big dick big countries edition

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hey buds, how are my anglo brothers

Fuck anglos eat shit and suck dick

Well fuck you too mate

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I'm ok. Havn't had a fag or smoke this year so far but relapsed on porn and weed pretty hard.

aren't you forgetting someone

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>mfw cig packet went dissapeared
havent had any benzos or alcohol but im pretty JUST

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>went dissapeared
brain no work good

ur special too dont worry

suck a dogs cock maple nigger

Jesus. Are you me? Heres to nofap feb. Weed is degenerate. Yet here I am waiting to go get 2 tinnies. Ffs


ay g can u hook a cuzzy up in aukland chur

Now now mate, we all face a common enemy: the chinks

Why not shorten it to /ANUS/

did you just post your own picture on Jow Forums


leave him be, he only now got unjusted

Let's remove shitskins plz. Keep spreading Ethno-Nationalism. Can't wait to see you guys out in the field.

Fuck the JewSA

Fuck boys. Moved from Tauranga to the US, the best choice I've ever made. Have a stable job and girls love the accent. Win win all round. Gonna grab an American bird and bring her home and breed a whole ton of white children

Hello brothers

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How'd you get a murican visa?

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I'm a dual citizen bro. Such a treat

Good work on quitting the fags
nice job with the smoking as well

fuck, ive been thinking of going to murica myself.

How are we lads

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not great.

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Do it bro. I imagine you are a good Anglo man, we actually outshine all the men here. Couldn't believe it, I became an instant chad

bitches dig the accents, southern accent did get me a quick fuck in europe in 2010

Day of the rake soon..

i look like pic related but with a better haircut

been practising an over the top one

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>we actually outshine all the men here

You only outshine American men because of the accent. Having a British or Australian accent turns a 5/10 into an automatic 8/10.

LOL a bunch of irrelevant countries put their flag beside the American one in attempt to look hard. Lol get fucked

Sup cunts

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>When your colonies are better than the mother country

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This is true, but not the full story. I always felt like I was an average height in NZ at 6'1. But here I tower above most people. The state I live in has meant that my fair hair and blue eyes stand out like wildfire. It's been great.

Aww, did wittle bwitain get left out because they have too many muswems?

>havent had a fag
Okay he means no cigarettes
>or a smoke
Now I'm concerned kiwi

I meant fag or a drink

thats what i get for waking and baking

But its nighttime