>on Sunday night a 18 year old girl got raped in Stockholm central station.
>passerby heard a girl scream for help and people laughing and talking in a foreign language. the passerby were quickly with calling the cops.
>cops showed up quickly and could arrest 5 men.
Sauce not working
This should be a SWEDEN NO thread. Arresting troubled young men for one little mistake is disgusting.
Fake as fuck, you pulled this story out of your ass. Piss off kike.
why would you think that? this happens a lot in Sweden. first day here on Jow Forums??
The state of that shit hole.
Don't worry, Swedebro, they'll be out in no time
>A girl got raped
>Thinks this is news
Isn't this a weekly occurrence in Sweden, like the Yellow vests in France?
maybe wait till there's some Rotherdam-tier childrape numbers before you think a story is worth posting.
And 'rape' in Sweden is so broad it means next to nothing.
Props to your pigs for not arresting the one who reported it at least. I'd expect that from English police.
Fuvl z
>on Sunday night a 18 year old girl got raped in Stockholm central station.
Another day in sweden.
I'm just glad the cat is okay. Also, I hope my mom dies in her sleep. Actually, I hope she dies awake and in the most horrible manner possible.
This. Where's the CCTV footage?
Part and parcel of living in Sweden
>the scrolling watermark
Sad that this is now nothing out of the ordinary, happens every day. Living among this, seeing the problems gettings worse every month and not knowing where this disaster could possibly end is disgusting.
Can't believe he actually knifed that cat.
Fuck he was running so fast with that knife out I couldn't read the memo.
Shut the fuck up you Nigger, just wait a few years and all of you will get sent back to whatever shithole you came from
Imagine believing that unironically
cope harder
show ur flag israeli
As long as the cat is ok
The more Swedes that are raped and murdered the better.
It's been done before, many times. When people are hungry, getting them to hate a person who looks different from them is so very easy. Don't be naïve.
Not today cat killer not today.
Nice number of replies you got.
5/7 fake news points.
Just come out and say it Swedish Men, you're anti women. Thats literally what this all comes down to you spineless full of shit pathetic faggots. You prance around your PC culture purely for the fashion and novelty, yet you let your own women get attacked and killed ritualistically.
You and all your kind are spineless faggots who stand for nothing.
based superstition
molymeme is that you
Your country elected Obama. Your Supreme Court discovered that you had gay marriage hiding in your constitution unnoticed for over a century. It has CNN and MSNBC and the New York Times.
Don't blame the people for what their elites are pushing.
>Bought expensive Braun clippers from UK store
>Box says it's already charged for 50 mins
>Shaving my head
>10 mins in the battery runs out
>No problem, I take the charger out of the box
>Plug is a fucking 2 pin eurotrash
Fuck you Germany, I can't leave house until adapter comes in the post now.
Buying Braun and not Wahl.
Lock and load or STFU pussy, do something faggot!
>Teen girl gang raped in Sweden
So just another day then.
fcuk where is this from, im havin a big fucking kek over here
it's too easy lmfao. im going to make threads like this everyday here. Jow Forums is so braindead
Antalet sexbrott har faktiskt ökat lavinartat dom senaste åren. Att då hitta på ett sexbrott för att sedan säga "haha det var en lögn, got em!" visar bara att du är en idiot.
You said the same thing to the Indians before they expelled you savages.
Based black man is red pilled.
Harken soon the coming of kek
You should start a gofundme to pay for some English tuition
>tfw no gang of fellow race compatriots to gangrape QT's with
all that bluster, while hiding behind a jew flag.
fug u nikka
you mother fucker!
So they whisked at her?
was it rape by swedish standards? was it eye rape/slap on the ass?
Literally none of these links work you fucking retard. Stop spreading fake news.
at least its a girl and not a guy getting raped
When you let jews play with fire they burn the house down. Not only do you faggots have a Jew problem you have a fucking nigger problem.
i hate humanity so much ...what a moster
holy shit.
As a cpu validation engineer, I can only imagine how completely fucked your life flow-chart must be.
jews stole me shoes
What the FUCK that was messy
heh nice knife work
Fuck you
Those fucking dead eyes
Swedish women deserve worse
Fuck you
Need I remind you who you elected into your country?
It's Sweden. There is a game rape of a.Sedish girl by migrants daily. No need to write an article.
Black dick is expensive.
What happened to the cat?
based niggers BTFO Swedish whores
Nothing user, she good. I did it for the keks
Fool..wait for it
sweden second to south africa for rape
pretty sure they get 0-6 months in prison for each rape
You’re missing his point. We’re in the same boat as the Swedes; the elite are importing so many third worlders that whatever is left of America (guns, rule of law, God, etc.) will be swept aside.
I'm shocked they show actual footage of the incident. At least they blur the faces
oh ffs
Did the cat live?
Shitty parents misled this Arab child.
Pinko film crew needed an edit because the little actress failed to deliver as instructed.
Imagine leaving your home country instead of helping to develop it and then claim that your new destination is yours. I can't respect people like that, and I definitely can't respect people who let their country be taken over by such weak people
scared me
wow so edgy, 5th grades really hard right?