> acceptable Ideologies:
> Mutualism
> situationism
> post-marxism
> NatBol
> unacceptable idologies:
> orthadox marxism
> lennism
> maoism
> acceptable Ideologies:
> Mutualism
> situationism
> post-marxism
> NatBol
> unacceptable idologies:
> orthadox marxism
> lennism
> maoism
>Israel did 911
>look up the "Lavon Affair"
>look up the "USS Liberty"
>american educashin
I've said before and I'll say it again. when the DOTR comes, your entire bloodline will be hung from street lights.
Did the gibment get funded again?
Why's that asshat?
> obvious Reddit fag.
> um "acktually"" guy.
Yeah isreal sucks, and Nat-soc is pretty lefty, i dont agree with it but you're pretty leftist.
Day of the Rope fucking newfag
No im asking why would i be on the rope?
don't they at least train you for a few hours before your first shift?
>why rope?
What about /syndicalism/
stick to cripple, mate. this thread is doomed
learn from master leftshits
don't you guys have your own containment board on 8 chan?
Right but I'm not politically correct, -left im left economically but socially I really don't care what people do.
Syndicalism is more of a tactic of using unions as a means to an end more than an actual ideology.
8 chans shitty.
>Max Stirner
user, I...
I don't fucking understand any of this. Does anyone??
The Guy was a socialist, he could be considered post-leftist.
is it too spooky?
> mfw
>Mutualism and egoism good
>leninism bad
Pic related, also im nazbol so extra kys
You're in an acceptable ideology.
Yes but i align way more closely to leninists and maoists than lib "leftists"
Also egoism is literally just boneless ancapism
Not really, stirner was against private property and egoism is much more stirctly the self above all, so capitalism, money above everying dosent really fit egoism.
>Politically incorrect
remember to sage this faggot shit
why? why dont you do some research on POST marxism before you just write shit off.
Egoism is pretty based and redpilled.
Political correctness is a Marxist tactic you dumb nigger. Why don't you do some research on helicopter rides before you promote communism.
Stirner isn't against property. Have you ever actually read his work? The egoists love stems from selfishness.
>reeee stop penetrating my safespace
>political correctness is a Marxist tactic
fuck off commie discord trannies
you guys are dumb as donkeys and twice as ugly
wrong flag lel
I'm not promoting communism, Post-Marxists reject the metanarrative of communism. Hence post, meaning after.
actually, I have and he considered private property a spook, his idea of property came from what someone can defend themselves, not what the state can since private property was a microcosm of the state as well as it being an impossible abstraction., his solution to capitalism was essentially boiled down to mutual aid through the union of egoists.
Im against communism.
You dont know my political ideology.
Do Leftys like Mosley?
The term was invented by communists to demonize and imprison everyone that disagrees with the party.
Private property and personal property are different things, private property is an abstraction recognized by the state, personal property is the material,and the informal act of possession, Stirner was fervently against abstractions, so he was certainly anti-private property.
I don't personally, but not all leftists are the same.
This is false, in fact ive heard this from the left as well, saying it came from the right, political correctness has come equally from both the neocon right and the new-left.
Geists don't have bones.
>National Syndicalism
Fixed that for you friend
> gross protectionism.
Political correctness came from Mao faggot. The right supports free speech.
He was left center, considering his views on capitalism.
you are a brainlet then
>the right supports free speech
>unless you're some childfucking cryptokike
> Bible-thumping Christian republicans censoring what words can and can't be shown on television, and in music.
> the right is for free-speech.
Spooks aren't bad, my friend. He is against property rights, not property. He makes a distinction between realized and un-realized spooks.
>his idea of property came from what someone can defend themselves
Yes, meaning he's pro-property. You are claiming he has no notion of property like communist do.
but egoism as philosophy is absolutely outside standard left-right labels, same with pure anarchism
saying spooks are bad would be moralizing, and i know that's what I explained in the Personal property vs private property.
> pure anarchism
You mean mutualism?
Leftist economics are shit too.
The sign-value/labor theory of value is my shit.
Literally everything on the TV is controlled by Jews you fucking retard. You can't blame Christians for it. You have to be stupid if you think Christians are censoring the TV when the biggest networks are promoting faggotry, child trannies, Islam, and atheism.
The Christian right enables the Jews to censor television. They're complicit.
I mean dictionary definition of anarchism
Have you even read his work? From what you are saying, it is quite obvious you have not, or if you did, you clearly did not understand it.
