How the fuck do you dare to claim you are part of the master race?
Italian are the master race: we give you leonardo da vinci, the roman empire, michelangelo, christianity ....
Especially the morons talking about nordin union ... WTF are you? Just a bunch of barbarians who ignored even how to write before we taught them.
There is only one master race
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This is what a great civilization achieve, morons !
Almost 2000 years ... still there.
Do you even think you can understand his greatness???
Do you?
centuries ahead of you ....
Come back after you build a reliable car and go to space.
But did they exterminate Jews?
sissy faggots
No master race. You serve a master tho.
Wow a fag painted a brilliant image that transcends the cult's manipulative teachings, no wonder the catholic church only gives you a slap on the hand for raping boys
Heh his weiner is showing
Leonardo DaVinci was a genius.
He was also gay, so there's that.
we were the master race until (((they))) mutted us up. to deny this is delusion. i’m an italian american but even i can admit this. look at the fucking paintings you’re refering to before spouting shit. all of the women he painted were blonde or redhead
Don't start, nigger. I'm italian with brown hair and eyes. Guess I'm a muslim descendant and have nothing to be proud of, right?
How does anyone know hes homosexual? Drawing weiners or making comments about men isnt gay. Plus it would make him seem more invested in renaisance if he was acting like he was into boys like a true greek.
>racial purity spiral
Hi mutt
have you tested your dna? not saying you’re not italian but no one is pure. i come from a supposedly pure italian family and turn out to only be 20% italian. they romans were our ancestors but we aren’t the same people.
it’s not only italians even though they get the most shit for it. all europeans are mutts to an extent
Hmmm it's almost as if there was some sort of european diversity in italy
mine is nearly identical to yours and my family is “all italian” and i have brown hair and hazel eyes. you’re a mutt dude most europeans are similar
Romans were based, I’ll give you that. Italians had a nice run, but let’s be honest... it was mostly city-state in fighting... hardly “world conquerering” desu.
I always liked the Italians, beautiful (albeit sometimes hairy) women and based bros if you can get an in with the family. But don’t push your luck here, Italians are on very thin ice and IMO are about as White as Jews.
at least you have whiter eyes than i do.
Didn't immigration help speed up the collapse of the roman entire
some jews are extremely white retard most of the kikes in the media are european mutts
I mean you might be. I would honestly take a look at your features and seriously compare yourself to old Italian paintings and busts. It's a startling concept, but simply being born in italy does not make you inheritor and descendant to the Latins. I've been to Italy and many people there are very clearly European, while others are not so quickly distinguished from Asian and African Meds.
T. Retarded mutt who lives in the sueprior white mans lands like a beta male faggot
Why don’t you go live in a third world shithole like Greece?
Beware the atheist's rapier wit
I was born here and am not even entirely italian so go fuck yourself albanian subhuman.
Italian civilization was magnificent, but the Greeks did it all first
he already showed his DNA and is only 35% italian
It is possible that true Greeks and ethnic Italians (non-Arab, non-Etruscan, non-Lombard) are really the same people, ((haplogroups)) be damned
jews were always more or less white or "white passing" anyway. They just don't identify as white and really hate white people
Latins could never paint or sculpt or design elegant buildings. All Roman art (of high artistic worth) was done by Greeks, except for the bridges and aqueducts which were mostly utilitarian in character anyway
>white passing
I didnt know Stevie Wonder used Jow Forums
yes, but its a total shithole for the last 500 years.
literally a worthless race of skirt chasers and cowards.
No, they massively stood out in the formerly all white societies.
Oh yeah geeze thaaaaanks for that
>the roman empire
Yeah, and it was shit you fucking plebian
Ave in rem publicam
I like Italians. Not sure why everyone hates them as much as they do.
european jews have so much european dna over 1000 years that they’re literally indistinguishable. every kike i know has blue or green eyes and many had red or blonde hair
>Italian is the master race
>Claims Roman empire
>An empire full of dudes wanted to shove olive oil covered dicks up little kids asses
Good luck with that master race shit, just remember your ancestors were sodomites
Italians and Greeks were not the same people, and Italian renaissance culture has fuck all to do with Greek antiquity.
