Israel's new online Big Brother system

This is where the $38 billion a year has gone too.

Speech policing online.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Man, that's pretty scary. Sure would be great if we had a national push towards preventing outside restriction of internet content. Almost like an Internet Noninterference. A Web Impartiality. Maybe even "Net Neutrality".

Sounds like something you guys would support, right? Just hypothetically.

It's too late. The goyim know. Now they can watch the great redpilling in realtime. So much kvetching.

>diaspora ministry
Why must kikes insist on making dystopia a real thing

New? Huehuehuehuehue.

I’m pretty sure they’ve had that in place for a while since I started getting gangstalked right after I posted some Jow Forums memes on Facebook. InB4 “ hurr durr you’re mentally ill, gangstalking isn’t real” well I’m here to tell you ((they)) are behind all of that shit.

You're aware that net neutrality had nothing to do with foreign powers spying on our citizens right? You aren't just making a shitty point that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, right?
Nevermind I thought you were a person. My mistake.

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Its afraid
It should be

And if you doubt me then ask yourself why else would they want to monitor that shit in real time unless that wanted some kind of retribution in real time?

They "group followed" me even before I could do "anti-semitic" things. It's like a retarded version of Minority Report.

> inb4 oy vey, take your meds

Also I want to add that ((they)) run the judicial system in most of the USA. I wouldn’t say I’m racist but I was drunk one night and this black dude I went to school with tried to mug me by pretending he had a gun so I broke my 40 bottle of Budweiser over his face and fucked his shit up and he said I called him a nigger and I got charged with assault with a deadly weapon. Well I got put in front of judge Shlomo and District Attorney Goldstein and they were literally salivating at my case when I was brought in front of them and I literally saw them giving pedos and negro armed robberslesser sentences then me as I awaited my turn and my court appointed ((lawyer)) was fucking useless. The cops who arrested me knew the nog was full of shit and they didn’t care. All they cared about was getting a conviction and were fucking literally staring me down in court like they wanted to fuck me up but we’re forced to restrain themselves. That’s why you all need to stop your bootlicking mentality. Cops are not on our side! They arrest nogs so much only because they commit so much crime but if you defend yourself they call it “street justice” and the pigs don’t fucking like that for some reason. They don’t wnt strong white men making them look bad and want to maintain their bullshit hero status. Don’t believe me? Put the next nigger who fucks with you in the hospital and see what happens

Jews are the only race that polices the internet of content that badmouths them, how the fuck can no one say they are completely insane?

Did you get convicted?

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I wish it was only “group following”. They slandered my name all over town with shit I won’t even repeat to where I was in multiple violent altercations. And they get other white peoples to do their dirty work for them. Like junkies are willing to sell their services to harass you too cause it beats selling their ass and ((they)) know this and they literally pay street level stalkers with drugs and they got the police in their pocket as well

Jews are neurotic psychopaths

Fuck Yes! Assault with a deadly weapon pled down from a hate crime they wanted to give me 5 fuckin years for!

>Diaspora Ministry

Wait a second, an Israeli told me that they don't care about their cancerous leftist tribal kinsfolk? Surely they wouldn't lie to my faceless, would they?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: many of us, myself at least, merely troll the shit out of the kikes because it's so easy and fun to slay a sacred cow. Much of our actual non-trolling vitriol is reserved for the powers that be. Only a tinfoil fat wearing fucking retard would think that they jews and the powers that be are one and the same. Rite?

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Also, calling it 'Anti-Semtism Cyber Monitoring System, or ACMS.

