Why do americans hate southern euros so much

Is it their germanic heritage? Immigration from southern europe was discouraged and fought against as far back as the 1700s when the us was intended to be a wasp ethnostate. Even today they say we're not really american and that we're all mixed with niggers (scientifically disproved)

t. product of germanic/italian mixing (father is the italian obviously)

Attached: Italians+are+not+white+_13497c30610bfd5bec6f77112620d992.jpg (333x509, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=race iq map&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&source=android-browser&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE8q2U9qDgAhXJdd8KHTXDAIIQ_AUoAXoECAsQAQ#imgrc=cIWpziAYMI_I3M

Ottomans aren't European

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Italians aren't even traditional Mediterraneans. Most Romans live ironically in Romania rn, the people who live in Italy since 1000 A.D. are Germanic tribespeople who bred with shitskins.

No they are not, retard. You can easily google this stuff instead of relying on memes:

"It's often claimed that Italians south of Rome are mostly descended from Moors who invaded in the Middle Ages. But according to historian Julie Anne Taylor, the large scale presence of Muslims in medieval Italy was restricted to just two southern locations (first Sicily and then the area around Lucera) and in both cases ended with mass expulsions. Her narrative is consistent with the available genetic data, which estimates only low levels (2-4%) of gene flow from Arabs and Berbers into those two locations, and even lower levels (0-1%) in the rest of the country."

Same reason we hate niggers

italians are seen on the same level as niggers?

Attached: da vinci.jpg (1200x675, 195K)

They are intimidated by med superiority

Attached: med.jpg (415x623, 43K)

You're not helping my case.

Attached: med.jpg (470x600, 38K)

Romans were amazing, but their successors, the Italians are a mess..

greeks and southern italians are jews
northern italians and spaniards are based meds

No, niggers are smarter

Is that fucking Gyp Rosetti? He was the best character in the fucking series god damn

gene map for reference

Attached: europe genetic map.png (1334x1067, 117K)

Because you're thieving, raping, murdering scum from low-trust societies.

Spain is one of the safest European countries, and has a much lower crimerate than the US.

i hear a lot of swedes and brit boomers move to spain for cheap and safe living
seems like a nice country


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What’s with these threads being spammed all the sudden? I’m old and I’ve never heard anti Italian anything from Americans irl. I heard some in Europe and it just seemed strange to me.

A legacy of facsism. They'll revert to their subhuman mean within a century.

i get called a nigger for being italian here.

I always wanted to leave this place and go to the midwest but after seeing how americans treated us before and during ww2 idk anymore.

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then why do many italians look arabid?

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nordicists want to feel special
also jews trying to divide whites


Oh and by the way, north africans are italian rapebabies, not the opposite like you niggers keep saying.

Attached: average nordnigger.jpg (1439x1440, 207K)

Just move to Rhode Island. It's full of guido wop scum like you, you'll do fine.

Do they though? Italians seem to often have a tan and dark hair, but beyond that is there all that much similarity?

I’ve lived in Oklahoma and Colorado my whole life. I never heard anything like that except for in movies and online neither of which resemble reality.

north africans are berbers, gonzalez

lol blond hair is literal shit and its romatization needs to end NOW, its fine on women however

north africans are whiter genetically than fingols like you are.

Also more technologically advanced.

Hope your mother gets cancer faggot.

Attached: italian arm.jpg (2592x1936, 976K)

That's like kids in the white suburbs thinking niggers are human. It's because those people have never been around the dago filth.

Top guy has blue eyes, probably just an anglo or welsh (still nordic as fuck genetically)

Nord vs Med threads are pure retardation and it's mostly americans larping as both sides and calling each other cucks

But then when I look like that from being italian, i'm an arab nigger. Ok.

Too late criminal, she's already dead.


Attached: italian dna.jpg (1766x741, 380K)

Colorado has loads of Italians

midwest doesn't and that's where i want to be.

Fuck off we're full. Go spray your axe, grease your hair, and sell your drugs somewhere else.

What are you waiting for? We don’t send out written inventions just move

I can't tell if it's one autistic faggot making these threads or multiple people.

Anyway, you're living in the 1940s. Most people don't give a shit about Southern Europeans today, at least here and I'm fairly sure Canada's not all that different from the US. Even in my dad's day (1950s), nativism was regarded as a fringist idea well on the way out.

t. half-Fingol half-Moortuguese mutt abomination

germanic people haven't hated southern europeans since the iron age

Not like New York or southern New England they don't.

i'm only 19

they don't

the mongoloid admixture you're talking about is predominant only eastern finland.
and what technological advancements you're talking about, you little man? they still live in medieval age

welsh people are not nordic genetically and neither are most english people. Blue eyes aren't an exclusively nordic thing either

No, he's not living in the 1940s. I'd unironically rather my sons marry niggers than dagos.

It's literally one guy.
See archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/image/WQqYMT_CdI1xphFEVZdVhw/

this, its delusional americans who think they are other nationalities like italian and german


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Oh...well you’re going to be insecure about all kinds of dumb shit.

Congratulations. If you bothered to read my post you'd have noticed the qualifier "most people," which I wrote specifically to avoid having to deal with autistic mouth breathers like you chiming in with "BUT DAS NOT WHAT I THINK".

Now go prep those bulls for your sons, fag.