Fucking wop in Australia.
Whoah. So this is the power of the amerimutt. Italianos btfo
I come from a non-Italian white race which excels at craftsmanship. My Grandpa made actual boats with his own two hands.
I am at the very center of the civilized world.
You are on the edge, and frankly not even civilized at all if you're not in Northern Italy.
Woah, that image..
So the EU meme faggot is a albania bro? Also why does he post like a fucking bot?
No worse than prepubescent boys trying to cut their dicks off. We can't really judge the past, not now. Don't forget that gay marriage was never tolerated by the Romans (except one or 2 really debauched rulers who had horrible outcomes) and less so by the Greeks.
Italians have never been blonde unless they died their hair(and usually it caused the hair to fall out)
Also Michelangelo while a talented artist also was a yes massah faggot who went along with propaganda at the time painting women like fat slobs
Pic related is what an actual European woman looks like and what the ideal has been since we've existed, not that kike propaganda crap
The "Italians" that existed when Leonardo was alive no longer exist. What we have in Italy now are an amalgam of niggers and arabs mixed with Aryans that were raped and conquered by both.
i'm 100% white though and have brown eyes.
Care to explain?
Marriage is a religious concept anyways
Wrong. The Ashkenazi jews you see now look white and European but majority of the kikes that Hitler wanted to deport were not "white looking" they have a distinct look to them. After ww2 a shit ton of these kikes all over the world started breeding into whites harder than ever. This seems to happen every 50 years with the kikes, I'm surprised they haven't gone extinct.. I guess that's why the zionist were supporting Hitler, they wanted Israel so all of the dispora kikes didn't breed the Jew completely extinct.
>middle ages art is now jewish propaganda according to the mutt
Your mom fugged the black man
How would you know you stupid kraut?
The Renaissance was a conscious attempt to emulate ancient Greece, and stimulated directly by Greek learning and Greek scholars. As the Italians say, una faccia una razza. Prior to the Romans, during the Empire, and during the Byzantine period (also during the Mycenaean period and during the Ottoman period) Italy was filled with Greeks. I suppose you've never heard of Juvenal have you schweine. Why did Paul write his letter to the Romans, in Greek? Latin prosody was a conscious imitation of Greek models, just as the whole of the Renaissance was a conscious imitation of the Italians Greek cousins.
The first step in becoming educated is to learn things, preferably from books, I advise you to start today.
A stupid britbong claims that everything in the world was done by Brits
A cheeshead believes him (because cheesehead)
If that's so, how come there is no "Catholic marriage", "Jewish marriage", "Hindu marriage", "Pagan marriage" etc. etc.?
Why are all the laws and tax rules the same for all types of marriage?
And how come you can't get married without a civil servant?
Clearly marriage is a government institution, not a religious one.
Easy, you're a faggot.
You're God damn right.
Michelangelo was not attracted to women as you can see by his works, whereas Titian paints attractive women if voluptuous. Michelangelo was mostly celibate, he was deeply religious (christian) but was a scriptural freethinker, verging on nonconformist (perhaps like Shakespeare, who was of French origin). Michelangelo was a great poet, thinker, architect, painter and sculptor
Neither did Hitler.
>can't read a map
So speaks the literal mutt
I was just shit posting. Dont get hung up on brown eyes. Your american, you probably have someone mixed in their in your history. So do most europeans too.
The racial purity spiral is bullshit meant to divide. Only a 50iq redneck actually believes in that shit because the possible aspect of superiority he will have is something he was born with.
I also dont think brown eyes means nigger, but idk Im not a race expert.
Why did you save that?
italians can't be american. They aren't white.
No both are correct. The aspects of civil joint union are 100% legal matters. The aspects of wedding vows, anti-divorce, ceremonies, rules on who can and cant marry, are fare more related to religion.
