Alright enough is enough and I thought I'd come to the source of all this shit

Alright enough is enough and I thought I'd come to the source of all this shit.

thousands of hard working journalists lost their jobs and you losers just tweet at them saying "learn to code" like it's some sort of joke. Disgusting.

How would you like it if you lost your job and had a bunch of people telling you to learn to code?

Either way enough is enough and a lot of these hard working highly qualified journalists don't need a ton of virgins tweeting at them now at their low point get a life, losers.

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>How would you like it if you lost your job and had a bunch of people telling you to learn to code?
That's exactly why they're being told to learn to code.


Pick one.

I got a 12 hour ban on twatter for telling one of these sjw bloggers bleating about losing their job blogging for shekels "just learn to code" kek

their double standards are hilarious, I can't wait for the thermonuclear butthurt when trump nominates a 3rd SCOTUS justice

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Jealousy at it's finest, cry more Trumptards

Sage this faggot...

I literally just told you why.
Google "coal to code" and then shut your thick mouth.

Attached: because you're a dumbass.png (500x376, 320K)

Thousands of mentally ill propaganda pushers got fired and in the future will lose their heads for what they have done. Stop being delusional and/or subversive you shameless subhuman.

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Neck yourself shill.
No liberal will cry for those coal miners which are actually useful for the US.
>but muh uninformed democracy
Fuck off

What’s good for the goose

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also, learn to code, faggot

Just so all of you know this is going up on my blog.

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Kill a Jewish child

a normal day on pol. don’t let it all go to waste. actually look up and think about the coal miners.

learn to code

i hope you get fucking raped and snuffed out by the very migrants you suck off, you worthless piece of shit

Learn to code bitch

>hard working journalists

Hey, if you want to parade your failure of a life around more than you already have, be my guest.

Obummer was funding fake news. The layoffs are from the funding running out. I am happy they are laid off, because their bosses would not have let them do any real news anyway.
Also Virgins are winners for not being degenerate. People with kids that aren't on welfare are better.

And yes, you can quote me on that.

Those "journalists" never did an honest days work in their lives.
They only pandered to the far left so they wrote clickbait propaganda.
The world (of journalism) is better off without them.

Christ I’m shivering in my boots. Lurk more you’ll learn something.

I literally lost my job because of a journo

I haven't told them anything.
I just show them pic related.

Attached: learn to code.jpg (1587x1344, 378K)

>Just so all of you know this is going up on my blog.

Be sure to include me and this pic:

Can't believe you all fell for the bait so easily.

Even more surprised at the fact no one commented on the awful gifs I used and the tumblr file names.

Either way keep up the good work boys. People like the one in the pic I added deserve all the shit their getting.

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>gender politics

Attached: enough.jpg (306x306, 38K)

>Jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded


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lmao get out bitch!
Out out out

You should go to your local park with a bag full of dogshit and start eating it. When people tell you that you are retarded, start screaming about how good you trolled then.

I've never been able to get a job.

The USA is not a charity for worthless bloggers. She needs to get a job, or GTFO.

>In b4 learn 2 code

Too bad her visa is probably only good for careers in journalism, and with past experience from Vice, that makes her pretty much worthless.

You in the wrong neighborhood motherfucker.


Dear Diary,
I finally posted on four Chan, and you won't believe what they told me!

Was he one of the laid off journalists?

Neck yourself faggot or learn to code.