Say a child wants to get vaccinated but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax

Say a child wants to get vaccinated but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax.

Should the kid be able to get such vaccinations anyways? Or are there ways for kids to get vaccinations without their parent's permission?

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Children are property

>Say a child wants to get vaccinated but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax.
>...but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax

"but doesn't have their parent's permission"
or "but their parents are anti-vax."

Shouldn't the same apply to hedonists who have sex before lifelong marriage and spread preventable diseases?

Choice = choice?

Nah, because that's between two consenting parties. It's only illegal (or, at least, should be illegal, fucking California) to withhold such information.

The kid is not consenting to the parent's choices

>Should the kid be able to get such vaccinations anyways?
When they turn 18, they can do whatever they want.

The pic didn't mention consent, but this.

The point of anti-vax is stopping people under the age of 18 from getting vaccinated. The political cartoon is a representation of the damage they are causing.

Besides, you don't have to worry about any STDs, unless you make the choice to sleep with someone who does.

If they turn 18, that is.

Some vaxs are made from aborted baby parts.
Do with this what you will.

Why not force parents to treat their kids like the Bubble Boy movie guy? That seems like it would stop spreadable diseases more than anything else. By your logic we shouldn't mind the kid caring because no opinion of a minor matters kek

STEM cells are from placentas. Those are not aborted baby parts. Unless human baby flesh is a direct ingredient, I won't be taking that to heart very much.

>Say a child wants to get vaccinated but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax

Since childen cannot thiink, this means another person decided that and influenced the kid.

So : should a third party's decicion or the parent's position count more ?

The ansver is clear : the parents of the kid.

No, just like a child can't decide for themselves to transition to the opposite gender. You have to assume a parent knows what is best for their child as they have successfully undergone millions of years of evolution to get there. If vaccines are needed to live, the anti-vaxers would die off. This obviously isn't the case as vaccines are a hoax.

Wrong. Many vaccines are made from HDCs - Human Diploid Cells. Those come from aborted fetal tissue. It's on the label of many vaccines.

It's not forcing parents to do anything. I never said anything about forcing parents to *pay* for vaccines. I'm using a hypothetical where vaccines are being given by a hospital out of charity or something.

Perhaps the child learned about disease and vaccinations online through openly shared scientific studies and now doesn't want to die from polio? It's now the child's desires; they're not being forced to get a vaccine. The child can also say no to the vaccine in todays day.

You mean like 300 years ago, when the ripe old age of 35 was impressive? Modern medicine and technologies have allowed us to stay alive longer. Secondly, how do you think vaccines work? Our million-year-long evolution gave us an immune system, and vaccines merely give a warning our immune system without giving it a live disease that would reproduce and take hold of the body. Thirdly, we're not talking about some sort of gender dysphoria, but rather the injection of dead or weak diseases to alert the immune system to things it should look out for.

I'll be researching this topic, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

forcing kids into chastity belts could prevent spreadable stds too kek

If the parents are against vaccines, the child has poor genes anyway. Let natural selection do its thing.

>300 years ago, when the ripe old age of 35 was impressive?
you mean 300,000 years ago? source it faggot, you're full of shit. There were tons of old people.

Wall don't work anyways

aren't the vaccinated children protected? whats the problem?

>he doesn't know unvaxxed kids are much healthier


Attached: d847diy-fb062dce-dcff-424a-ac48-a6d59bc1265d.png (1000x1000, 304K)
dumbass I googled it first. "oh but wikipedia isn't reliable" then
Pomeranz, Kenneth (2000), The Great Divergence: China, Europe, and the Making of the Modern World Economy, Princeton University Press, p. 37, ISBN 978-0-691-09010-8
The link to the full textbook is found in the following link:
page 37 or PDF page 48

Again, nobody's forcing anything. Nobody's forcing children to get vaccines in the scenario that children would be allowed to circumvent parental signature.

Some kids are completely unable to get vaccines due to physical disabilities, therefore rely on the rest of the population to get vaccinated to stop the disease. Also, I'm talking about kids that want to get vaccinated but aren't allowed to by their parents.

