here for millions of years.
That is the Turtle Island cult mentality. Obviously thats false but leftist fucks like these ^^ keep this shitty meme going without a shred of evidence.
Yet the Legend of Atlantis has been shared for 6000 years, and shit tons of evidence point to NORTH AMERICA as being ATLANTIS.


25000 years ago. The Solutreans even drew their boat designs in Spain.
Costillo cave had whale bones and seal remains so we know they hunted from these boats.

Attached: costillo.jpg (576x375, 46K)

>swamp apes

I like this theory

You could reverse that image and call "Aryans" unclean, barbarous people, if you think Indians are aryan. Same with systemic slavery, see the caste system, there's cannibalistic cults and worse shit in India and there always was, back in pre-christian Europe the same was true for Whites. Are you kidding me? Inbred, hateful savages? Take a look at fucking India and the "Vikings" of Europe.

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Do you have a link to this? Love anthropology. Very disappointed when modern agendas destroy science and the research.


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We come from marginalised albinos expelled from Africa because of their appereance

we are the nigga's niggas

This is your brain on jewish science

>rent free

Stay mad poorfag

Fuck off kike

There is no other explanation

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Plus we mixed with Neanderthals
Unlike niggas, they are pure Sapiens

Arya has a meaning. it's sanskritic, which is onomatopoeic and therefore its definition cannot be changed. europeans claiming to be 'aryan' is sacrilege, extremely offensive and risky behaviour. the jews look / smell / act like shit bc they are cursed for falsely purporting as genuine theocrats (when they are merchants, at best). you really wanna go down the same road as the jews? just keep saying white = aryan and you'll be looking like them sooner than you think.

aryan invasion theory has less evidence for it than the holocaust and all science done does not allow people to question that AIT is true. that's not science dude, that's begging the question.

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Cuck bitch go die

You kikes are the neanderthals. Stop trying to mislead you fucking shill

>We were made by God
Americans were, yes. But what about those bull-prepping faggots in Europe?

>pure sapiens

No such thing

I don't think that word means what you think it does

Invasion of India is coming from Persia
They share the same mythology

Aryan invasion/migration into India has been proven true btw

Whites and non africans are neanderthal
Jews are just demon possessed

>a redpill image with a globe in it

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Kys jew

I believe it

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