What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: pitcairn-island-location-on-map.jpg (409x274, 19K)

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Attached: map_of_pitcairn-island.jpg (466x350, 28K)

don't worry about it

Has anybody from pitcairn ever posted on Jow Forums before?

Literally child sex cult. Look on wikipedia.

AMD develops GPUs

go on with your everyday life and dont ask silly questions


Rape and incest

lots of Incest, after all, everyone is related to everyone else.

Twice that I know of, assuming the flag wasn't a spoof. The thread was nothing but
after that.

>Little George Coc'Nuts
WTF? Some gay shit happens here, that's for sure.

Is that why the different parts of the island have retarded names like "oh dear" and "bitey-bitey"?

>Adamstown has a population of 49, which is the entire population of the Pitcairn Islands

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population of 50 sounds pretty lit

are they sovereign?

Wouldn't take much to over populate them

I thought about moving there so i can raid the fag infested land of australia from there.

we quite lit actually have an user there... it's like 66 people there or something, but we got boots on the ground

ugh I guess sleep

tomorrow is going to be a very very hard day...

pedo island

I wonder how it smells haha

This isn’t another retarded Jow Forumsony thread is it?

I've seen one or two
never any proof they weren't proxy fags though

It's sort of shaping up like that.

We should all move there OP and replace the mutts currently residing and all of us have to have 10 kids each.

Is that where you plan to repopulate after your country is taken over by sandniggers?

Alright did some research.

They started their population with:
>9 European men
>6Tahitian men
>11 Tahitian women
>1 Tahitian female infant
in 1790.

Most of the men killed each other. Only 1 European man survived to leave the island, their inbred spawns still inhabited the island.

Since then there have been small waves of European migration.

Their population grew to 193 in 1856 where the entire population left and settled Norfolk Island (first settlement). However 44 migration back to the Pitcairn Islands within 5 years. (basically just mullato spawns who don't fare well in small white societies that'll throw you off a cliff before authorities got a hint you were missing).

Their population then peaked at 233 in 1937, however they're still heavily inbred mullato mongrels, so were starving because make food hard. Same year 99% of the population fled to New Zealand and Australia.

Since then it's just been an island of rape, incest and child sexual abuse. In 2004 one third of the men on the island were convicted and imprisoned for multiple counts of sexual assault to children, including the mayor of the island. The next few mayors until now were all convicted for terabytes of aggressive child porn.

In 2004 they had 20 guns among them but surrendered them all that year due to the child rape stuff. I'd say it was a (((coincidence))) but they genuinely are an island of mullato mutants who rape each other and their child as a national passtime.

Oh Dear?

>not having 10-15 children despite where you're living
What are ya? A poofta or something? Impregnate your gf already

Adventures happen there . go young man go

If they're all pedos and into incest why not just legalize it instead of imprison themselves?

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They still look whiter than most Americans also if any of new have a sense of adventure you should go


Shipwrecks and buttsecks

seems like a perfect plave to house all the refugees

Where is the timeline where you can hope across from yesterday and tomorrow?

>If they're all pedos and into incest why not just legalize it instead of imprison themselves?

Because they're not sovereign.

The international date line is a little east of new zealand and west of pitcairn.

would be jokes on-land you could switch between days

I didn't realise that there were people on norfolk island who are descended from the bounty mutineers.

I just lost a lot of respect for that place tbq. It's an island of criminals.

>I just lost a lot of respect for that place tbq. It's an island of criminals
Australia please stop

Most white australians are descended from settlers. Australia was only a prison colony for a few decades.

Child rape and small-town corruption, mostly.

T. has never been to the states.

They are all from the Pitcairn Islands. Prior to 1856 it was a penal colony of the British Empire, apart of the Colony of Tasmania. In 1856 it became independent territory when the British settled it with everyone from Pitcairn Islands, which were the first permanent residents of Norfolk Island

PS this is going to be the outcome for Elon's Mars settlement too. There's nothing to do on Mars so eventually they'll start downloading entire hard drives of child porn over the laser link to earth.

