Dont forget to make a list of your privileges guys!
Dont forget to make a list of your privileges guys!
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I will do none of those things.
i'm gonna get right on it.
Based and redpilled
Where is the GoFundme to send them back to Africa - their homeland?
This is a white woman saying this. She defines herself as a “progressive Christian.”
Number 8 is really important. If more wypipo did that then they would see that the BLM movement is built on a foundation of lies.
Lol no.
Why would I celebrate that shit? I'm not writing down a ruleset how you can celebrate my birth day and hand it to people either.
Was that written by a laid off journalist?
I was going to Jerk it to a black cam model... But I can't find many that don't kill my boner.
Where is the 'pay reparations to your local black community'? Ive already donated $5000 to the local black childrens fund.
TL;DR give niggers welfare
Why are white people so ridiculously weak. I swear there are many people who would take this seriously
I'll do my part and collect more nigger memes and go support a black business and get the BBQ Pork sandwich and the stir fried colored greens and kale with chili sauce
I may get a shoe shine and I will ask for a black person instead of a spic
One way white people oughta celebrate Nog History Month:
Count the days 'til March 1 while laughing that dindus got the shortest month.
What is your edgy, teenage problem with any of these, honestly? Talk to people who look different, listen to them and consume their media? Holy shit, it's like you live in an Orwellian concentration camp! How dare anyone suggest you do a new thing!
Seriously? These are pretty fucking benign. Except #7. Suggesting you engage with faith organizations is some bullshit.
I have only ever seen black guys shining shoes
He didn't even comment on it you beta. It's just a ridiculous image and both the people who made it and the people who would follow it are idiots
I'll stick to drinking kool aid with way too much sugar and fried chicken.
Why? What's ridiculous about it? There's genuinely nothing wrong with suggesting that a majority should get to know their society's minorities a little better. Maybe take some time to think about them. That's not a bad idea. Jow Forums likes to shit on black people and the Chinese for "lacking empathy." So what's the problem with asking you to show some, exactly?
I will not acknowledge retarded gommie terms like privilege.
Or waste money on shit that doesnt interest me. Or anything there really.
Why give 2 fucks about the well being of blacks?
8fuck, now I hate niggers
9my nigger my nigger
Why not? Ever tried to understand what it's a reference to? Ever thought about it at all? Listened to some examples, and considered them?
Exactly the same reason I'd give 2 fucks about the well being of "whites:" empathy extending to my fellow man. Isn't that one of the hallmarks that Jow Forums claims makes "white" people superior? And yet, if you don't demonstrate it, doesn't that make you just a black person with light skin, according to your philosophy?
I agree but shes assuming that white people dont consume black media like they need to be reminded to do it.
I will celebrate it by using this vidyagaem gun
You really don't want #7.
11. Give your pure white daughter to our big black cock son
>give money to black people
Only one that's not a fucking joke is 10, I can't help myself, I love rip tips and jerk chicken.
If you're based and redpilled, you should be primarily buying from small businesses when you can already.
And I should have added only go to the black shoe shiner that looks like Scatman Crothers in a hat. Dont give money to a gangsta wannbe
Plus the old darkies are often good story tellers as they work and say Sir mister and boss
1. Host or attend a blackface party.
2. Spend the whole month talkin' jive.
3. Watch a minstrel show.
4. Read about the founding and fate of Liberia.
5. Compare the economy, living conditions, and history of famines in Ethiopia, which has never been colonized, with South Africa, which still has a significant population of descendants of European colonists.
6. Learn about who sold the slaves before they were transported out of Africa.
7. Read about the Haitian revolution, and the subsequent prosperity of Haiti once the slaves were freed to govern themselves.
8. Find out what motivated the founding of the KKK.
9. Get the statistics on per-capita crime rates of black Americans.
10. Watch "Empire of Dust".
They *really* don't want #8.
>Buy from small black business
I used to buy weed till find that white guys who sell THC cartridges have better quality stuff.
No thanks.
1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. No
And to celebrate Black History Month... I’ll be “too lazy” to complete the list of NO.
Pictures like this are my favorite part of black history
I'll do #7.
It's about time my church stopped ignoring race realism.
kill yourself commie
*ahem* fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck spics, and fuck chinks
If it was "learn a little about black history" it would be understandable but it is basically asking white people to kiss black ass. stop being a cuck
*jazz hands*
>How to celebrate bhm
Gibs us mo' sheit witeboi, an' make shuh to check ya' privludges'
>11. Research African history that wasn't written or discovered by muslims or Europeans
I'll wait
literally item number 1
there's a difference between liking and sharing/claiming you take something seriously/insisting others should take its recommendations and actually taking something seriously enough to do it
>tl;dr thee and not me
Black history month or no, we should unironically make a list of our privileges.
1. Two parents
2. Low time preference
3. Average to above average IQ
4. Ancestors built a civilization for me to inherit
5. Society's high expectations for me encourage success
kek nigger fucked up the panels
We're not talking about Hmong immigrants or the Chamorro. We're talking about African Americans. They're probably the most well-understand minority in the United States. We think about them and typically interact with them multiple times every day.
