Come home black man

Attached: Ghana.png (754x553, 267K)

unironically based and redpilled. this is how every nation in africa should be

Based and nigpilled

And Europe for European Americans. Thanks for getting the word out based black man.


I seen that. Comments are gold. A large amount of american negroids seemed to have convinced themselves that they are native to america, and there are not african. In other words, they are the real indians.

Day wuz Indians n sheeit?

I've been saying this shit for years, every nigger that claims to be "african" should be given a free ticket to africa and should sign away his citizenship.
Killing Lincoln was one of the worst mistakes of this timeline.

Awe yeeeah. Amerindians are the tribe of gad.
>there go gad

These niggers are seriously delusional.

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US Ghana to deport them back to Africa.

they wont leave

Please leave! We will pay for your ticket!!!

Not in a millions years, they should be unironically grateful that their ancestors were slaves to the white man.

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It’s a nice idea, honestly. Would be interesting to trace your genes to an ethnic group and meet them after being gone centuries.

No such thing as “native”. Sapiens displaced Neanderthals from Europe and Proto-indo-Europeans displaced the Old Europeans

I am not making the argument that there are natives. I am just repeating what I read in the comments. They think they were here when europeans first came. They think africans are ham, from noah's son. They don't think they are related to africans or are from africa. They think they are hebrews, from the levant, and that they came here before the white man was even here, and the amerindians stole their identity. Read some of the comments of that vid.

>And Europe for European Americans.
You can stay on your side of the Atlantic.

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That’s ridiculous Mormon-tier shit.

Thank you Ghana!

>Just completely locks down and repeating the same mantra

Amazing, well played Ghana

They had their chance long ago, and rejected it. They'd rather destroy whiteys society than create their own wakanda. Just look at Europe.