Give Tom Brady your power

Wanna tell me why you're not giving Tom Brady your power and energy to win against the LA negros?

He needs his rings to complete the journey.

Attached: Tom-Brady-Donald-Trump-Hat-0303-jpg.jpg (620x349, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Take my power, Tom.

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

Take my energy Bradyyy

Attached: 31f573e2738f5455d33340bc9edcc32d.jpg (630x887, 86K)

Stfu dumb ass

Taigs, out!

he doesn't need it
pats already win
one team wins 3 every decade

The sad truth of it all is: if he wins tonight and doesn't retire he is a fool. If he loses tonight and doesn't retire he is also a fool.

He's literally GOAT-tier at this point. Why fuck that up?


Keep it going pats in the lead 10-3

Attached: 360011BE-EF7D-4076-A504-40C64B21885F.jpg (1094x700, 129K)

He married a brazilian women and ALL brazilians are niggers. Why is Jow Forums supporting a sheboon lover?


absolute chimp out and liberal shitfest inc after the reagan reagan call. WHITE POWER

Attached: 1549055333168.gif (450x254, 2.61M)

couldve had brees vs brady but instead, its this bullshit


I’m not saying Brazilians are white but I am saying Israelis have been proxyfagging as Brazilians and Portuguese since mid December

Attached: 4DE82A30-8722-4316-9950-424B89F6D63B.gif (360x540, 3.74M)

You are a gay

Earthquake tonight in southern California.

You're retarded

He cant fuck it up and once he quits, football is gone for him forever. So let him hang on as long as he wants you stupid faggit worry about your own life

I’m not wrong

Don’t tease me

You are when you believe brazilians belong to a single ethnic group.