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Truth. Who even pays for this shit.
Nigger nigger nigger
What is this, 2002?
Niggers are fucking played out and mainstream.
>watching the BIG GAYME in 2019
Also the stage was shaped like an M
Child sacrifice confirmed
>show spongebob bubble bowl animation
>transition to nigger rap
Fuck the NFL
Every SINGLE commmerical but ONE has prominently featured niggers.
That last one that had the kid with the southern drawl?
its a sport for apes.
The entire show is done by... wait for it... VOLUNTEERS.
VOLUNTEERS. THE NFL IS SO CHEAP THEY SCAM PEOPLE INTO VOLUNTEERING FOR MY FUCKING JOB. They don't seem aware of getting paid like $20+ an hour to do this stuff either.
Someone is doing this for free. Just think about that and laugh at their pathetic asses.
Lmfao! What is this shit!?
Is it that Savage 21 who's about to be deported?
This. Rap/hiphop is fucking boring. It is about as mainstream normie as one can get, who the fuck do they think they're kidding anymore?
Also check out all the white girls worshiping those niggers
That was Big Boi
every comercial, non top nigger asault.
Just got back from grocery shopping at king soopers.
>lots of parking
>no niggers
>store full of womens to eye rape
>no line at the deli
>no line at checkout
>prime rib eye $8 per lb
>no chicken wings available
>555s checked
Now what kind of bread and circus shit am I'm looking at? Are the kikes really this desperate? How can they think kristallnacht 2.0 is not right around the corner
Definition of a fucking train wreck
Where was Andre 3000?
It's not for us hasn't been for a long time.
One of the performers got deported today kek.
Apparently they hate each other now
Yes. One nigger had talent (Andre) and the other couldn’t take being the side bitch anymore
>why are there nigger musicians in my weekly nigger worshiping event?
are you retarded user?
>watching talmudvision
you asked for this
Oh cool! “The Neighborhood”. A new show ENTIRELY about racist whites who will be ridiculed constantly to make the niggers look like the normal ones. Can’t wait to tune in.
this was arguably the least degenerate part of the halftime show. At least he was showcasing a classic American vehicle. Much better than the skinny nigger and the faggot kike
HAVE YOU SEEN THIS! They tell the cop "this is NOT your neighborhood, We will Find you IN HARLEM"!!
THIS IS PROOF positive jews run this country and its allowed..
Why do we allow this? Why arnt they beaten like niggers or at least charged with obstruction of justice
>white people are abused by cops daily
Yet jews tell this cop fuck off goyim...
What the fuck!!!!!
It's like a minstrel show
another disinfowars boomer
This whole shit might be just as bad as Eurovision
It's an "all in the family" ripoff with the races reversed and Cedric is the "Archie bunker"
fun fun fun happy
love is love i love death i love me
Blacks dominate pop culture now a days what do you expect?