White people are inherently evil and should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity

White people are inherently evil and should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Change my mind.

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Try it bitch

Well heres our solution for global warming. Let's start with liberal since they care so much, I'm sure they'll volunteer to do their part

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How come overpopulation problem only exists with white people?

i'll bite your throat out and spit it back in your face whilst you bleed out

the eternal briton will have its revenge before the end, and then.... THEN you will know true evil.

>proves my point

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white people now living in the era of BLACKED

>death by communicable diseases in the 17th century is "killing"

Natives were fucked before anyone ever showed up, Europeans just got there first.

Americas colonization:
>90% killed by disease.
>you can find tens of millions of mestizos, literally half natives.
>you can still find millions of full blooded natives in Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Guatemala, Paraguay...
>Tens of millions still speak native languages like Maya, Mapudungun, Aimara, Quechua, GuaranĂ­.

Middle East Muslim conquest:
>Almost all native languages are lost to Regional Arab or Arabized
>Almost all of the population are mixed with Arabs, only some couple of millions could probably claim to be "Assyrians" or "Egyptians".
>most of this conversion was made by force and by state and religious persecution.

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>you can cool climate by killing off large masses of people
>we need to help fix climate change
>>mfw this would be the best of two birds one stone.
time kill niggers and ching chongs off at last

stop sending money to africa then


If you believe that then you'll believe anything.

"White people" solved global warming before it was even a thing, what are you complaining about mutt.
Now all we have to do is find a few hardened europeans and release them on another continent. In the process they might even create a country that'll become a superpower like the country you're living in :^)

Nigger subhumans are inherently evil and should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Change my mind.

By this logic most of Africa needs to be killed off to reverse global warming.

So you saying that climate change is real, and white people stopped it by killing untold millions of non-whites. What exactly are you asking for here OP? Do you hear yourself?

Sounds like we just need to kill hundreds of millions more to cure global warming?

No one will miss Africa or South America.

Let's go, nuclear powers.

nice bait faggot

>there's still a billion indios

The Solutreans were the real First Nations. After the YD hordes of Mongloid Injuns migrated from Siberia and stole our land. The Pauite even admit to killing the older red haired SiTehCah tribe and still wear the red scapls.
Injuns were never native or indigenous here and this land NEVER belonged to them.
Simply being a mongloid in way gives ownership of North America to them.
The stolen land meme needs to die already.

Seconded. Do this please. Asia is obviously not an option lmao, with Russia being against the west and being in asia, with pakistan, with india, and with China. This seems like a good idea. Why not nuke the northern parts of Africa, to prevent an influx of people going to europe?

White people are a direct result of the tilt of the earth. Not many people think about this.

The very state of "Being White" is the result of thousands of years in harsh climates. That gives whites a "Planning DNA" that most Brown Filth will never have. Various Nogs who originate from the equator never had to store food; grow food; plan ahead or build any kind of shelter other than a mud hut.

So think of it like this. The Lions and Gazelles in the African Plateau. Lions are simply more advanced. That is evolution. So are Whites. You can't tell the Lions that "Gazelles are now equal". It's simply out of sync with evolution.

So when Brown Filth comes to the West and chants like the savages that "We are taking over" it's simply not true. They ONLY reason Brown Filth survives in the West is because Whites built those civilizations. Once whites are gone, these civilizations will collapse.

The Jews think that they will forge a new Mud Race by promoting race mixing with just enough White DNA to "do stuff" but also enough Brown Filth to make people controllable. That is the plan anyway, but remember, with all their IQ, Jews never built a successful society. They have always been parasitic.

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>>tfw you simultaneously invoke global warming and hatred of white people in the same article

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>White people are inherently evil and should be held accountable for their crimes against humanity.
Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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You only think we're evil because your side lost. Change my mind.

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Then get out of their countries. Dumbass.

WAIT! You are saying that global warming is fixed by killing people?!?! WTF are we doing, then!?!? WHY AREN’T WE REVING UP THOSE OVENS?!?

I want some reparations from arabs for enslaving whites for over a thousand years.
and Arab slavery makes White slavery look like Legoland.