Why American women prefer British men?

Why American women prefer British men?

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American women are for BBC only!

Daily reminder that once a womans been fucked once shes basically all used up


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Who gives even the slightest fuck?
Women are unchained animals at this point. You're not going to solve the problems of the West by studying an unrestrained bitch.

Because women will destroy everything when not controlled.

Because of the accent.

I wish I wasn't a complete sperg with women and could do this. I find the deep south accent sexy on a cute american girl.

pretty much this. I wonder how an American Southern accent would work on a British woman.

those guys are good looking, which is rare for a bong

can americans get laid with their accent in bongland? In Germany when I was a teenager I got a lot more attention from women than I did back home.


Small town girls are often looking for anyone from out of town. The accent is just a bonus

they probably feel pity for them considering the ugly cunts they have to deal with on their isle.

>t. Lost virginity to French girl turned on by my accent

republican women love the monarch dick
how can revolutionary bois even compete?

Same reason I go to canada

Because they demanded all of our dicks be ruined for decades because otherwise they would be grossed out but now they are starting to change their minds and like unruined dicks.
Actually it’s just this. I don’t blame them, British accents are sexy as fuck on women too.

Yes and no. In London you'll probably find some uptight boring chick who just LOVES San Fran and Obama. Rest of the UK hate you and will just laugh at your accent. I'm English living in Ireland atm and it's the Same here desu but worse, irish will be lovely to you then call you a fat yank twat when you aren't there.

Only if you're a nigger.
Europoors hate Americans.

Pretty sure it will only give you an advantage if you're already pulling women back home, if not then the accent won't do all the work for you unfortunately

Accent and the fact you will be fucking off in a few days.

>t. went to some cons
>Nerdy shit, got some cosplay thots.one looked like lita
>Loud as fuck in the sack, like they thought they were in a porno, was stupid.

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Why would you want to fuck a disgusting british woman?

This. Americans are idiots over British accents. /thread

>fat potatoes munchers call their fat potato muncher cousins fat

The foreskin is a blessing and a curse, they wanna see it they wanna touch it
>Then they start trying to stretch it like a fucking lunatic
>Also the handies....fucking trying to yank it all the way down to my sack I swear

racially superior

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How bad is the state of British women, nowadays? How many are still God-fearing, church attenders? I want to know how it is like to try to find a Christian wife in England, Scotland, or Wales, compared to America.

I watch a lot of amateur porn and Scots have probably the most beautiful dicks in the world, next to Serbians. Good volume, uncut, aesthetic curve shape.

American women like men with funny accents.

literally (literally) impossible
women in english churches are one step away from being sectioned


Oh... well, I suppose you have first-hand experiences in trying to find one, then?

I don't feel so bad about this after everything that has happened to us with the other races..

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>How bad is the state of British women, nowadays?

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British women have an incredibly short shelf life, doesn't seem to affect the men too bad.

And the ones in church are like 60 or 6, so no go my guy.

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Desperate country girls who are looking for a quick dicking and lads who don't want to stick it into the degenerate scum that make up the majority of UK women today.

We know it and you know it.

The accent dumb ass. It’s the only way you can tell them apart

this is my accent

how fucked am I? I can easily impersonate middle class english though

Idk about britcucks in particular but a Singapore girl told me I had a really sexy voice once. And I just have a deep midwestern one.

British nanny porn is kinda hot sometimes

Australia is next.

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>how fucked am I?

Not at all. You'll still slay American thots.

Nah we would turn into ash

Well thats one one of treating the STI's you'd catch, Doxycycline is another.

They just love the accent.

I know a couple of slags that fell for this in DC. One is now married to a Muslim and the other is perpetually in failed relationships. Both are in their 30s now and have gained weight

what in the fug

>>Also the handies....fucking trying to yank it all the way down to my sack I swear

Fucking goddamn stupid bitches have almost ripped my shit up idk how many times.

If I were Prime Minister I'd prevent anyone below the upper class from going abroad. Stop Deano and Rorke giving us a bad rep.

It works both ways lads. I had a friend from Brooklyn NY who was studying over here, he was a good lucking guy but on nights out his accent broke the ice every time. I've had US girls say my accent was beautiful (literally count dankula tier gutter trash accent). It's funny how it works.

'Omg are you from AMERICA, omg NY!!'

>I'm Not British But I'll Pretend to Be For the Express Purpose of Trolling Jow Forums: The Flag
At least get a VPN god damn.

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>Grabs your balls
>Nails like Freddy fucking Kruger right into the taint

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Where did you find this cunt?
I just saw the trv link and the link is a great display of Aussie accents on Sheilas


To assist in JIDF psyops. Jow Forums is the most valuable channel on 4c

>those guys are good looking
Mate they're average af.

