>Americans get pissy at the Chinese for eating dogs and cats
>American lawmakers even try to ban dog and cat meat consumption
>they do this all with a straight face as they take a bite of their cow and pig sandwiches
How do people not see the hypocrisy here?
Americans get pissy at the Chinese for eating dogs and cats
Other urls found in this thread:
Sage kys faggot meme flag uncle fucker
Seems about right
cows and pigs are livestock, dogs are companions, and I don't care about cats. and theres no reason to cook them alive like godless nigger savages
>cows and pigs are livestock, dogs are companions
So, cows and pigs are incapable of being your companion?
Because cows and pigs are very much just as intelligent and social as your dog.
I'm not against eating red meat, but you can't get upset at the Chinese eating dog while you eat red meat, because what you're doing is just as atrocious unless you purposefully and wrongfully choose to view these animals as dumb and unfeeling.
The problem is that Chinks enjoy torturing live animals before they eat them.
Chinks are subhuman.
This I agree with. I've seen shit of vietnamese clubbing a pig to death with a soggy chunk of rainforest wood and that shit made me mad.
I am, however, trying to make this discussion about the idea of being selective about which non-human species we consume.
Got a new image in my reaction folder.
But waiter, I thought I'd ordered the hot dog!
cows and pigs are good companions
dogs evolved alongside white men
we have a bond that goes back thousands of years
i don't expect you to understand
dogs helped us civilize ourselves. This is why there's the common theme of chinks not having humanity.
Yea, with eggs and potatoes.
>domesticated vs non domesticated animals
people don't have cows as companions, you fucking retard. We typically don't eat horse either and yet they aren't in most living rooms
>waaaaah muh feelings
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
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Chinks eat chinks.
I would totally eat dog. Fuck um. Food is food.
dogs were created for protection, cows and pigs for food. I'm against farming entirely, I think you should hunt your food, but I think what most people, here anyway, have a problem with is your butchering methods, so you should probably address that instead of your strawman
Do you not like feels user? Feels are pretty good
Only chinks criticise humans who actually feel empathy towards animals.
>people dont have cows as companions
Not very common in America, but in the eastern hemisphere cows are VERY much considered companions.
Plenty of people in the west keep pigs as pets as well.
>we typically dont eat horse either
Which is especially stupid that people got all pissy at that horse farm in Arizona. When it comes to intelligence horses and cows are the fucking same.
Dogs are just what our ancestors chose to make our companions. Other races chose other animals, and the cow was definitely one of them.
The difference is we don’t boil the cows or pigs alive. Even kosher/halal slaughter isn’t as cruel. It’s all because the Chinese and Koreans believe that adrenaline makes it “taste better.”
It’s not about the fact that it’s dog, it’s the fact that they are needlessly tortured beforehand.
We try to be human about it, it has to be done. WE don't torture them and boil/fry them alive.
We are different than them.
Shoo, go away Tao Pai Pai
I dont even know what the fuck this is
I never post on this cancerous board
Maybe your shitty fuckin mods shouldnt have fucked with a formula that worked just fine.
what exactly the fuck is a cow and pig sandwich
>its not the fact that it's a dog
Are you sure about that?
Are you sure your pork or beef wasnt tortured? You eat choice cuts every day, no cheap burgers?
Because I've seen just as much leaked footage of western farmers doing awful shit to their animals as eastern farmers.
A burger with bacon on it?
Jesus christ
I don't care that they eat dogs and cats I care about the way they make them suffer and literally do things like cook them alive.
I feel the exact same way about any US based companies that treat their cows and pigs like shit. Treat your animals with respect and kill them humanely. If you can't treat other living things with this basic respect you're subhuman which explains their horrific animal treatment in chinkland.
Is he gonna be ok?
I just bought 60lb of pork at .99 a lb
It must have been tortured and not just a sale price. I better take it back.
>amerimutts are the loyal dog slaves of Israel
>they project children onto their own pets and don't multiply
Probably because its seen as cannibalistic
Nice meme flag, zipper.
I'm not saying meat being cheap means it's been tortured, but just look up footage from American slaughterhouses.
