Mutts being deployed to colombia

Brazilian Army sends reinforcements to border

Consistent with this
>"Trump confirms use of US military in Venezuela among ‘options’ on table "

Good goys about to DIE for Globalist interests again.
Enjoy the blow back
eg millions MORE refugees flooding america
>*hand rubbing intensifies*

Attached: happening 2.jpg (600x628, 148K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>twitter as sources

You fucking faggots really need to learn what creditable means.

>expecting a shill to care about sources

fucking this.
fuckoff OP

Attached: OP.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

actual video evidence
>b..but only (((MSM))) is credible
pic related is you

Attached: listen to (((ME))).jpg (640x572, 151K)

Also, why aren't you watching the Superbowl? It's a real mans sport unlike cricket and tea sipping.

>inb4 rugby fags

>Enjoy the blow back
>eg millions MORE refugees flooding america

Dead people don't make refugee claims...

Let France fix this one

Attached: 1548807926355.jpg (2048x1302, 154K)

>watching nigger collision.

Oy Vey
your right
will turn off my brain immediately
>pic related

Attached: bread and curcuses.jpg (850x400, 91K)

twitter posts usually will contain sources to the information they provide/ its a twitter account OF a source

Only a retard has to turn off his brain to do something else.

>hurr I can't watch something and think at the same time


>missing the point this much

Ah, the grand american tradition.

I guess your point must have been really important (sarcasm because it's fucking not).

here's one of the videos

Attached: US choppers colombia.webm (640x640, 2.13M)

Attached: dave.jpg (552x828, 47K)

Cheap coke to re-enter markets again

Because everyone knows the Super Bowl is used to distract the mass while big things happen.


Didn't the US already acknowledge that they were sending humanitarian aid? Don't we have the military assist with shit like that?


I think they credited their sources properly

Credited sources doesn't fucking mean creditable you invalid.

*Fortunate Son*

The word you're looking for is "credible", Mr big brains

Algo pasa por alli...

Drunk, but the only faggots that point out typos are brainlets without arguments.

god these threads try to be entertaining but its so boring when it has anything to do with south america.

south america is literally the most boring place to have a conflict. find something better please.

And you're too retarded to put the pieces together. Not too long ago Bolton was caught with notes saying he wanted deployment of a few thousand units to Congolombia. Now this. If you go searching you're also bound to find more videos of the subject from different angles from different people. Just because it doesn't have a (major news source) watermark doesn't mean it's not credible.

Attached: 1525498492326.jpg (400x300, 12K)

Nice long winded speach accompanied by a longer video. I already know the kikes need to die. You're preaching to the choir.

They’re sending humanitarian aid. The aid will be delivered by military. Mainly Colombia and Brazil but also US. They’re going in to deliver the aid whether maduro likes it or not. Any attack from FANB (maduro) will be neutralized. This is the plan.

Why in the fuck are we getting involved?!? Trump said himself we shouldnt be policing the fucking world..

god damn hypocrite.now war will break out and guess where all those Venezuelan refugees will be headed?? to the fucking US SOUTHERN BORDER!

Attached: 1425943631156.png (396x454, 132K)

All communist regimes comes to an end. Because it doesn't work. It was never even intended to work. Communism is designed only to loot nation out of everything valuable, and turn the most valuable thing in every nation - her people - to worthless shit.

Good people must always take communist regimes down, by any means necessary. Communists leaders, agitators and subverters, don't have any human rights, they shouldn't have even right to exist. Hell is their native space and where they all truly belong. Killing them is service to whole mankind.

ISIS sends their thanks

Attached: US military aid.jpg (960x540, 58K)


damn I don't do coke but if they start sending the GOOD STUFF up here i might have to sniff around hehe

Attached: 1543278880149.jpg (300x300, 33K)

Venezuelans have already been flooding neighboring countries. That’s why Colombia and Brazil are willing to go in to send them back home. They are a problem everywhere in South America and Trump is leveraging that. Muh oil obviously a key factor but as far as the US view, the larger issue is China and the narco trade in Venezuela. It’s also a safe heaven for the Colombian communist guerrillas.

disregard the link

>blah blah blah
>muh cold war "red terror" propaganda
>thus intervention, war & muder is ok
good goy fin cuck

Watch this when you ready to STOP being a bluepilled faggot

Attached: us military interventions in south america.png (1080x1620, 225K)


HAVE YOU SEEN THIS! They tell the cop "this is NOT your neighborhood, We will Find you IN HARLEM"!!
THIS IS PROOF positive jews run this country and its allowed..
Why do we allow this? Why arnt they beaten like niggers or at least charged with obstruction of justice
>white people are abused by cops daily
Yet jews tell this cop fuck off goyim...


