Why the fuck are Arabs so anti Black.... what the FUCK have we done to you?

Why the fuck are Arabs so anti Black.... what the FUCK have we done to you?

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Arabs are black, and they crave white, Western European women.

>what the FUCK have we done to you?
I assume they're not particularly fond of all the "we wuz" shit.

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Whats the stats for the US?

arabs and North africans deal with blacks on a Daily basis, I guess they're wiser about that subject.
I'd disown my daughter before she's allowed to date a black

Nobody likes niggers because are subhumans

>Hungary 12%
Lowest nigger approval in EU

Yes, thank you Chile for that astute observation.

you've done nothing, and that's your problem. you've done literally nothing for your entire existence, even the africans of sudan and ethiopia hate you. you bantu morons are pathetic. don't forget the arabs rule over bantus to this day and use them as slave labor. you should really be more grateful to the west for constantly trying to raise you up. saudis and emiratis don't give a flying fuck, and even the more liberal arabs in lebanon and syria still import africans to clean their houses.
arabs are racist as fuck, don't let some idiot pan-arabist from algeria tell you otherwise.
and no we aren't black, we're semitic. even the dark bedouins of arabia have very minor african admixture. we're west asians J1 and J2 haplogroup.
> pic related ras el abeed, aka the head of the slave

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still isn't enough

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>t. 94%

i dont even want to know canada's stats LMAO


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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the mutts are spreading

We don't like africans.

14th century arab traveller Ibn Battuta:

>"If (all types of men) are taken, from the first, and one placed after another, like the Negro from Zanzibar, in the Southern-most countries, the Negro does not differ from an animal in anything except the fact that his hands have been lifted from the earth,--in no other peculiarity or property,--except for what God wished. Many have seen that the ape is more capable of being trained than the Negro, and more intelligent."

Ibn Khaldun:

>We have seen that Negroes are in general characterized by levity, excitability, and great emotionalism. They are found to dance
wherever they hear a melody. They are
everywhere described as stupid. … Al-Masfiüdı undertook to investigate the reason [for this].

based yugoslavia won't even answer the fucking question

Fuck you subhuman shitskins. Arabs haven’t done fuck all either. You only breathe because we let you.

Wtf only 90% we have to do better.

What the actual fuck is wrong with Turkey? They're more pro nigger than Eirecucks or Frogs despite all of their neighbors being the complete opposite.

who is "WE"?

>Iceland 96%

>They are found to dance wherever they hear a melody

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Can someone explain the difference between Spain and Portugal?


alberto barbosa

lmao, i dont pay taxes. im going to roll you in bacon

Contact with other races tends to make you racist. Look at the American South, Blacks are more than 30% of Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, and Mississippi.

Portugal have a much deeper relations with blacks than Spain

>Poland is based

In the Scandinavian countries, it's part of the culture for children to choose their own marriage.
IE, if you decide to destroy your bloodline with niggers, it's not the parents problem.
What's more concerning is the 4% that immigrated there and aren't part of the local culture.

Well then get to work. And I am going to fuck your sister, no literally Sven.

I'm too lazy to check if it's fake or not, but I suspect it is. There is too much liberal trash in our country to achieve an enviable 12% on that test.

Nuke everything in green.

Arabs enslaved niggers and they are still enslaving niggers now. They don't want their daughter to marry a slave.

You are delusional.Those numbers in the map are bullshit.People just try to be nice but the truth is vast majority of whites hate niggers.

Its going to suck when the danish kick you out knowing no one likes you, and your race cant build a functioning country.

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is this why your women are flocking to us?


It'd cost less money and accomplish far more if we just nuked the entire middle east instead.

Of course its fake.

25 replies and and 100 thread and nooone bothers to check.

What the link really shows.

>Harmonised unemployment rate by sex - age group 15-24


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I would marry a black women if she was muslim



unironically thinking that they will publish this kind of statistics on eurostat

I will just move to your country and have muslim children with your sister :)

They don’t, you only say they do because you’re bitterly angry at being inferior to us

Hi, diaspora

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lol Tuekey

We TURKIC BVLLS are black
Das rite


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Spain whyyyy?!