WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET A SPONGEBOB HALFTIME SHOW AS TRIBUTE TO THE MOST CULTURALLY SIGNIFICANT CARTOON ON AIR. INSTEAD WE GOT AN ABSOLUTELY NONSENSICAL NIGGERFEST. They just stuck a literal re-animated clip from the marching band scene in the middle. It made no sense. They should have started the half time show silent, then had Sweet Victory start playing then transitioned to Maroon 5. They had the money and resources to make this a spectacular tribute to Stephen Hillenberg, instead they were cheap jews and didn't try.
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Why are you even watching niggerball you faggot OP?
sage this shit
You got jewed.
any ideas on how to riot?
Absolute fucking mongs im pissed off too. Only reason i sat down and watched this garbage game was so I could see that play. NFL Fox Executives please fucking kys.
Could start a fucking raid on twitter of #BoycottNFL. I know that's going far for this but jesus H what the hell
Youth ruined. Thanks fox.
Bought premium tv sport license to see this shit. Fuck.
Caring about what satanic ritual is played at Jew Bowl.
Absolute state of Burgers. Just end yourself.
OP is complaining about the bread at the circus
You forgot your memeflag
Anyone who cares about SpongeBob is younger than 30. Anyone who cares about niggerball is older than 30. There is almost no demographic overlap
This. God fucking damnit. Jow Forumstards are LARPing losers. Go fucking die you faggotass niggers.
this is the final redpill needed for everyone to hate niggers and liberals
they ruined spongeboob
>Paying money to see some roided up nigger fight over a ball and for the Jew to perform satanic rituals right in front of you
Good Goyim
What did they mean by this?
Those who don't set aside their dumbass beliefs about a fucking sports game and don't try to show honor or respect to one of the greatest parts of so many people's youth are shithead faggots
100% this.
>Anyone who cares about SpongeBob is younger than 30. Anyone who cares about niggerball is older than 30. There is almost no demographic overlap
It's a good song though that old people would have enjoyed regardless.
It was never going to happen. Contracts with modern shitty pop music and the last legion of dedicated boomer viewers would chimp out.
imagine watching a masonic ritual performance
Americans are truly a lost cause
If you still care about SpongeBob you are a faggot. Case closed.
Now go be a good goy drink your S O Y and become a mindless NPC
That was some bretty looking demonic fireball shit.
fuck this game is boring.
maroon 5 is screwed, lets have a contest to see who can photoshop this image the hardest
i fucking hate israel so goddamn much its a problem seriously when will the day come when we rid these fucking cocksucking scumbags off the face of the earth goddamn fucking kike bastards
Show you care by turning it off.
Why and how do you guys still have expectations to be provided even a sliver of some form of satisfaction from mainstream entertainment?
Contact Elon Musk, we need all the firepower we can get, cuz I'm fuckin steaming rn.
The superbowl is a consumerist propaganda piece
You are literally an npc if you watch it
Nobody gives a fuck about Spongebob anymore, at least what it is now. But it at its peak was one of the greatest cartoons ever made and still holds up today. It's literally the Simpsons of non-adult cartoons and you're a faggot for not recognizing its cultural value. All of that aside it was stupid to think the Jews would allow it to get played at the Super Bowl.
>show respect to a comercialized sport with faked elements for drama
Wow you are a bigger loser than esports drones
Nothing to shop here. Four losers and a nigfag is poor enough.
Most of Jow Forums are still lite pilled beta fags. They it's wrong and yet they still cling to the Jew tit like an abused dog.
spongebob and simpsons were made by jews
no one cares about your garbage jewish consumerist/materialistic hedonistic culture
This whole game is pure faggotry this year.
What happened?
Are you actually retarded? He wasn't talking about football.
If anyone can do this please
Like it has been every year people just know noticed.
An all white team called the PATRIOTS has been dominating the sport for years.
I watch it for funny commercials. I've never followed sports. Only watch the Superbowl and probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for SpongeBob. I'm 19 so SpongeBob has literally been relevant my entire life
You're probably one of those faggot kids whose mom made him turn off the tv whenever actually good cartoons like EEnE came on.
What then? He said set aside beliefs for a sports game and show respect for a part of their youth. I presumed that it was the common obsession with sports during youth.