No meat we eat that isnt the top-quality ultra-pampered wagyu-tier shit is treated well.
I cried the last time I shot a deer and I was always sad when animals I had raised from babies were sent to the butcher (grew up on a farm), I hated killing groundhogs and possums etc. Dogs and cats are also animals. I wouldn't eat one but if chinks want to I really don't care.
pretty sure that's not called a cow and pig sandwich
idk man desu i don't really think about it much. like i love to eat chicken but i also want to have pet chickens in the future that won't be meat birds.
Maybe if dogs are bred such that they were produced for meat that would change in the us but as it stands it's strictly off limits.
cows are literally too stupid to be tortured
Have you ever seen a slaughterhouse? I'm guessing not.
dogs are objectively more useful alive than as food
it takes some intelligence to train them though
>eating mans best friend
>eating a farm animal that is prey
Piss off Chang
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I wish they would take all the pit bulls from the West and eat them
cats and dogs are pets, not cattle.
chineese eat cats and dogs because they knew multiple famine and ended up eating their pets, or insects and shit like that.
now they just got used to it.
This is objectively wrong. They are very much just as smart as your dog.
You can eat beef all you like, I personally would rather not but it's natural and good for you.
But not respecting the intelligent, thinking, feeling animal it came from is just as disgusting as the chinks you hate for boiling puppies alive, so you should probably up and kill yourself.
Meat is meat desu
>They are very much just as smart as your dog
dogs can consent, cows can't. your an idiot.
>Dogs can consent
Flag checks out
not knowing what a tibetian burial is.
spreading fake news
you're as intelligent as don lemon.
The population of both cats and dogs have run out of control on the asian continent. Iirc Russia has problems with wondering packs of mongrels.
I'd imagine China doesnt have this same problem because they eat them.
Also, you all realize wild dogs arent even treated all that much better here in the US, right? A feral dog is killed if caught 99% of the time, the only difference is that we don't use the meat.
Herro Chong, how goes taking Austraria from filfy "stray-ones"?
See I didnt think you were trolling until you did a your over you're
That pushed it over the line of being clearly silly.
>have you ever seen a slaughterhouse
Yah, in dumbfuck nigger africa or china.
EU, and other western nations haven't tortured animals on a massive scale for consumption in decades you contrarian faggot.
>modern white men
I can assure you that you look nothing like an actual white European especially one from several thousand years ago.. Europeans have extremely diverse features and can display drastically different phenotypes depending on their region of origin, similar to the difference between a siberian wolf and a North American grey. However, with your reddish pink mottled skin as a result of aggressive genetic mixing between different europoids, you’re nothing more than a modern day Frankenstein or rather, a selectively bred species sub species like a chihuahua.
who the fuck is trolling besides you retard? dogs are smarter then cows, that's why we don't eat them. if you could ask a dog if it wanted to be eaten it would say no, a cow would say "moo". fuck off moron
That's not a Tibetian burial you niggerfaggot. That's not even in Tibet.
yes because we have found better way to provide meat.
a pig or a cow provide way more meat than a cat.
you wouldn't eat squirrels from central park either.
it's morally wrong it the west, that's it.
I'm more weirded out that people don't eat horses? What's the deal?
>horse steak
horse is great, but yeah it's forbidden in many country, shame.
chinaman spotted
Ok, so you're saying its bad because they are poor and have no other option?
You can say that's a negative trait of China as a whole and I'd agree with you, but you cant say that what the individual people are doing are morally wrong, are at least more morally wrong than the veal even you felt guilty for eating.
what a stupid fucking thread
Well no... because there is no "Hypocrisy" here.
the "domesticated" Dogs & Cats... were bread for the sole purpose of being *pets* ...
Cows & pigs.... were bread for the sole purpose of being stock animals for eating.
i said morally wrong in the west, i don't care what they do over there.
another ignorant /pol post in the making.
and then ask the same fucking question.
I am an organic farmer, specifically I raise tamworth pigs, and you don’t know what you’re talking about. Livestock can be cordial with you, but it’s nothing like a relationship that is with a dog.
I’m tired of these moralistic arguments from people who don’t actually care about laying out what they think morality even is in the first place.
