Post elsewhere too

Posting redpills, debates, info and breaking news here is pointless.

You are discussing things with people who already agree with you and have similar views it dosent have any impact.

When you start posting elsewhere and actually convince and convert others of your beliefs I.e twitter, reddit, other forums etc. You actually make an impact.

All the best posting in the world here won’t ever change anything because people with other world views don’t visit pol.

Attached: B7DA5D40-984A-49C9-888E-D670FD157425.jpg (460x575, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:



She's a hottie

I’d lick the sand out of her ass crack.

She looks like a sweaty hot dog

Whenever we leave our designated bad-gentile containment board, people (discord trannies and unsuspecting normies) post shit like pic related.

Attached: HEHERSTEWPIDPELTURDS.png (298x294, 156K)

meh, i've had better

Idk how people here would fare against r/politics In debates tho

l e d d i t