Jews want global war

Most of the Super Bowl excitement has been Brady throwing to a white guy.

Why don't you watch this. This made Finland great.



This was from a military parade like 2 years ago.
This has already been debunked

>Venezuelans have already been flooding neighboring countries.
yes the foreign attacks
aka CIA fuckery & economic kikery
started LONG AGO

More sanctions & More attacks ISNT going to fix shit.
Its only going to get orders of magnitudes worse.
>narco trade in Venezuela
implying the CIA arent involved in it
How bluepilled are you...

To be clear you mean (((white guy)))

Attached: 1540184942058.png (1920x1080, 682K)

Lol at New Zealand faggot defending communist spic. Patton should’ve been allowed to roll into Moscow.

>its been debunked
>provides no sources

Chavez nationalized farmlands and food production fell off a cliff but oil barrel was triple digit price so he could import from Brazil and Argentina and sell in government supermarket to the poor. Oil falls, whoops no more dollars to
Import everything we need and national production is pulverized after nationalizing. But Muh sanctions. The only sanctions
In place were against individuals. And btw maduros nephews are serving time in jail in NY for drug trafficking. Unironically kill yourself. Communists aren’t people


Those are colombian helicopters, not from the US. Stop it, shill. This came up on the news like 2 days ago

fuck off kangaroo fucker

Attached: 1548659500652.png (600x1078, 485K)

Underrated post

Attached: 1509948923858.jpg (250x241, 10K)

Those are Columbian helicopters from 2 days ago. Jow Forums is such a multicultural shithole these days.

Venezuela is deploying more troops on San Antonio del Tachira

They already blocked 2 Bridges and now Tanks are securing the border areas

Attached: Milicianos.png (472x289, 30K)

more americans need to see this.
what a kike infested shit hole NY is...

>mr no sources
damage control

Not really, it's an old as fuck. Is this really the first time you ever saw that image?


Reputable media here in my country


your news are 3 days old m8 and it was only a regular helicopter exercise to make sure everything was in order on the border area. No usa involvement as you falsely posted

Bolivarians BTFO, petistas and cubans BTFO, latin american commies BTFO
I hate to see burgers setting foot in this continent again, but that venezuelan Mario needs to be removed from power asap

You act like we don't know that.

>mr no sources
>all sources from Twitter
I've said it once and I'll say it again, you're trying so hard that you come off as a faggot. Again, kys.

that video doesnt at all match
its of 1 helicopter
article from December 31
try again

POR: PORTAFOLIO ENERO 31 DE 2019 - 10:33 A.M. (January 31st)

Article says 2 helicopters. Pls stop embarrasing yourself

>Why in the fuck are we getting involved
At least 15-20 trillion dollars worth of oil in the western hemisphere thus removing the strategic importance of the straight of hormuz. Seems like a good idea.
Jow Forums got so fucking gay in 2014.

they're gonna have to go through the mexican nuclear wasteland to get to America.

Attached: Fo4_radscorpion.png (1512x1080, 2.95M)

>more gay wars

Attached: 1548734270272.jpg (971x1092, 292K)

>implying soldiers don’t want to fight
Listen man, all you really need to understand is that some men like war.
Some men think they like war, and come to find out that they do not. But some men do actually like war.
I was in Iraq '08, Afghanistan '09, and Libya in 2011. It was the greatest times of my life.
War is not like what you see in movies.
It is where men enjoy themselves, some to the fullest.

Attached: B261C789-4821-47EC-8C78-2D242D297A8E.jpg (636x745, 68K)

JSOC better hurry up infilitrating Caracas

Seeing your image, you might enjoy this

>Aussie flag
Checks out

>guess where all those Venezuelan refugees will be headed?
colombia, ecuador, panama, peru, bolivia, paraguay, uruguay, argentina and chile

>Twitter and rt
Fuck you nigger
Oh it's a retarded /sg/ faggot who thinks partisangirl is a credible source

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 177K)

Ffs those aren't even the type of choppers the us military uses you sandnigger retard