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Is this your standard of white, dad? My have you fallen

legalized child rape. there was a massive child sex cult a while ago and their defence was "it's not illegal here"

look into it

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They were giving away land there just a couple of years ago.

Incest but with unattractive relatives :( so not much fun really

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Additionally, the reason why the mutineers chose that island is that they discovered that it was marked wrongly on the admiralty charts, so was very difficult to find. Also it's very uninviting to land on.

Attached: pitcairn.jpg (1200x450, 94K)

literal inbreeding

has anybody outside of Canada even watched this show or do you guys just really like this particular reaction face and the one with lahey drinking a mickey?

British overseas territory. The argies probably claim it already.

small town corruption when there's only 50 people and they're all related. Its a family drama involving incest and pedophilia. Funny thing is the average Italian family is larger and has more drama involved (minus incest and pedos)

Incest & Child Rape Sex Cult

[...] there are approximately 50 permanent inhabitants [...] one third of the men on the island [raped] children. [...]
The Pitcairn Islanders are a biracial ethnic group descended mostly from nine [British Royal Navy vessel] Bounty mutineers and the handful of Tahitians who accompanied them

Its on google street view.

I don't know why you faggots don't get sail boat and visit pitcairn.
Pussys .
Don't gimme that crap it's to far .take week off work n have the adventure of a lifetime .
You are living right next door to fucking eden

a LOT of rape

It looks comfy.

Attached: Pitcairn Islands.jpg (1024x681, 157K)

Yes. Flag checked out and he said he was the mayor

So what you are saying is that most Jow Forumsacks would fit right in.

>What happens here?

Disney will genocide a species of rare birds there for the next failed star wars film.

ancap/libertarian paradise

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Doesn't it .I'd pull my right balllock off to live there and aus n nz faggots are to spoiled and stuck up to even visit it .life sux I get Ireland and they get eden

what if the child consents tho

Attached: if the child consents.jpg (460x455, 20K)

These are the Inhabitants

Attached: Pitcairn people.jpg (2379x1571, 1.07M)

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These kids.

Attached: pitcairn kids 2.jpg (792x594, 138K)

Attached: pitcairn kids 3.jpg (397x397, 54K)

Rape. Incestuous rape. And lots of it.

What's a ball-lock?

>based picatarin
not one single nigger

Well the child is fucking useless anyways.

Other than heavy breathing or grinding and pathetic grunting what else are you gonna fuckin do? Bloody Gut-fuck? Are you gonna get a stellar blowjob from someone who doesn't fuckin know? You're better off fucking a well-thawed side of beef.

theres a reddit thread where someone from the pitcairns answered a bunch of questions. they had limited internet and would have to return the next month to answer more questions because of small bandwith limit. im sure its easy to find on google

so all those kids have been molested huh?


>no internet
Aaaaaand my interest is lost.

That’s the way she goes

>all molested

white+polinesian mutts tho

Satellite Internet?
(+Power Generator /Solar Panels)

Attached: pitcairn kids 4.jpg (800x635, 143K)

Is this a merchant? I see merchants everywhere

What’s up with the white boy in the skirt?

That shirt on the kid in the middle. I laughed and then I got sad again.

>if you met my family you’d understand
Fuck who bought that shirt for that poor molested little boy

I didn't notice. A tranny/trap kid? Lmao.

>if you met my family you’d understand

Jinx! You owe me a rap...er, a soda.

>T. Pedro hernandez irish American (1/1200)

Not a very good trap.

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Jeez. The pedo face on the dude in the pink shirt

Whatever. It's nice to see a place with english names.

This. I’m actually getting pretty tired, and the niggerbowl sucks this year. I think we should all go to bed.


Imagine your hometown is so small, there is literally a place officially known on maps as, "Where Dan Fall"

Lol the molestation gives new light to George’s little coconuts

>brown eyes
what did the pitcairns mean by this?

what the duck is with all these bot posts

"I'm sleepy time to g sleepy sleepy in my sleepy bed."

Anyone else notice the bots posting this shot at night?

Would you hit?

Attached: Pitcairn Island girl.jpg (843x800, 159K)