>retarded kike with a memeflag doesn’t see the difference between dogs and cows
Colour me surprised
>cows can’t be companions
No, and only leftwing retards seem to have a problem with this very basic concept because you’re uttelry delusional
No soul.
Are you retarded lmao Americans slaughter animals in savage ways and use animals for testing in disgusting ways like beagles and monkeys to the point they go psychotic. Stfu
horse is proper
Dog and Cats are sacred animals in American culture. Please respect our culture.
See you can say "no" all you want but any quick google search you do points to cows being smart and affectionate.
That doesnt mean you can just walk up to a cow in a field and expect it to act like a dog and you'd be retarded for thinking that's what i implied.
Carnivores shouldn't eat other carnivores.
>he's never had bear meat
low T pleb
It's about responsibility you faggot. White men took the dog out of the wild and domesticated it. Some Asians did too. Darkies didn't do this. Island darkies sort of did, but it was already domesticated. The point is, is that we're the reason why the dogs can't survive in the wild anymore, other than maybe some select breeds like pitbulls. So, as a result, we have a responsibility for taking good care of them and managing them well. This is already in the DNA of many people and that's why it's instinctive more or less, but for those with genes that didn't do this, that's why it's so foreign to them. Such as you.
You forgot your memeflag Chang. Time to go back to China.
Dogs were bred and domesticated to be guards, hunting aids, and much more. While I understand the point you're trying to make (If you honestly believe what you're saying schlomo) cows, pigs, and chickens were bred to be LIVESTOCK. A SOURCE OF FOOD. It'd be pretty weird and impractical if we all started eating hamsters and mice or cockatiels and goldfish right? Because we didnt create them through artificial selection to be used a food source you fucking cuck
we bred dogs to serve us not to be served
to be eaten is not a dogs purpose
the dog is happiest not with its own kind, but within a human family. it is not a natural animal anymore, it cannot live without humans. to serve man is the dogs purpose and dogs are at their happiest when serving man.
and then you eat them. and we can't help but see that as disgusting. thats not what dogs are for what the fuck is wrong with you?
Pigs are omnivores too.
do you have autism?
I hate Chinks and Koreans and all those dog eaters so ficking much
American education everyone.
we know what it is and its disgusting
i dont care if leaving bloated diseased corpses in a tower to be eaten by birds is your idea of civilized. its savage, its stupid, and i do not respect it.
>growing cows/pigs/chickens
>to feed to dogs
>to eat the dogs
maybe you can see why we don't do this, but probably not
also this
hilariously inefficient
just eat the cows or chickens directly, you get more protein that way
so its not about protein, its not about efficiency. its just eating dogs for the sake of it.
it's like gifting someone a priceless work of classical art and then watching them wipe their asses with it.
thats not what dogs are for. use them for hunting or police work or the military or as home companions. they're not for eating.
keep eating dogs you're gonna get the shit bombed out of you for it one day. the public support for a war against your nations is as easy as pointing out they eat dogs then bombs away.
>I'm against farming
>fuck cats
Kill yourself
If you look at country of origin for most dogs, they're very much an Anglo friend. 150+ breeds from the British including their descendants in Cananda and Australia. Only 14 breeds for all of Asia.
This seems like a race an IQ thing, like how chinks didn't make are large variety of weapons with gunpowder.
The dog is much more than just a companion. Without their aid in hunting, Eurasia would never have humans.
Funny to that Africa lacks wolves so blacks never domesticated dogs. There's really no reason for blacks to have any affinity with them.
>that Bernie mac king of the hill episode
I've been saying this all along. The tyrannical government takes away more and more rights. Meanwhile, America is full of cucks.
Next they will take away America's gun rights and i will laugh. Fuck America.
Maybe to poos but not in the civilized world
>burgers getting mad and offended over extremely trivial shit
what else is new
Kys you chairtard Mao ass licking redditard
Unlike the Chinese who evolved from insects the whites evolved from wolves which is why we have such a strong bond with our dogs.
Farming and eating carnivores is cruel and impractical, only subhumans do it.
They can eat whatever they want, ain't my fuckin country.