Nigger hate thread

I mean, if we can have these threads all the time, why not?

Attached: niggers_aren't_evil.webm (720x1280, 564K)

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Did he steal the bike? I'm confused

Go away /b tard

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Go away plebbit.

Attached: 1537841272713.jpg (809x355, 69K)

What the fuck is even going on in this video? What is that shit?

Just niggers doing their thing.

Attached: Nigger_earthquake.webm (640x480, 1.95M)

The cat puked and the nigger is beating him for it.

the cat is probably more intelligent than the nigger and left the house

It wouldn't surprise me. Niggers are incapable of using logic.

Attached: 1517822098970.jpg (230x1024, 70K)

*robs a gun store*

Attached: Robbery_gone_right.webm (768x436, 1.02M)

Attached: melon slam.webm (354x360, 2.5M)

nig steals a bike

Attached: 1547782041547.webm (400x240, 429K)

Attached: R2-Dindu.webm (640x360, 582K)

I was never really racist until niggers actually tried to steal my bike while my girlfriend was riding it

Attached: 1543903453548.png (434x532, 430K)

Checked, and I'm guessing they had a cable hooked up to it?

Attached: soul_train.webm (588x458, 1.34M)

Attached: black crime purse.webm (552x358, 2.99M)

i wasnt racist until my shit got stolen by this one nigger i tried to be nice to

Attached: 1545545867139.jpg (700x577, 169K)

Attached: black on white crime.jpg (1342x9564, 2.68M)

Attached: nigger ape creature gets elbowed by aryan warrior.webm (326x180, 772K)

Attached: nigger demons hanging.jpg (600x795, 61K)

Attached: negro demon shot by cops.webm (480x270, 2.88M)

Attached: nigger hanging.gif (182x325, 3.93M)

Attached: NIGGER RHYME.jpg (336x450, 25K)

I bumped this thread back from impeding archiving your welcome user

Attached: WhiteAllies.webm (500x454, 2.8M)

>cat does something you don't like
>give it a treat instead
Yeah I bet your home smells like rancid piss, fuck cats.


Come puke on my bed and then let me whip your ass into a pulp. I bet you won't do that twice. Bitch.
Go fuck your dog, you canceradian.

Stop spreading fake shit

You are a fat fuck incapable of harming anyone but yourself.

It's really depressing that this was faked

It's funny though

If you get a cat then you should be able to deal with it puking if not then dont get one

Attached: Hambeast.webm (640x640, 1.23M)

Probably his white rape victim's cat too.

the same thing would've happened if it were a different animal
a bit of punishment is okay, pets can understand when they do something wrong, but the asshole went full nigger on the poor thing

Shut up burgernigger

Snorlax attacked in grumpy rage.

Looks just like my cat. Makes me very upset to see this. Cats don't understand punishment like a dog. This is effectively just torture.

Probably beats his children for accidents too.

I mean, he's a nigger so....

Attached: nigger hate thread.png (500x500, 541K)

If I met this animal abusing piece of shit in person I'd drug, torture, and kill him

Not seen from this angle is a giant steel safe fudd santa got behind as he drew his gun. So even if the nignog didn’t retardedly waste seconds in trying to dual weild, he would’ve had to shoot the guy behind solid cover.

who's the effn hero that made this infographic. truly a dark knight

it's a nigger, it drugs itself daily for pleasure, a third of your job is already done

Thanks. I normally don't make threads like this, but if jannies are going to allow all of the other shit threads, they should at least allow for the Jow Forums classics.

Attached: 1522812840071.png (1024x776, 577K)

Hahaha dumb nigger thought he was Jason Bourne

Damn that's one well build sign

Not him but yep. You can see a glimpse of it trailing as he takes off.

Really though, anyone whom robs a gun store is a fucking idiot. The nigs were lucky the owner had a soiboy diversity hire, or they would have been both shot as soon as the door opened.

Attached: Walking_dead_deleted_scene.jpg (800x445, 168K)

Is this porn? Wheres the link?


Is he ok?

he half the man he used to be


Yeah I saw it right as I posted that.
Nigger "dancing"

Attached: break_dancing.webm (272x480, 395K)

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jeeze man chill out. dont lose your head

is that guy gonna be alright?

sheeeeeeeit nigga

Attached: Dead nigger.jpg (500x375, 141K)

I like coffee and I like tea but I don't like niggers, no sir-ee!

Attached: shit nigga I thought you was just playing.png (767x538, 642K)

Yeah just needs an aspirin and a good nights sleep.