
just found out that at least one factor of me being
depressed lately is my thyroid not doing it's fucking job, doc said that there's no medication or aid for it and that i'd have to simply wait it out. is there seriously nothing that i can do to stop feeling like shit all the time?

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Other urls found in this thread: conditions.aspx

start taking high doses of Vitamin K2 and D3

my mom has thyroid issues and this helped her a lot

What do they boost or help with, is it just thyroid issues or overall well being?

I was recently diagnosed Hypothyroid and I take Levithyroxine. I was out of whack for a long time because I'm stubborn and don't like going to the doc. I felt miserable and thought I was working to much (sickly, weak, stopping being able to lift and run, gained weird weight in my face). Meds made me feel like Hercules, it's awesome. conditions.aspx

I'll send you some positive energy. take care and I hope you feel better

Synthroid. My grandmother takes it and it helps her.

tongkat ali

Are you still taking them? if not then aren't you worried about a crash or something similar once you stop taking them?

>depressed because thyroid problems
Lose weight fatty

thanks ill pin that article and have a look after this thread

The absolute state of British medicine. Jesus Christ, get on some T4.

not fat
>18 y/o 185cm 70kg

Oh, I won't stop taking Levithyroxine, I'll have to take it for the rest of my life. It's cheap, costs like $2 a month, and I have to take it daily. The doc checks my TSH, T3 and T4, and the drug is a synthetic replacement. My thyroid is basically useless, it does nothing for me.

If your doc said your thyroid was acting up why didn't he share what your TSH was?

I've read bad things about that drug. You should consider switching to something like Synthroid.

The latter

i think he briefly went over some of the different hormone levels but didn't dwell on it for fear of me being just an ignorant teenager, which i suppose i am

buy iodized salt? i heard that might help. check it out tho fren

To me, I was so sick for so long, Levithyroxine was literally a miracle for me. I went from barely picking myself out of bed every morning and being exhausted after a half day of work. After a few weeks I began to feel it all return. I could barely turn a screwdriver or climb a ladder for work. Why switch when I know this stuff works on me for now?

Maybe I don't know the Brit health care but shouldn't your doctor recommend something to make you feel better? Thyroid issues are common, but your thyroid is super important for your body to regulate. Not to give you medical advice, but if your thyroid hormone is out of whack, no crackpot method is going to work. You need synthetic hormone period. Smelling salts, meth, dieting, none of that will make you feel better.

Have you tried a benzo yet?

i think I'll ask about a prescription next time i see him, he seemed wary of prescribing anything so far but i'm tired of feeling like shit. Thanks for the advice


juste kys lole

Not that you'd care but huh

Attached: Iodine.jpg (1920x2607, 3.06M)

already made sure to include ionized salt in my diet

glad you asked and are open to suggestions. Always try natural medicine first. bless you

I have Hashi. Normally I'm all for pol med advice and even tried taking iodine supplements before I went to doc. Fuck literally all that noise. It doesn't work. You'll feel so much better if your doc recommends it.

Steve jobs had a form of cancer that was controllable. He dieted and tried natural medicine and now apple is a shadow of it's former self.


Well thanks for going through your personal experiences i think i'll try some natural remedies first at least for a few weeks before relying on a prescription. nonetheless i'll have a chat with my doc. thanks again