>being this retarded
daily reminder that Italy has the 4th highest national average iq in the world
google.com/search?q=race iq map&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&source=android-browser&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjE8q2U9qDgAhXJdd8KHTXDAIIQ_AUoAXoECAsQAQ#imgrc=cIWpziAYMI_I3M

we are not white.

Attached: girl-of-the-match-14-jun-england-italy.jpg (1200x860, 212K)

We’re basically told from birth that we stole this land. It’s actually not surprising people search for something to belong too

>why does x happen in america
All southern europeans and slavs are treated like niggers in western european countries and the anglosphere

The real question is why amerimutts insist on saying they're southern euros. That dude is a mutt, actual southern euros pass for conquistadors, not maoris.

I'm white, and my cousins in Italy are white. Not all Italians look the same. I guess northern Italy is white, and southern Italy isn't.

>a fucking leaf

It's ellucidating how it's always american flags and memeflags with these kinds of posts, never actual south euros.

lol Italy is a kleptocratic failed state. Who cares how smart they are if they can't even open a business without paying off the mafia / camorra / 'ndranghetti. Wops have corruption in their blood.

Elucidating lmao

That's not how mafia works.
Your post is a waste of trips.

>hurr durr no mafiosi has ever run a protection racket
cope: the post

Most of the inmigrant stock from those places were known left wing radicals.

True. Sacco and Vanzetti justify the liquidation of any dago on American clay.

I don't know jack shit about the mafia, but at least I don't pretend to. Talking about stuff you don't know about is cringey.

Ignorance is curable. Unfortunately, being a wop isn't.

>The Mafia extorts more than 160 million euro a year from shops and businesses in the Palermo region, with the island as a whole paying 10 times that figure, investigators estimate.[4] Around 80 per cent of Sicilian businesses pay up a pizzo.[5] According to Palermo University, the pizzo averages 457 euros (640 dollars) a month for retail traders and 578 for hotels and restaurants, but construction companies are asked to pay over 2,000 euros per month according to economic daily Il Sole 24 Ore's figures.[6]

we don't but it's fun to piss you off because you're all hot headed pieces of shit.

Okay, I can't disagree. Just note that the bottom third of Italy is the bottom third of Italy, not all of it.

Americans seemed to hate Italians and Irish more than any other Euros historically.

It's true that Italian unification is a meme. Nobody in America has a problem with Lombardians. But they don't call themselves Lombardians, they call themselves Italians. If you don't want to be grouped together with Sicilian, Neapolitan, and Calabrian subhumans, then don't group yourself with them.

Northern italians are ok. When they are in the presence of large groups it is another story. Heavily italian descended neighbors are loud and have no sense of personal space and noise levels in public. Slavic neighbors are much quieter and keep to themselves. Its a matter of who is true snownigger or not.

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can't change what I am.

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>I am what I am
t.realistic shitskin

Sure you can. Rejecting Papism would be a good start.

That's because they're idol-worshipping Papists.

You spent the whole fucking thread calling me a guido when I have 50 ww2 books and a 3.9 gpa, and now you're accusing me of worshiping a kike that died on a stick. Fuck off nigger. I don't care what you say.

t. gypsy

>le kike on a stick meme
Youre the only kike here
>3.9 gpa
Try harder nigger.

The difference between me calling you a guido and you calling me a nigger is that I'm white and you're actually a guido. You could be a 180+IQ billionaire, and you'd still be a filthy guido. Deal with it.

You're part Somali btw.

Attached: Afro Europoid.jpg (2586x2533, 1.62M)

Here's the confirmation, fyi E1B =Somali.

Attached: Somali conquest migration.png (900x550, 491K)

how am i a guido?

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It's because they're not white and they're jealous of the superior olive skinned white people, you never wanna cross paths with an med woman she's going to absorb your soul it's ridiculous I get chills down my spine right now from remembering my first encounter with my med ex, the smell, the aroma, the passion, don't ever make eye contact with a med broad you're going to lose your soul.

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You're self-admittedly Italian. That's all it takes, dago.

Did your gf get fucked by one? Why are you so bitter?

Italians do have big dicks I know cause I'm part of italian descent and have a big dick too I'm Roman.

I think that Americans and Northern Europeans/Balts/Russians tend to think that we are much darker/swarthier than we actually are, most people here are pale like ghosts, but we do tan in summer, true, we have a culture of sunbathing and going to the beach. Maybe it is because they know famous Med people and sportsmen who usually tan to look healthy or because they work outside, or maybe because they come here during summers or maybe because half of the people that attend them in our countries are immigrants from latin america or the middle east who work as waiters and such, idk, but most people people here are unironically white-skinned.

I went to college in Providence. The most corrupt city in the nation, all due to being run by your kin. That's all it took.

I stay inside all year and I'm still brown

ok kike

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Fucking guinea ginzo subhuman dagos are NOT white. Anyone who's not a fucktard knows that.

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That's rich coming from a wop.

They know we are born pale but unlike them we love the sun cause we get beautiful olive golden tan that only latin and aryans can we are the superior whites and have always been and they know it.

Lmao you're 30% italian at the very most, mutt. Every white american is heavily mixed with other european ethnicities


Or maybe it's just because you're clannish and low-trust subhumans who have more in common culturally with niggers than you do with White people.