Where does it say that they're healthier?

The problem is that vaccines are designed to lower population numbers and anyone not on board is fucking with the metrics. The goal of vaccines is not to protect people it's to cull the herd of dipshit retards these anti vaccine folks are fucking with that.

I bet you're pro-choice while you say that

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That'd only work in government-supplied vaccines; not private-sector ones, so your conspiracy theory falls flat, when all that they're injecting in you is the dead disease itself.

Vaccnations are one reason why there is much more allergies and retardation and other shit like that among adults in todays people.
Just remove vaccines before 20 year age and we have small amount of population control, less tards, asthma, allergies celiac disease etc.
Worlds cruel and we should be the same.

and ethyl mercury kek

>300 years ago, when the ripe old age of 35 was impressive
Please stop, that's a gay normie meme. Even in antiquity people had a decent lifespan and could live way past that no problemo, it was even common for people to reach 70, similar to our current lifespans.
Most casualties were children and old people anyway, people weaker than normal.
Why the fuck would people die around 30-40 when their bodies are way stronger than a child by several orders of magnitude? think

Lmao stfu faggot the people funding the vaccines want the same thing neck yourself Bill Gates said it himself

should be a border wall and immigrants

I am anti choice, abortion should be mandatory for blacks.

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They haven't put that in vaccines in a while. That was an old vaccine's ingredient; not new.

This was from a Life Expectancy source for the 1700s.

That's much better reasoning than any "vaccines cause autism" stuff. Letting the weak die and having the strong prevail. Best answer yet, unironically.

Sure they do.

Fair enough

Stop trying to educate retards.
They can't handle the fact that people who survived to 20 year age died more likely closer to 60 than 35.

I love how kikes come on here an sperg about over population then sperg about people not taking their "cures" to over population. Your shilling is so overt you reek of bullshit lol. I take solace in knowing that only dumb asses get vaccinated

>but doesn't have their parents are anti-vax
What language is this

70-80 desu senpai, other than violent death, largely in men

I cleared that up closer to the top; I think a lot faster than I type, so as I'm thinking of a sentence to write, I'm writing it, and when I'm done thinking, I think of ways to make it sound better, as I'm still writing.

Lots of people dying shortly after being born will give you that average, yes. They also had a lot of kids to make up for it.
It doesn't mean your life expectancy was 35, numbnuts

sorry for being facetious user

I might have put it little low but I remember it being between 60 and 70 years, might have been in shittier middle ages.

The life expectancy wasn't low because people lives were so short.
It was low because the amount of children dying during birth or few weeks after was gigantic.
I mean after you've made it throught the childhood you were good.

Nah you are just a retard whos been vaccinated

You can make out of the still beating heart of a 9YO for all I fucking care as long as its keeps me from getting whooping cough

>Nigga what?

Are you mad you be artistic?

Dont you know that life expectancy is dragged down by high mortality of infants, and that infant mortality and all deaths came down with a better understanding of germ theory and better sanitation practices? I think you should read Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries. Vaccines are fucking poison. Why not just do chicken pox parties like they used to if you want actual immunity? Oh cuz that would actually work and it is free. Wouldnt want big pharma to lose any money huh you kike shill? And wouldnt want to stop the increased autism rate that also feeds more money right back into modern (((medicine))). Go take your NPC shot faggot.

You should make sure you get the flu shot every quarter else you might catch a strain that might kill you.

Everyone here has been vaccinated for something, including you.

based and redpilled

.... the fuck?

Stfu man vaccines are our ticket to a stable population the only people signing up to get them are ones that need to be culled stop trying to fight what needs to be done.

Enjoy your children having autism, vaxxers.

not if his parents said no and kept on eye on the kike doctors.

This this this.

>Everyone here has been vaccinated for something, including you.

Not me. My parents never vaccinated me for anything, and I avoided every school vaccination.

Seriously.... I don't want my kids ending up like us. Look what vaccines did to us. We are all retarded faggots.

Also remember that child death was common partially because they didn't have any idea about hygiene and bacteria.

