The great filter is almost here bois

Mankind is fucked.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Rogue black hole
Earth is flat. Space isn't real.

I think I saw her walking on 56th.

>not peoplekind
>no mention of women and minorities hardest hit
fake and gay

500 years... Like I give a shit.

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Well, AOC said the world would end in 12 years, so it’s whatevs

>my brain cant handle complex concepts

You hear that jews? You better cancel white genocide or its curtains for your kind for good.

I'm not worried.

Earth is flat. Space isn't real. The Great Filter is ourselves. 12,000 years ago there was an ancient nuclear war. Not a meteor. Not a comet. Ancient advanced technology. The Earth is an INFINITE PLANE WITH LAND BEYOND WHAT WE KNOW AND INFINITE RESOURCES AS WELL.

in order to be able to advance to the next step of human evolution we must first solve the problems that keep humanity divided and always fighting. The problems of nuclear weapons, usury, central banking and the feudalistic system we live under.

I wish!


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How would they know? You cant see black holes. You can somewhat detect them by seeing their gravitational effect on their surroundings, but the idea of being able to plot a trajectory for one based off the observations we can make is ridicilous.


And everyone will keep laughing at Trump wanting to get out of earth and funding space colonization.

You're stupider than a nigger

sorry to hear that.

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A rogue black hole just flew over my house!

The upheaval of the ages,
that naught shall shun.
Time and space devoured as one.
From your abode in the dark,
come forth; Thou who eats the stars!

Attached: black_hole.jpg (442x293, 39K)

That just gives me more reason to aim for genocide.
The faster we get rid of niggers and kikes, the sooner we can get to work on space travel.

Just for shits.

doesn't matter because we have less than 12 years of humanity based on Global Warming shills

Black holes aren't real

its true!

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Space isn't real. But it's the moon that is flat. #FlatMoonTheory

We're all going to die anyway. Would love to be in the generation that will be swallowed by a black hole. Imagine the chaos leading to the event.


Fricken sweet I love it when my black magic spellweaving actually works. Saionara, hubris-monkeys. If you nonhumans can separate yourselves from your illusions long enough to realize that your pernicious bipedal species is well and truly fucked, you can thank the Temple of the Black Light for literally creating your destruction.

Good, now we can start building Generation ships.

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floorchan is just two people

Space is electric.

Was going to ask for a source since I couldn't find jack shit on google, but now I'm reasing the thread it appears you're full of shit anyway.

>1 post by this ID.


Fake news.

once again, digits don't disappoint

Oh well.

Well no shit user. Either we get off this rock or we are guaranteed to be extinct.

>No link

>Fear mongering
the entire point of that shit is that such 'scary' scenarios invariably cause anyone who pays them any mind at all to experience a slight pang of fear (although some go straight up paranoid over such things).. And, the reason that this is a problem is that fear clouds the mind. And, it does not just cloud the mind momentarily, it can have a sort of rippling effect that can linger for a while.

If you think of the amalgamation of all of your conscious and unconscious thoughts as "your thought bandwidth" and each type of thought having its own frequency.. Consider that one frequency introduced to another frequency always causes attenuation to occur. This phenomenon is one of the few tesla experiments that there is actual accessible proof on, two adjacent frequencies attenuate not unlike a mod function.

Yes, in this experiment he was studying vibrations and not theoretical psychology, but I would argue that it is observable that the same rules apply.

>Rogue Black Hole gives mankind less than 500 years to find another sun.

What a horrible description of Angela Davis

Rogue black whole swollows up mankind’s cock. Super gonorrhea spreads across globe. You may be dying of it now! News at 9!

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If a black hole was 500 years to killing us we would already be seeing effects

hhhhhh you’re in too deep.

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If we can build generation ships, we can starlift the sun, and just fly the whole solar system where we want to go...

Then why aren't birds sitting on it


Well time for hedonism!

Black holes have never been proven to exist.

The Hyperwar started before that, but you aren't entirely wrong

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go to Atlanta

Orange Man bad tho!
Bernie can still win, duuuude.
lol legal weed and free shit, yo.

>Fake article
>1 post by this ID
>Faggots still feed it (You)s


He said white genocide.

ive already written my dna to 100 bluray discs and launched them into space. i will be preserved.