Are you telling me this isn't on point?
> Literally everything on the TV is controlled by Jews you fucking retard. You can't blame Christians for it. You have to be stupid if you think Christians are censoring the TV when the biggest networks are promoting faggotry, child trannies, Islam, and atheism.
> io9.gizmodo.com
OK? but they're still subject to market forces if they don't show what's "in" at that moment they lose money, they only reason that shit's on tv now is that it's in the zeitgeist.
so mutualism? Mutualism is literally the golden rule, reciprocity, a society based on mutual aid would be socialist in nature.
well im anti-govt in all cases so yeah i am.
How do you define left and right? I always thought left was equality and right was hierarchy
Die kike
If we don't get to have natsoc threads without shills shitposting, then you dont get to have nice things either.
Go to lefty pol
Personal and private property overlap. I feel like this is just a semantic argument, as there are many rights associated with personal property.
Saying I have the "right" to something is what Stirner would be against.
You want a good example of the failures of capitalism? Take a road trip from Houston to Dallas. All the small towns, with the exception of Waco, are literally falling apart due to the forces of capitalism. The free market is destroying rural America because spoiler alert, money doesn't care about the labor used to make it. Capitalism has always been about the management class.
Yes, I have, it's obvious that you don't understand it, like most people that run around shouting "spook!".
>a society based on mutual aid would be socialist in nature
and what if I'm an asshole who finds more assholes who decide that we want to trade and do not want to share with others? Are we anarchists or do we magically become capitalists, statists, fascists and so on?
people think this is a serious post?
There is no single scale, although stirner was certainly not center left.
Imo it boils down to:
>hierarchy, tradition, monarchy, capitalism, ethnocentrism, darwinism
>anticapitalism, anarchism, progress, socialism, egalitarianism, green politics
There are exceptions of course.
i generally consider the right, Pro-capitalist think Pinochet, Regan ayn rand and so on, left would be Proudhon, Marx, Baukunin the anti-capitalists so Stirner would be in between these, but lean left.
No it is an important distinction, Private property is possession or the right to property, Personal property is informal possession, no legal "right" to it but it is possessed by you.
Not all leftists are against the free market, including me, I'm against hierarchy within the institutions operating on the market, not the market itself.
It is.
Fuck off commie dickhead
>retarded leftwing cuck general
Funny how you beta males are so pathetic that you can’t even create anything of your own online. Always leeching off of others whilst pretending to be the good guys
>I'm against hierarchy within the institutions operating on the market
I don't really care about this as long as those institutions don't turn into state like corporations
>posting porkie memes
Why don’t you beta male retards start your own business? You’re not a bunch of retarded faggots sperging our at the people who used to bully you im school are you?
I would like to know because wouldn't anarchism naturally be right wing as hierarchy is natural so the strongest would dominate and leftism is inherently oppressive as it would have to keep people down
>also I’m nazbol
Retarded. The word is retarded
I gotta disagree, to my left simply means anti-capitalism, or anti-tradition and left would be anti-capitalist, or anti-tradition but not necessarily "progressive."
> pic related.
I believe co-op's are preferable to corporations.
Kek, i actually have.
>all that retarded drivel
Funny how you morons are so weak and pathetic that you just cannot admit the truth so you come up with poetic bullshit to dodge reality
what do you guys think about this candidate and what would you label her as?
cunt, idk who she is but cunt.
So you agree anarchism is right wing?
>waaaah he doesn't communicate through memes
Agorism is pretty cool.
This is achewalley right wing general guys I'm off, another leftshit ABSOLUTEley BTFO
why are the only acceptable ideologies just different variants of capitalism?
No, Anarchists Just hate all Politicians, and idk who she is she just looks cunty, anarchism is far-left.
well you don't know what I believe in so, kinda doesn't apply.
*anti capitalist agorism is pretty awesome.
There is a right still associated to personal property (the right to exclude others). I'll also add that personal and private are considered much the same thing when you talk to anyone from a non-socialist/Anarchist model.
Mutualism is very anti-capitalism, so is egoism and post-marxism.
No you homosexual
well, a hierarchical factory is different than someone's house.
ITT: spooks
I've never reded a book in my life and I'm wiping the floor with this stupid leftshit hahahahahah
Very few people have actually read past chapter 1 of the Ego and it's own.
Leftists should actually read they claim is good. Stirner would have nothing to do with Communists/Socalists. Marx also hated his guts.