I honestly just made a retarded point earlier and you are right to say it was wrong.
Picts had brown eyes
Dont do that shit. Then we say pt and spanish arent white. Greeks arent white. Slavs arent white. Only germanics and anglos.
Its meant to divide us when we all have common origins and similar spirits.
There's another quote that shows that Brits are overwhelmingly #1 from that source or similar, cheesehead wants to tag his coattails to the Brits. And no one except inbred Britfags who get aroused at the sight of Her Majesty believe that most of the world's cultural and scientific achievements were done by Brits. For example, the legacy in the visual arts of Britain would be no even 5% of that of Italy. It is even less than that of the kaesekoepfe
How many percent are you Speedy
If your eyes are this dark you're not white.
Spaniards are literally whiter than north italians. Italians are the least white europeans.
>hurrr michaelangolo was gay cause he painted men instead of woman
This is like the argument for only playing females in video games. Stop projecting your insecurities on ancient art.
Jerusalem is in italy
Wait what? I thought you were Italian claiming to be white and have brown eyes.
China looks at you're adorable Roman and Greek "cultures".
>A forced and inorganic centralized standard that forced artists to cuck men into putting women on a pedestal and cut off their balls just for the hoped that a woman might marry them along with telling everyone in artistic expression that fat was beautiful isn't Jewish
You might be too stupid to know but the "Renaissance" was completely pushed by Jews
I never said he wasn't good in fact I made sure to call him talented
>the renaisance was pushed by the jews
Well if the jews have been running europe that long, i think its clear they are the superior race.
Chingchong land's greatest artistic feat was literally done by contracted Greeks
>Of you're on top you're suprior
Superiority is natural
The Jews are a naturally weak people, they have only made gains by the usery and deception of others
>I was born here
You're not italian at all
Germans have been stealing Italian culture for thousands of years.
China's entire history is getting conquered by foreign forces. Everytime they are about to get better someone slaps their shit or they have a civil war.
The only culture china produces is the shit we contract them to manufacture.
There is evidence that Michelangelo was attracted to men, but chose celibacy. The rumours were rife in his lifetime, especially his early lifetime. But in ancient Greece and Renaissance Italy, being attracted to men was not considered a problem at all. Homosexual acts were forbidden for the believing Christian though in late Rome, Byzantium and Renaissance Italy. Florence where Michelangelo was born, had a particular reputation for sodomy, so much that it was called the 'Florentine vice'. I see your flag is even more meme than it would appear
I think you dont understand.
I was mocking you, mutt.
My eyes are celtic blue but picts have dark hair and eyes and have been in britain for ever and they are whiter than you.
I admire Chinese civilization, it was mammoth in its way, but still not anywhere near as great as Italy or Greece. I still am interested in Chinese civilization. And Japanese for that matter. Take Chinese art, it really is on a much lower level, although still interesting/of merit
they are distinctive but still white passing
king david and esau are both described as redheads in the bible
>The length of the hair was medium to short, averaging 3-4 inches. The color was reddish.
most ashkenazi jews are mediterranean and semitic looking, american jews are very watered down. Genetically ashkenazi jews have very little european genes from diaspora. They have southern and central european genes from the bronze age sea people and the rest is levantine
buona bruciatura
Ive noticed all of you people who reffer to it as sodomy to invoke ancient biblical texts as if to give your view clout always seem to find everyone else is gay. Perhaps its projection?
Well, talented is understating it as he was one of the great geniuses of history, possibly in the top 5
Very worldly.
So true. And probably Jewish as well :)
Stopped reading there, kys pasta-nigger.
Maybe if you weren't posting under an 'lgbt' flag I could take you more seriously. But honestly read a fucking book about Michelangelo before you dribble your uninformed useless opinions. And yes the term for gaysex in Renaissance Florence was sodomy. There was even an artist who spent some time in Tuscany who adopted the moniker 'Il Sodoma'
>Mr 39.5%