Are you telling me this little söyboy was demanding respect for fucking spongebob.
hope you know that shit is rigged for money laundering and ritual prediction
fucking autist
>All white
Tell that to the nigger with dreads down to his balls
I have to give it to Esports fags. Most Esports require a level of skill and Intelligence far beyond the average person Football is just a bunch of Roided up monkeys fighting over a hand egg.
>willingly watches comercials
Do you have anything for sale, or perhaps a new quest?
EEnE was some of the most degenerate shit i watched back in the 2000's as a kid
sorry i dont reminisce and have nostalgia for my programming and propaganda indoctrination
Why do most commercials have a cyborg in it?
I watch stream just for spongebob, waste of time. Feels like it's a bait so zoomer boomer and xoomer watch it.
transhumanism programming
Weird that there has been little coverage of the commercials. They're usually talked about and uploaded online weeks before.
I've only read headlines about a NYT ad bringing attention to journalists attacked or killed and an ad by a union which GM is now threatening to sue.
Good Goyim the Jew has trained you well.
Shit is literally the three stooges in cartoon form.
>a dozen kid friends/neighbors playing outside and using their imagination
Were the slapstick and thick character outlines too much for your sensitive inner faggot to handle? It was an incredibly wholesome and imaginative cartoon that could never be replicated in today's society.
Courage the Cowardly dog was the most Goy friendly Cartoon everything else is Jew trash.
Pewdiepie let down is worse.
That maroon 5 dude has so many tattoos. I wonder if he is apart of the Yakuza
EE and E and Johnny Bravo would cause a SJW meltdown of epic proportions today.
Who won the sports?
Reminder, My Little Pony had a bigger appearance at the Super Bowl than your shit cartoons.
>Shitting on the Edboys
Do you want to get fucked in the ass raw by a gorilla dick nigger? Do you? Don't you fucking dare utter those utterances ever again. EEnE is a comedy diamond mine and was one of the best cartoons. Ever.
I was actually referring to how technology has completely saturated kid entertainment to the point none of them go outside or socialize anymore, but that too.
You know what would be much better, chief? If YOU had went outside with friends and used your imagination to play, rather than do it vicariously through a piece of consumerist shit. What makes it so hard for you to understand that the ENTIRE reason that show was made and aired was to sell a product to you and your parents?
The jews
degenerate. 3 kids scheming up ways to earn quarters to buy jawbreakers.
Their scams always failed. Teaching kids a valuable lesson to not be a fucking kike with money especially in your community.
It is a bit ridiculous the defense for billion dollar stadiums is the sports bring millions to the area.
Even that Teen Titans Go had an episode today with some criticism
>going outside
Boomer please kys
Wasn't Maroon 5 going to make some huge political statement? What happened? Why was their performance so flat? Why does the lead singer look like his family is being held at gunpoint somewhere?
honestly no one knows
You know kids have a lot of free time right? Growing up I was somehow able to lift weights every morning, do taekwondo, ride bike, play in the woods, and play video games and watch a couple cartoons...
>go outside
But I did. A lot.
Reminder my little pony is Jow Forums approved since 4 years ago.
Why the fuck are you watching niggerball? Why the fuck are you complaining about niggerball? What are you expecting from niggerball?
Based fellow horsefucking beaner.
You can jump the wall.
Teen titans go should be banned and the producers executed. It is brain rot. Especially considered to Teen Titans normal.
Suuure you did.
I can already feel the backlash FOX is going to get from this cocktease
He's a kike
That show literally was teaching kids not to be greedy fucking kikes like Eddy. It was a lot better than crap nowadays. The foreigner was presented as a weirdo.
ABC airs the superbowl retard
Its on CBS
And the one blackish kid as a schizophrenic loner who was hinted to likely become the next bully target after the movie ending.
I personally would have prefered an "Everyone got along" ending but I can settle. Courage the Cowardly Dog will always be my favorite cartoon anyway.
Legit thought it was a broly reference at first you know blacks and dragonball
My parents tried that shit with me when it came to EEnE, so I stayed up to see if it would come on later and accidentially discovered Cowboy Bebop.
>caring about a sport where america wins no matter what
Fuckin irl calvinball
So it turned out pretty good?
I discovered Full Metal Alchemist using such a method. I still wanna fuck Winry.