> Diseases exterminated from NA/Europe
> Foreigners brought in by gov reintroduce them
> Anti-Vaxxers are to blame.

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Say a child wants a sex change but doesn't because its parents are anti-gay.

Should the kid be able to get such surgeries anyways? Or are there ways for kids to get sex change without their parent's permission?

Kids don't belong to the state, neither are they up for grabs by whatever group is socially dominant at the time. If you fear my unvaccinated kids will threaten yours, vaccinate yours.

Yea vaccines arent all bad but most of them today are for population control and that is fucking important. The vast majority issued today are designed to cull the unfit. Stop fucking with that you mongs.

Checked i guess. Good call. Yes everyone (else) take your shots!! Vaccines are great for everyone (except me and mine). Wew tho, i dont know if i can live like a jew like that.

Vaccine companies sponsoring 3rd world immigration? Can we can someone on this?

Nigger we all know that you won't ever have children so stfu. Also please please make sure you keep yourself well vaccinated the less of your type on earth the better

The majority of un vaccinated people are immigrants from shitholes. Vaccinations are the least of our problems right now

i got vaccinated at school and our parents weren't there. granted they definitely knew but we all had to get vacced ban from csgo for wallhacks.

What exactly is my type?

You heard me leaf I'd sacrifice an entire preschool to make sure I never get measles

Nah it's not living like a jew anyone who willingly takes kike poison and gives it to their children are unfit they will only aid the long noses. If we want to rid the earth of the heeb disease we should not prevent the retards from doing themselves in. They will only act as vectors to spread the diseases that they create.

Nah nigger jew, likes like you are the biggest problem that HUMANITY faces immigrants and vaccines are just a symptom of you fucking hook noses.

the vaccine court in the us pays out millions in damages every year but the drug companies aren't held liable, the money comes from the taxpayer. there is a long list of side effects on every vaccine and people do get sick but its a conspiracy theory in most peoples minds.

doctors used to space out vaccines to minimize risks, but they don't do that anymore. why? because believing vaccines can have side effects is a conspiracy theory now in peoples minds.

doctors also used to not give pregnant women vaccines. but now they are all for it.

people are suspicious, they should be suspicious. to blindly believe that vaccines are safe and risk free is frankly mindless.

if you want to make the argument that the benefits outweigh the risk fine. but most of your pro-vaccine friends would call you a conspiracy theorist if you admitted there was any risk at all. so there's a difficulty in taking pro vaccine people seriously.

and then there is the added ingredients that appear in the free vaccines that aren't in the more expensive vaccines that rich people use. so that's suspicious. especially when some of these added ingredients are pretty shocking, i wont get into that though, because you would just dismiss it.

because you know best, you were told its totally safe and you believe what you are told by people in positions of power.

i prefer to have suspicions, the authorities on these subjects have no earned my trust.

This was meant for this guy

Your spacing belongs in reddit. Also vaccines today are openly admitted weapons only the retards in our midst sign up for them and only they suffer the ill effects this is NEEDED. We do not need these people in the future we do not need non critical thinkers we do not need blind followers

As with sex and drugs, the important question is "what if the child consents"?

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Many, if not most of the ancients of all the races on Earth, practised eugenics in the form of infanticide. An example would be the Spartans exposing unhealthy babies to the elements to die.

So perhaps also they killed a lot of babies themselves, not just infectious diseases.

If i want to eat a npc baby but it is still in the womb wut do
You heard of water dowsers but im da npc dowser boi
Like my npcs non-gmo unless they got big fat young tiddies ya heard

The parents are responsible for their children. it's up to the parents whether they want to vaccinate their children or not

I don't know where I stand on it. I'm sure there are negative effects from vax but we also don't seem to have a problem with a lot of the diseases they're meant to defend against so they must work. Fuck it kill your kids or have autistic ones, what a choice.

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I was waiting for this.

Requesting the "anti chastity belt" version from the country that specializes in them.

>kid, singular noun
>they, plural noun
Were you replying to the correct post, user.?

You mean "aborted foetus parts."