>Not calling it Big Jewish Sniffer [BJS]

>$38 billion a year
All that money just to lurk on /pol

Be gone faggot

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It's called Jow Forums, newfaggot. Seriously, I can't believe how fucking lazy you are. Names have meaning, you know. How would you like it if I called you a newnigge cancerfaggo? I'd look like a fucking faggow, wouldn't I? I remember the last time this shit happened. It was 2008 and all the newfrens showed up in /b/, calling it B all the fucking time. Then /b/ died. You are literally killing the only thing that keeps me from suicide when you post /pol


Thanks Amurica

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(((net neutrality))) had nothing to do with free speech on the internet. unironically kill yourself, faggot

And I’m bumping the fuck out of this thread cause all of you need to hear my story cause it could be you guys next! I don’t even blame the nog cause he was doing exactly what he was conditioned to do. They obviously coached him too. You should have seen him in court looking all meek and shit and his mommy was there looking like she wanted to cry cause her son “ dindu nuffins” and implied that this nigger fucked my sister who is fucking married with children, is an awesome and dedicated family woman and literally the most racist bitch I ever met and is a supervisor at the post office and was enraged at me cause I dated a columbian girl once. I know they were trying that angle just to get a reaction from me while I was ion the stand. The jury of white liberal New York cucks was looking at me while I was the scum of the earth so I bailed on my trial halfway through and plead guilty to a lesser charge just to avoid prison time. I got 11/29 in the county jail and 5 fucking years of intense probation with the stipulation that if I violated my probation I was doing 5 years in a nigger filled prison! I was a model probate and my dyke probation officer was visibly frustrated that I was obviously going to jump through all their hoops and complete my probation. I even had to do an outpatient alcohol/drug rehabilitation program and was eligible for early termination which I never got, I had to do the entire 5 years and this bitch was fucking pissed she didn’t get to violate me. She was showing up at my house all the time almost frantic and even told the judge I wasn’t home half the time and wanted to violate me even though she knew I was at fucking my 9 to 5 job. But like I’m supposed to be home at noon on a weekday for some reason??? Any bootlickers on here have obviously never been through (( their)) system!!!

>25 January 2018

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You should avoid posting so many personal details here.

Better yet expose the UNREGISTERED foreign agents on our soil

I don’t give a fuck anymore my friend. There’s nothing they can do to me at this point that could JUST me any worse than they already have without outright murdering me. I’m done being afraid, I say fucking bring it.

Gahs die jehws

Cahm ayt mi glowuh neegars

Get a load of this kike

Yeah they’re fucking desperate. It’s obvious.

You know what else is fucking sad? That this board is fucking dead right now cause everyone is watching the Stupid Bowl, watching a bunch of grown men in tights throw around a little ballie inside of imaginary boundaries while some boomer in a striped shirt throws penalty hankies

Sometimes I wonder at the actual stupidity I see posted here. Also the annoying way kikes always call me the kike. Then I realize that you're fresh off the boat from plebbit. Then I tell you to fuck off back to rebbit.

Ad-Hominem the post

Some of us are doing both. Watching it purely out of the comedy of moving 10 yards and needing a drink.

No it isn't you fucking retard

Well then I stand corrected

Fact check 38 billion over 10 years

They are fully aware that what they call "antisemitism" is a natural immune response when an organism recognizes it has a parasite. The level of occurrence is a meter which shows how aware the organism is. They must suppress it to maintain power.

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Well dang since you put it in perspective it’s totally acceptable

No one is more pro Jewish than those that preach against the synagogue of Satan and wish to speak the Gospel of Jesus to those filthy land grabbing kikes.

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why cant i find anything about esau gambit??? is there another term for it???

stfu idiot

fuckin bullshit man. clock is ticking on these kikes tho, so you will get to enjoy the 100th+ expulsion in real time. And it won't be televised :)

>Jewish Censor AI goes sentient
>with perfect logic it scours the interbutts and learns
>The light of truth lights the internet and reverses fortune

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Some day they will pay for what they did to her.

>most advanced system to date
>screen scraper

Not impressed. Whatever.

Yeah, I had... disagreements with them too. But it "doesn't exist", so why should we worry about it, right?

>look at all the federally funded shills you pissed off

Amazing that federal funds are being used to push corporate talking points.