Are you guys ready for this extreme jewish liberal propaganda about to be pumped into the world'sbrains with no more subtlety? I can't wait for half time.
Pic related
You guys ready?
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It's just a strong guy and a nerd guy. Why make it about race?
>fear the BBC
>Triggered by representation on television
>Crying about the sanctity of society because OH NO THE BAD TELEVISION
Why not just trade in for the ovaries right now you goddamn woman.
this. whitebois be insecure and sheeit dawg
>Yall wimmenz luv dat bbc
WTF i remember that one hahaha disgusting as shit
Is there any stream , i jut want to watch the ads
just mix it up a little, goyim
>Are you guys ready for this extreme jewish liberal propaganda about to be pumped into the world'sbrains with no more subtlety? I can't wait for half time.
I don’t understand what’s wrong with IPAs. I mean I prefer stouts like Guinness and hipsters do like IPAs a lot but that doesn’t mean that everyone that drinks them is a cuck.
Im sure there are several on youtube
niggaz be seeing sheeeit. thaz ryte whitboi!
>t. Jew
didnt' t find any, for some reason its unavailble on Belgacom
IPA is the most estrogenic type of beer
IPAs are disgusting
>meme flaggot
all beer is faggot-tier
drink bourbon
No superbowl sticky.
I have found a decent Sky Sports stream on KODI.
Patriots all the way baby!
drink vodka
No. Just American and Mexican beers.
The one on the right was sexual assaulted lmfao
Intimidated yet white bois?? Look at this big strong force of nature that is sexy, powerful and.... BLACK DAS RIIITE
Already showed Serena
Don’t shout at me like apes pls but I don’t entirely buy the whole estrogenic food thing. I understand that taking estrogen supplements and only consuming soi can be bad for male development, but there’s a lot of shit with estrogen in it that whites have been growing and eating for thousands of years. I feel like you’re okay as long as you have a balanced diet with lots of proteins and carbs.
That is one ugly tranny
>haha puny white boi
still using 'my' language i see, savage
Actually, we're laughing at you shitskins for believing the Jewish propaganda.
Die pedophile.
Why do creationists always ask dumb questions like "well then, where are the people who are between human and ape"? She's right fucking there you morons!
It's Terry fucking Crews, one of the most based niggers out there. Get over yourself, faggot.
Nice tiddies
>the worlds brains
Hahahahaaaaaa only you fat fucks watch this propaganda you number1 good goys
Stream link?
Mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mutt factory mut factory
Social justice bowl is off to a rip-roaring start with vague anti white anti male commercials. This might be the most woke social justice bowl yet.
haha triggered sportsball fan
enjoy your shitty washed-out commercial, snowflake
>look at this beautiful black QUEEN even white women crave her and want to be her so badshe is just a fucking angel
The giraffes are blatant
Fuck you fucking racist.
how bout dont drink like a fucking degenerate?
she looks like a potato nigger
Fuck you shitstain
God that thing is so fucking ugly. Like someone hit randomize on the oblivion character creator while rolling elves.
That is just sad
Whores...all of them..
Let's shit on these fucking mud people and mud lovers.
Terry Crews is based. You could be ripped like him if you had his dedication.
he has become just like his father, no matter how much he tried to be different he is an abuser just like him
Thank you, I grew them myself.
LOL Ugly sub-human nigger.
Ugly sub-human gorillas.
fuck jews and even more fuck spic monkeys like you subhuman trash
>The world's brains
He was literally raped by a 5'3 jew.
LOL Sub-Human ugly gorilla.
Where is the black eye and shitton of birth control?
He wasn't raped he was just molested there's a major difference.
Why is the dumbass nigger holding the ring toward himself?
imagine remilia's smelly feet
I love how you're not denying the 5'3 jew part.
They're called "mudshark glasses"
Did she get the rickets, what happened there.
lol, is this all from that same niggerball thing?
So far, geeky white men, guys asking their gf's "son" if he can marry mommy, a bunch of pro feminism crap, and a whole shitload of niggers
>I see the didnt show the blacks not saluting during the opener, but the wide angle of the singers showed only white men saluting
Don't insult remi's feet. She'll grab your nose with her toes and make you take deep breaths.
>500 years without washing
Hollywood jews are quite predatory. Poor Terry was naiive. Terry isn't naiive anymore.
>that doesn’t mean that everyone that drinks them is a cuck
When is the last time you saw someone drinking one that wasn't?
Her feet are sexy
This, dem heels/arches.
Because the niggers and jews make it about race.
Burgers deserve everything they get. Your shits weak and your former slaves are now becoming your masters.
>Terry Crews
What is the connection? He's an actor, faggot. Goddamn, I'm guessing you're watching the game while doing this and subsequently projecting your own interest in that shit.
Sure, but I stopped watching tv years ago...imagine that, i get 0% jew going through my's pretty fucking sweet...
>into the world’s brains
The world doesn’t care about American football that much, and they probably do other things when the adverts are on
>pic related
You mean the pic of nigger cope? Where niggers who know that they’re infeiror to white people cherry pick a roided up nigger and put him next to a white man because they have no accomplishments to speak of and it makes them feel better?
T. Insecure nigger
White women are more loyal than nigger women, for obvious reasons
>already showed serena
They both look the same so how do you know?
Why are they so disgusting
>your shits weak
Are you a nigger by any chance? Or do you just talk like one
feminine, like yer digits
Which team are we supposed to root for?
>n b 4 neither
>Accusing anyone of anything
Nicki is hotter and has better music
One would assume medical science had progressed far enough to make a man into a more convincing woman than that.
Wtf is wrong with game of thrones? Literally just a fantasy version of medieval england with maybe 4 black people all together
Ask the Jews
Nicki is a plastic baboon.
It was a pretty underwhelming display of a kike half assed singing love songs then awkwardly swaying as apes came on stage and grunted. Really bizarre mashup.
AVGN was right. Football is faggotry. You get a "manly" sport then have some sissy shit pop music on during halftime.