Abortions are ba-

>Abortions are ba-

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Wasn't alive to begin with.


Why is Hispanic at 517 higher than "other" at 614?

Ban abortion for whites

>1223 nigger baby’s killed per 1000 born
what the fuck how is that even possible

It's for confirmation bias. Latinos are 2nd most victimized to blacks.

Out of every 2223 sheboons that get pregnant 1223 get abortions ans 1000 go through with the birth.

Nods approvingly.

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The 1000 live birth is every race combined. The implication is that more black children are being aborted than being born which is why NYC has a decreasing black population. All Jow Forums shilling aside, Black's are going to be about 5% of the population in the coming decades down from 13% if current abortion rates hold.

The word is bad.

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The math was done by a leftist woman.

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they have souls unlike faggots

black will be 5% because spics indians arabs and gooks are inflating the population

>healthcare for all works best if you abort the defects, including after birth
Why wont democrats just say what they mean?

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now lets take a look at what the bible actually says about abortion

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Yea murdering your baby is bad.
Oh look black people do something a lot it must be a good thing to do be doing!
You can't have double standards like a Jew just because you don't like a race.
Abortion is atrocious and good people should say so.
Nigger degeneracy is not my concern.

Are people really this retarded?
Go suck kike's circumcised dick and get your kids to be a minority because muh BAD THINGS.

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Eliminate welfare and you wouldn't need to defend infanticide to control a population that's currently incentivized to shit out babies for gibs. Jow Forums is fucking stupid.

those numbers look inflated as fuck.

Beat me to it

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Is Andrew Cuomo secretly /ourwop/?

I was thinking about just this exactly this morning. I am staunchly anti-abortion because of ethics/morality and I believe it's murder of a child. However, logically speaking, the truth is that the US would already be dead and gone if the amount of black people who were aborted had not been; based strictly on their crime rate, welfare usage rate, and voting record. It's truly a tough place to be because it is wrong, yet it has probably saved the US for now.

The Hispanic numbers are pretty fucking surprising.


what is the purple blob right in the middle, is that Hungary?


Abortion is wrong.
Eugenics is right.
Abortion is eugenics.


It requires high IQ to actually realize a fetus with a heartbeat is actually a person.

Of course the lower IQ races would use abortion more. And it is a tool of eugenics. Proving also that 'natural' selection is anything but.

Why. White women abort white kids at a rate of just 7/1,000 and abort more mixed ones then birth them too

Is a premature birth baby that does after a day “alive”? Is being alive defined as changing physical location to outside the womb? What physical manifestation does that change of location imbue?

thats what im saying

this, its the lowest but still shouldnt be allowed. the exception would be if the baby is a nonwhite mutt or its a fetal alcohol retard baby or sumn

Purple? Which percentage has the color purple in the picture ,I dont see it

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That is a lot. Why wouldn't someone use a condom? Abortions can't exactly be a pleasant procedure compared to putting on a rubber.

>The Bible Chapter 5