You are a saint annon
10 ways to tl;dr
Also this. I had to grow up reading about black history. FORCED, by public education. Not sure what I did to deserve this since 0 (zero) of my ancestors had slaves or "oppressed" blacks. I have to see their media and history blatantly propagandized constantly. Why the hell should ANYONE have to dedicate their time to reading books about niggers as if its the moral thing to do is beyond me
Watch black movies, like
Zulu or black hawk down.
>Logical causality doesn't exist
>White people are the only ones without free will
>Wait this means we can't blame whites!
>Logical causality doesn't exist
>Minorities don't have free will but whites do
>Wait this means I can't succeed because its supposed to happen!
>Logical causality exists
>Everyone has free will
>But wait that means that I should just be able to get what I want by doing whats required without not doing anything!
>Logical causality exists
>No one has free will
>But wait I can't blame them because their doing whats supposed to happen!
Tell me how White privilege isn't a revamp of the original sin that Jesus covered?
w00t celebratin
>buy books by black authors
I like the belittling negroid attitude, implying white people need to educate themselves on the negroids history. Fuck niggers, they have no history and theres never been one that has written anything of worth
1. my taxes already goes to her welfare, she wants more?
2. make sone nigger
3.literally who?
4. 1-10: I work for a living
5. be better actors nigger
6. literally who again.
7. All ready happening, Hitler probably knows.
8. BLM are dangerous niggers, redundancies upon redundancies
9. speak properly and maybe I will
10. Got to have a business in order to purchase something from them.
there we go, am I a good poc supporter?
you forgot the most important
6. Don't stink like Jerry Curl
same here...
We just fired a nigger for nigging. Happy black history month!
Here is a great way to help black people on black hidtory month:
1. Tell them to stop voting for collectivist pyramid schemes.
Feels good when you embrace racism and tell blacks to fuck off.
all of these are bullshit except for #10 but i only go to the ghetto for hot chicken and bbq.
There's like 4 black people total in my state, how am I gonna shop at a "black owned business" ?
>stop being racist
>stop ignoring race
It's literally original sin. Just like somehow being born a man means you're born with "male privilege" even though they don't believe in gender and think you can just change it at will.
If you can change it how can you blame me for it?
11. Lynch a nigger. It’s part of their history, lmao!
Celebrate black history month by leaving cans of malt liquor on the side of the road as a thank you for picking up the trash
On my way to the DMV to pick up my white privilege card today, wish my luck the fucking DMV lady doesn't ask me for fourth proof of residency again
let niggers talk more than you because......
1. Why can't I tell anyone? You hiding something?
2. I did and I went one step further and critiqued them. Black authors are garbage tier at best.
3. Who?
4. I don't know what privilege is and I don't do social media
5. Done, I watch lots of anime
6. I did and it sucks
7. What if I don't have faith organization?
8. Done, BLM are criminal thugs are least and terrorists at worst
9. I do and they sound like 2 year olds when they speak
10. Do those even exists?
i celebrate black history month by spamming raceplay on tumblr
No one pointed out the hypocrisy of her putting her website on the meme.
The only black owned businesses I could think of would be restaurants and I don't know a single black owned restaurant in my area
>#7 stop ignoring race
Isn't that exactly what should be done? They want to have pride in their race but they want to ignore race? Pick one.
kek And make sure to smirk while you tell them.
The most recent book I've read was by a black author. Larry Elder's "What's Race Got To Do with It?: Why It's Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America". I don't think the compiler of that list would approve though.
Fuck charity
Don't believe I've ever read anything by a black author, might read caged bird sometime
Movies suck
There are no black people I talk to
There are about 10 black people within a 10 mile radius and none of them own a lawful business
This is retarded and written by a racist
Now explain to me why all the blacks in Africa are doing so badly.
The last thing I read was Beloved by Toni Morrison. I swear the entire book was written in pidgin english and hurt my eyes, I could only read 10 pages a day. Never again.
Larry Elder and Thomas Sowell are two atypical groids worth reading. They're both intelligent and articulate.
>donate $ to a black woman's self care fund
It's not self care if it's whitey doing all your caring
Last book by a black author I read was Thomas sowell’s barbarian at the gates. More of a compilation tho.
should i a celebrate by charging black guys half price?
Thomas Sowell is an honorary white
Colored greens lol
>donate money to a black woman's self care fund
I do, its called welfare you dumb nigger.
How about fuck no.
Here is an alternate list;
10) Never ever hire Africans for any work position
9) remind them.of how great Liberia is this time of year
8) figure out ways of making Liberia more attractive to them, so they move there on their own
7)disown any and all family members for interracial relationships
6) start neighborhood patrols to watch for Tyrones
5) demand lower welfare payments for better state budgets
4) drive section 8 losers from.your neighborhood
3) insist on executions for murder and rape crimes
2) ship all negros who refuse to go to Liberia to Mexico(aka certain death)
1) Make America White Again
>share this meme
Either this is a very meta meme or they are worse at this than we ever thought possible
This is the author of the image
Honestly, I can support #10 if they're legitimate all American business people just trying to get by. The others just strike me as white guilt virtue signaling.