gives me chills
The next Hitler is probably alive right now
Other urls found in this thread:
gives me a boner
I am hitler 2
What is the reason for separating newborns from their mothers and shuffling them into the same room?
If this board is good for anything it's proof that everybody fucking hates each other. Even if this is true, he's got no chance uniting us.
its me
this board can be united when it wants to be
I'm confident that I can say that you probably hate me purely for the fact that I'm British.
They're left to fend to themselves. The ones that can't crawl back are thrown from a cliff.
Lies nigger
Get in line
I don’t
I think most on the board really hates what has happened to Britain culturally, politically etc.
But my experience from this board is that people who genuinely want to fight degeneracy, who want to build a good society and who want to pull their own weight are pretty accepted. (Like smirking teen)
The one exception are people who are deemed to be dishonest and "in it for the money" or too preachy regarding other peoples choices. (the ecelebs)
Not even all Swedes are hated, we are just the "Mr Sven avatars" of everything that has gone wrong in Europe.
So naturally we will be poked at, but again. My experience is that people on this board are more open and accepting than the average leftist.
It's fun to fuck with people, especially the butt hurt. If your easily ass blasted you won't have a good time here.
That's what men do. Maybe subconsciously we hope it will make you want to stop being a pussy, and actually do something about your situation.
>The next Hitler is probably alive right now...
He'll remember how hollywood, MSM, social media, silicon valley, minorities, degenerates, etc treated his family. He'll remember how they championed double standards and logical fallacies just to attack those whose ideologies didn't line up with the leftist narrative. He'll remember how EVERY single mainstream "journalist" and "celebrity" endlessly celebrated when his father died.
He will be the savior of the United States.
>gives me chills
me too. literally shaking rn. nobody should be that racist, I hope he's poc or a woman
Makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
It doesn't offend me or anything, just makes me doubt our ability to unite. Hard to tell what's a joke sometimes on here.
It is I.
>next hitler
>implying the first is dead
To the future Hitler:
I know you're here. Learn from the mistakes of those that came before and limit the amount of fronts you fight on.
Finish it this time.
It could have been me, but being a Nazi isn't really that based. Catholic Church guys..... Jesuits. Wakey wakey. Look up Southern Israelite. You know the drill.
>implying its barron
I think Barron will be an accomplice, not the man himself.
Im gonna come back to laugh at you when Baron grows up an denounces his father. Melania clearly hates Donald's guts so her son will too
>That's what men do.
Boys will be boys
Young boys with strong fathers almost always grow up idolizing and emulating them, and DT is about as aggressive and assertive as they come. Baron will 100% follow in his father's footsteps. I absolutely promise you, in 10 to 20 years time when his father dies of old age, and half the country celebrates, he will transform.
My unborn child is the first overman. He will be born in the spring. The wheat fields have been sowed and the harvest shall sustain the west into the next era of humanity.
Naming him Murdoch too...
>implying unity is what we need
The next Hitler is probably a socialist anti white sjw.
I'm Hitler 2 ama
My people, I will be greater than he ever was
Just remember 2020 is the year of reckoning
please kill yourself you fucking faggot. nobody likes you
If he was in the thread, what would you all say to him?
I dont know what I'd say.
No shit retard. Its literally donald fucking trump.
and maybe the Winston Churchill destined to defeat the next Hitler is being aborted as we speak.
ban abortion.
>No shit retard. Its literally donald fucking trump.
Stop gaslighting.
Middle name Murdoch?
>I'm Hitler 2 ama
The digits say he's telling the truth.
Give me hope. What are we gonna do?
It gives me hope.
Some brits are obnoxious on here but generally people hate you because your country started WW2 for no reason and subsequently your country is to blame for the current destruction of western society
I love you
no homo
What if the next Hitler is a woman?
i am hitler 3
No its not...
For him to be alive we have to locate first the next philosopher with the next fucked up plan for mass murders and i don't see him.
I see some people reaching very obscure conclusions based on climate change but no actual doctrine.
Also no, those watered down comies don't count.
He’s almost certainly reading Jow Forums
I hate you because you're British. I'm a foreign national working in Britain and the natives are revolting, hence I only hang out with other foreign nationals. Your country literally has almost no culture and is bland as hell.
Hello, it is me.
If there is a next hitler there will also be a next Stalin sadly.
Already am performing arts major disillusioned w society want to secure a future for my people and save our children I used to have high charisma when I gave a fuck going into space force we will have to see when I come out the other side if I want to unite my people or just let it happen
I'm Mussolini 007
Hate will unite everyone
He will ride a pale horse...
>the Swede goes on about openness and being accepting
What does getting fit do again, I forget
kekked at the picture the black couple have their kid in their hands
It’s tucker Carlson
We aren't a species that was born to hate, but we do have hate in our hearts. For all of the wrong reasons. Once we have been freed of our shackles, we can free ourselves of our hate too. The pain will take a long time to heal, but heal it shall.
I hate modern Britain because I love the old one user...same reason why I am pissed with Sweden.
>limpwrist britfag couldn't handle the bants
oh the mighty have fallen
I will no longer hate when retribution visits my enemies, not before.
I pity you for being British, but less than I pity other Eurppeans.
it is I, Hitler.
There are millions of Hitlers. The hardest part is getting the public to back one.
You have no friends and you stink of piss.
What would you have done differently if you had been British, user? Answer carefully, your words will haunt you.
I am Hitler 4.
'k, this was a little strong. Was from 'The Mighty Jingles', a gaming YouTuber, and ex-British Navy.
i'm alive right now...i hope it's me!
Hitler 4 checking in
Good God I'm ashamed to share a flag with you - hate is a very beneficial emotion, as long as it's got a target and is actionable. It's necessary - why do you think we have it?
Hitler 5, standing by.
I get to be cool space hitler, but i’ll Only appear in 2 episodes.
What number of re-watchings of 'Metamorphosis' are you on? Are we near the day?
Our kid stayed in my wife's room.
I think they only do that for welfare slaves so they can all be branded at once.
I'll be Hitler 6, he's Dino Hitler. Also he shoots fire out of his mouth
So that the mother can get some sleep, take a shower, etc.
I think the Zoomers are legions of Hitlers. They all seem to be black-pilled and generally pissed off.
one lil hitler isnt enough
we need dozens
Yeah it's me. Give me a little more time, we're almost ready.
Remember this sequence: 6VH1J0KSB
When it heard around the world, you will know you were shitposting with Hitler 2.0
How can there be another Hitler when the original one is spending his time between Antarctica and the dark side of the moon?
Hitler 7 ready to launch!
Hitler #1488 standing by
Never joined the EU and give up national sovereignty, wouldn't allow rampant muzzie immigration, wouldn't allow muzzie rape gangs to go unpunished, wouldn't allow sharia law in any form, resisted progressive nonsense at every turn.
You can't just skip 1481 Hitlers!
but i did
You are bad at math, I think you need more concentration, maybe we could send you to a special camp for that?
All I hope is that he is not a white Hitler, I mean i like you guys and everything but i'd like to keep on living.
> Britain has no culture
Adolf Nigler?
i wouldnt be opposed to some higher education
Gonna be 10X as based as the original. Europe will run red rivers of shitskin migrant blood for decades.
Please no, the last think we need on this earth is more negros.
That'd be Malcolm X. We need another one of him.
He is not that young...more likey mid 30's
The majority of the 'hate' towards British people is just memes, my friend. Jow Forums is like a woman- look for the meaning behind what it says, and not what it says outright. What we're trying to say is that we despise the British culture and government as a whole. There are good British people the same way there are good Americans; Brazillians; etc.
I think he's my boyfriend