Is paganism the best way to reconnect with our European heritage?

is paganism the best way to reconnect with our European heritage?

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not really it's a dead religion that's been reconstructed

Closest thing to pagan is hippy

this. better to learn a language and travel.

No its drying meat and medieval cooking

Kill a muslim and get a 'get into heaven free' card

no. paganism is for low iq subhumans

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no the latin 56% used their christian extremist cultists to root out and destroy the native european mythology, the only paganism that exists now is 60s neopagan garbage. pagan is the christian equivalent to goyim btw

For maybe 1500 years the abrahamic control scheme would murder anyone who denied their cult and seize their property in a centuries long dysgenic purge

okay but what is then?
what language?

catholicsm. it absorbed a lot of the pagan elements of pre-christian europe

That image looks like a 2d toroid

I'm a ex catholic, I don't know if I can get over the fact that it came from the desert and erased my peoples culture.

Only if you take it for what it is. You can't reconcile it with 19th century terms like civic nationalism or even "Whiteness", it has a very tribal aspect that also relies heavily on respect for blood and land.

erased, or conquered? like I said catholicism absorbed a lot of these old traditions. they've not been erased.

>dysgenic purge

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but they have been altered and subsequently erased. Roman infrastructure made the alternative to hard for the people to stay true.

Joke's on them, the dysgenic purge ended up targeting the most religious first

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>my peoples culture
Lol shut up inbred mystery meat mutt

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I Praise Kek Every Day
Kek brought himself back to life and now Kek will bring back the other Old Gods
New Old Gods, Neo Neo Paganism

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I'm a Traditional Catholic but just pick whatever religion as long as you are an Ethno-Nationalist you are good...but I'll be biased and say convert to Trad Catholic.

Hundreds of years from now a muslim will show a holo-picture of the beautiful art in his mosque as proof that civilization is only possible because of islam, and the poor christcuck pagan won't be able to show him his art because it will all have been destroyed and ruthlessly suppressed

Connect with your ancestors, your culture, history and traditions however you choose user. Just studying even one aspect of people makes you better than 90% of the sheep of this world. Read anything and everything and make up your own mind about it and don't let the jew demoralize.

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>is paganism the best way to reconnect with our European heritage?
It is the only way

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The great burning eye at the top of the pyramid making its left hand destroy its right hand

Me and the wife still celebrate a lot of the pagan traditions and the connection with nature, however we are religiously Christian.

Nope. Paganism is fucking gay. Become a Messianic Calvinist Protestant right now. Look up Southern Israelite.

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>Pic related
Literally the only way. Christianity is spiritual poison, so are all the other Abrahamic death cults.

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you do realize these all come from Pagan art. Christianity is a change of an earlier civilization, not something that created these artforms.

t. heeb

where are you from? and I am starting to agree.

The pagans did the same thing. aulus plautius killed the druids and cut down their sacred groves, the bastard. Many such tales of pagan shitheads fucking everybody over. Pillagers is what they were. you dummies act like pagans didn't just fuck everybody over constantly. Much of the only history remaining of northern europe was preserved by the christians.

This. Worshipping a dead rabbi is the answer

Paganism is natural, it's primal, it requires a spiritual connection to the land you stand on, which is why it struggles to survive export to foreign lands -for example it's hard to worship the Norse gods when you've never stepped foot in Scandinavia, never felt the land, never lived among your ancestors or worshipped your Gods on their own land. That's why many Pagans are just larping, they have no connection.

Christianity is less primal, less nature based. It is a religion of grand works - of cities and churches and creation of things. This is why it was so easy to export - because it could be recreated wherever you wound up in the world, it didn't require the connection to the land paganism required in order to feel the breath of your god.

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hmm then what is the answer?

my lineage is all British isles, is this still the correct path.

Read it and decide
Forget European Paganism. These days, it is all cherry-picked remnants of a degenerate, dead culture. If you want to be edgy and can't bring yourself to worship Jesus Christ, just be Hindu. Literally anything is better than worshiping Earth and nature as Gods and Goddesses, you should always focus on Heaven and what lays beyond the universe.

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The truth is Christ... But studying paganism would likely give context to early European history. Perhaps guide in gaining a truer perspective of history.

The only two living Indo European religions are Budhism and Hinduism.

>Christianity is a change of an earlier civilization
You just answered OP's question.

>is the best way to connect to our European roots to follow a vague, unconnected sets of nigger-tier religions that were present among our nigger-tier ancestors of which we only know through the writings of Middle Age monks?

thanks user

The core of paganism is ancestor worship and mythological stories.
We do it already. The founding fathers are almost defied in America. Also, why do you think people love cape movies? Because they're the modern mythology. Replace Superman with Odin to see what I'm getting at.
True or not, those mythologies are powerful tools (and we ignore and discard them at our loss, and to the let's gain).

No. The best way is to purge our homelands of non-Europeans and kill imperialistic American ghetto and consumerist culture.

but why christianity??

No, it's a dead religion that vapid women now use to larp around the woods, pissing on logs and praying to deer headed men.

We should all be BASED Christians instead.

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stop it

Lmao. They took away your barbarian kingdoms and gave you society. If your culture was conquered by sand people from a land so far away we know nothing of, maybe your culture shouldn't have existed.