If you are pro-life, why don't you outlaw masturbation? You are literally killing 250 million potential babies.
If you are pro-life, why don't you outlaw masturbation? You are literally killing 250 million potential babies
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no one says an egg or sperm desperate are human life retard. is a woman’s period an abortion? kill yourself.
By that logic, a woman's period should be outlawed, because she is killing a potential baby every month.
Are you retarded? Neither eggs nor sperm on their own will ever make a baby. They need to be combined in order to create a "potential" baby. And that's exactly what pro-lifers want to be outlawed: killing potential babies after sperm and egg has combined.
You thought this was clever?
>why don't you outlaw masturbation? You are literally killing 250 million potential babies.
You absolutely retarded idiot. Please stop repeating foreign opinions without reflecting on them, it makes you look just as stupid as the idiot who originally planted this retarded thought into the minds of the countless idiots like yourself.
>Let's outlaw one of the only sexual outlets men have in this increasingly hypergamous, gynocratic society!
>Surely mass violence won't result! Surely!
Let me know how that works out, roastie.
Good point. Since it's impossible to avoid killing potential babies (periods, masturbations, etc.), why not just allow abortions then?
>no one says an egg or sperm desperate are human life retard. is a woman’s period an abortion? kill yourself.
fpbp, /thread, BASED, redpilled and saged
>no one says an egg or sperm desperate are human life retard. is a woman’s period an abortion? kill yourself.
Hahaha, what a fucking retard
Life begins at conception.
Abortions do kill babies, though. How do you explain all those people who survive being born prematurely. Since they exist, thus abortion is murder. Shit thread OP fuck off to reddit
While I agree that Mastrubation is degenerate, a baby comes from the sacred union of a man and a woman.
Your opinion is bad and you should feel bad.
I'm just glad OP is too dumb to use a Canadian VPN for once.
potential for life isn't murder, life begins at conception when the sperm and egg meet. Me having a wet dream or a girl having a period isn't murder.
I just realized that women kill hundreds of millions of potential humans every time their creampied.
This shows how disgusting the female body actually is and why ancient societies considered women subhuman but that is necessary to birth males through conquest of sperm.
Males that have more girls than boys means they have lost to the female gene, this is turn separates the beta and alpha males which is also why sons are so valued by every monarchy and warrior society.
Only a woman would use this argument. You know the rules OP.
What are you talking about, Jow Forums is anti masturbation you absolute retard.
Haploid = not alive
Diploid = alive
hello newfriend
say did you hear? nick sandmann is going to sue the asses of the media
the good news is sperm count is dropping drastically
because sperm cannot by itself develop into a human being you nut wit.
not to mension those baby’s who survived abortion that we have walking around the earth right now
because mothers' bodies don't seek to eject the baby out of them before they're developed far enough?
Fpbp. Go fuck yourself OP.
Amen, science and god agree.
Mass violence is the only thing that end this bullshit. That's the key.
Because a human only begins to form when the zygote is created, not when the egg and sperm are seperate. Also, masturbation is very detrimental to society and I WOULD like to get rid of it entirely.
Kill yourself and learn basic biology while you're awaiting sentencing.
They haven’t fertilized an egg yet so that doesn’t count faggot.
Bible says better in the belly of a hooker than spilled upon the ground. So there's that.
Youre confused and also stupid. A fetus is an acual baby, not a potential one. The phrase "i felt the baby kick" is gramatically correct because a fetus is an actual baby. At the moment of conception an abortion is killing/murdering an actual baby.
Can you be convicted of commiting a "potential crime".... no, only actual crimes. If I shoot a wild deer in the woods and someonec could potentially, but does not, own the deer have I committed a crime? Of course not, your idea is rediculous.
>sperm by itself is babies
So you're saying I can reproduce all by myself? At last I truly see.
Sperm cells have a limited lifespan regardless of whether or not they are ejaculated. They only live for like a week or two and then are replaced.
50 vitamins and trace minerals make up semen, as well as sperm. This is being withheld
Mass violence is what sadky might be needed to fix shit, which is why you will never see porn and video games banned. They sedate the male population.
>Pro-choice side claims to be pro-science
>Still spouts this "argument" all the time
It really pisses me off.
>playing stupid on puporse
>2 post by this ID
failed shill thread
Wtf is this? 2001?!
Same reason we don't outlaw menustration. An unfertilized egg or sperm can't grow into a baby.
Because it's avoidable.