>and the feudalistic system we live under.
Im not so sure that that is fixable without some drastic biological change. Observe any given population and you will find that 80% seem to have a complete lack of the ability to think for themselves. And, of the remaining 20%, 80% just barely satisfy the criteria for being able to be classified as being able to think for themselves. The main question that needs to be answered here is: is this due to manipulative conditioning or some sort of biological process? That right there is a tough question to answer but I find myself more and more leaning towards the notion that it is some sort of biological process. Sort of like a more complicated version of herd/pack mentality, which we can observe in animals. If you think about it.. If everyone were able to think for themselves wouldn't it be likely that too many people would be saying "why should I?" or "I think my idea is better" when it came time to building civilization or improving infrastructure? I.e. too many chiefs and not enough indians. From this angle, at least the way I have been seeing it, the majority not being on the same mental playing field as the minority would be far more beneficial to the species as a whole than if everyone were capable of equal mental output.

Im not entirely sold on the latter part of my theory, but it is observable that currently an 80%/20% rule seems to be in effect as far as functional intelligence. Maybe the case could be that its tied with technological development, the more high tech we get the stupider more of us become. Good/easy times invariably produce weak men. When technology becomes nothing more than a fulcrum used to make everything easier everything becomes shittier as a result. Video games and movies are a decent example of this. The hands down best cartoons and movies made were made long before it was made easy to do such things. Now that it takes no more than some arbitrary ability to use blender in order to make a movie they are all trash. Same with video games, now that it is relatively simple to make games all of the effort put into them is in the brainwashing department. It is no coincidence that as soon as the ability to make an enemy surrender was no more difficult than the push of a button that all wars since have not been fought to win but rather fought to be fought so that all parties involved become a bit more destabilized.

Get ready for a black hole tax

I want to believe.

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science is for (((them)))

There is no such story on Forbes, this isn't real.

Pic related, old boss.

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this thread is full of kikes

I missed you old JIDF. Glad to see you're feeling better all of a sudden. I won't even ask you to go, as your post is better than 99% of Jow Forums atm even though it's hilarious bullshit.

That's when you know someone got too close to a sensitive topic.

Dios mio, el goblino...

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fake article


Best post

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if I had to choose between a black hole and jews, I'd chose the black hole

They really hate it when I occultpost. They actually think that their demiurge will save them from [us].

>be neet shitposter in 2519
>lul a rogue black hole just flew ove-

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>earth is flat guise.

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Fuck off you retarded faggot shill

>starlift the sun, and just fly the whole solar system where we want to go...

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Flat earth is a psy op. With a cheap store bought telescope you can see the red spot on jupiter or even the rings on saturn. Spherical heavenly bodies, like our visible moon. Flat earth is meant to discredit the real truther movement, 9/11, elsagate, international pedophile rings.

The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI deepfake false flags by masonic predictive programming weather manipulation and fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never existed so (((they))) can continue to harvest jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the top of the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan.

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>Mankind is fucked.
Who cares? 500 years from now our descendants will be break-dancing on the sun.


>Flat earth is a psy op.

I actually think its some kind of litmus test.

Shut up LARP


Bullshit, the earth is made of farts

Brainlet doesn't watch Isaac Arthur.

And we could actually use a Dyson sphere to direct the sun's energy in one direction to literally move the whole solar system wherever we want. Though it would still take a million years to get to the nearest star, the acceleration is very slow.

The sun is flat. Jamie, bring that shit up.

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Black holes are not even real. Jewish fucking bullshit. Semitic science fiction. Show me an observation of a black hole. Show me a photo of one taken with a telescope. Hubble could take a long exposure showing is many galaxies in a sing or frame as we can see stars and yet they can’t take a photo of a fucking black hole because they’re not real. They have all there goddamn jewish semitic kike theories about their mechanics like the event horizon and Hawking radiation. None of it is fucking real it’s all one big fat circumcised jew lie

Black holes are flat.


Maybe we can repel it with a thick barrier of greenhouse gases!

>Not my problem
t.White people.

Why would earth be in the centre?

Get a new script you boring kike.

Because they are testing the degree of efficacy of their erosion of human free will/critical thinking.

we'll never be able to see it
black holes arent real. their made up concepts by a bunch of idiots

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cuz jesus said so n shiett

The great filter for you is a gay man's asshole,Mr santorum. Your hard work and sacrifice in the name of greater Israel will not go unrecognized. Your first born child shall live as a shabbos goyim in the promised land.

Sucks to suck.

Fake and gay.

let me guess, we're dead unless we pay additional Black Hole Taxes to the jew bankers?
hah. get fucked. I welcome the singularity.

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