Yes. All the yanks and cannucks at my uni clean up with less effort.

any American accent works in the UK as long as you are not a total retard.

Thots don't care and sure as fuck don't know the difference between RP and any other accent.

mfw 2/3 of marriages end in divorce
mfw that means the average woman has had well over 21 partners

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Fucking based. They're 57% white now thanks to these four national heroes.

Every deano in the British Isles needs to organise and invade the US through tourism, and bleach the shit out of the local Spanish speaking population.

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Because american men look like pic related

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British women don't go to church and even the "christian" ones you meet will have premarital sex. We're too far gone; at this point I've given up and am just enjoying the ride.

demasiado blanco


>I want to know how it is like to try to find a Christian wife in England, Scotland, or Wales
Northern Ireland is the closest you'll get. More people participate in religion in comparison to mainland Britain because it's been turned into a politician issue and forced into a sort of defence.

I bet they still all engage in pre-marital sex though. They're all slags.

Hope the degenerates get lynched

>European meme flag

This is literally a side plot in the movie Love Actually.
I refuse to believe it's very wide spread except maybe in Yankee land.

>Dean, Deano, Smithy, Deano
LOL, I had a friend from school named Dean who was a sleuther also. My friend Robert was also hard into the women. I think there's something to naming your kid and what personality they'll have. Probably due to how the parent who decided the name chooses to name them.

We seriously need a trade deal with the UK that includes free movement of people. 20 million people from the motherland might save us.

pls no there'll be so many yanks here
none of the type I want

You will probably get all the indians and blacks instead

>We seriously need a trade deal with the UK that includes free movement of people.
Agreed. And every Anglo willing to spread their seed should be given diplomatic immunity, state issued mutt gfs and throw in the Medal of Honor from Trump for saving that shithole.

>Why American women prefer British men?
They prefer the musk of an uncut cock.

Same reason British women prefer American men? Why do you people pretend as if sex tourism is a new thing?

It always amuses me when Europeans call America a "hole." It's 5000km across from San Diego to Boston, same as from London to Kuwait City.

Regardless, we could use more British
men since so many of our Anglos and Scots-Irish men get with Asians and Latinas.

>And every Anglo willing to spread their seed should be given diplomatic immunity, state issued mutt gfs
I will gladly ship over Nigresses by the Escalade if you all would like them.

They look like twats.

Get the fuck out of my country.

Americans are collectively all getting tired of cold weather. Even with 1 million legal immigrants annually, vast parts of the midwest are deserted. Everyone is moving to sun belts, hence all the conflict with Confederate statues as Northerners move south. I doubt many Americans would be attracted to Britain.

Yes I don’t care, they were all over me in Australia, let the bongs have fun, we are all white anyway so maybe some nice white families will get built. Last 3 Anglo countries on the planet.. (fuck NZ)

>It always amuses me when Europeans call America a "hole." It's 5000km across from San Diego to Boston, same as from London to Kuwait City.
Yeah that's why it's falling apart. You're trying to keep 50 states of totally different ancestral groups and god knows how many ethnicities unified under one nation in 2 Roman Empire sized landmasses combined. It's a less extreme version of what the EU is doing.

All the more reason Anglos should be rewarded for taking on the task of bleaching America.

Jokes on you, so do the women.

>Everyone is moving to sun belts, hence all the conflict with Confederate statues as Northerners move south.
Fuck off we're full.

are they running to american women or running away from british women?

the stats ive seen show that the uk has the highest rate of infidelity in the western world. hard to believe, but their women are even worse then north american women.

I'd prefer the border jumpers.


This. Fucking carpet baggers.

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>I'd prefer the border jumpers.
You want some 200lb 4'9" Latina that squeezes herself into size 6 jeans?
It's a deal man.

>This. Fucking carpet baggers.
Amen brother
May every God damn Yankee fuck off back to where they came from.

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you'd get pussy here for sure

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>21+ partners

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It's not what I want, it's a task I'm willing to undertake to spread huwhite genes across all fifty states and inside a mutt roastie.

Wasn't this a side plot in Love Actually?

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>it's a task I'm willing to undertake to spread huwhite genes across all fifty states and inside a mutt roastie.
Be my guest, I'll even help you out and tell yo where to fly to.
Plenty of mutt roasties there.


>be me, innaport in SE Asia
>fuck ton of Euros for some reason by the popular spots
>group consists of two Texans, a MassFag with a thick New English accent, a good ol' boy from 'Bama, an Oregon dudebro aryan and a huge beaner from rural CA
>literally everyone pulls pussy with ease, dumbass Euro women in love with the variety of the group

I miss being in the military sometimes tbqh famalams

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