Why do I find women with bigger and aquiline noses to be more attractive than smaller Nordic noses? Specifically French and northern Iberian women have the best noses in my opinion. I myself have an aquiline nose due to my French and Anglo blood. >pic related
That nose is a bit too big but still turns me on for some reason
Sage, Go away crooked nose
Maybe you're a weirdo
Not a kike dumbass. There is a difference between Jew noses and Mediterranean/aquiline noses
I also love women with huge noses
it's because you know she is horribly self-conscious about it, and can exploit that
"ah jeez, that nose? i love every inch of it"
Jewish girls love black cocks
Bruh Roman noses noses and big noses get my dick diamonds, too. Idk y
I have a nose like that, I am Italian and Dutch. Not jewish at all. I get plenty of girls so doesn't seem to be an issue
My wife is from the Balkans. Her nose is literally 1/2 of the pic related but yeah, I have the same fetish.
More holes to fuck?
You have "Cain Blood". You are more animal than human. Do the right thing and stretch your neck out...
I had a kike gf two years ago. Her nose is fucking disguting, she is beautiful but the nose is just like a witch nose.
Fuck big noses. It's ugly as fuck
More brappppppppps to hnnnnnnngggggg
That’s the exact nose shape I have man. It must be genetic for us to be attracted to women who look similar to how we look
I hear women like these types of noses. They think it’s manly apparently.
A bigger nose is not the standard of beauty for a woman but it's not necessarily unattractive.
I also have a thing for women with more prominent, aquiline-like noses. It adds more interesting features to the face. I think that e.g. Sofia Coppola is just perfect (pic related). Tiny, pig-like noses are ugly.
And the artificial plastic surgery noses many women have these days are just boring.
u wr sayin?
I don't find aquiline noses unattractive. In fact, as long as it isn't a smashed sheboon nose I don't think it enters my subconscious calculation.
As to why you do, maybe because you yourself have one?
Dude do you not understand we’re not talking about the fat nasty noses that kikes have right?? Go look at a French nose or the noses of our founders. That’s what we mean by “bigger” aquiline noses
>only Jews have prominent noses
Jesus Christ this thread is making me embarrassed to be American. Go travel a bit more Cletus
Still better and probably the opposite of nigger noses
And yeah, some Israeli women are hot as fuck.
I hate my big nose, but it looks pretty good on her desu.
>only kikes have prominent noses
>your a kike if you don’t like short snub noses
Genetically they come from the same proto human... Its why the Whiter Greeks Italians Celts and even up into Viking lands even some Indians when I think about it have that same nose shape. Its not good looking. They are just noses but big honker. Normally I like the other physical traits that come with people with bigger noses but not the nose it self.
Btw that’s a bust of a Celt
There are many jewish hotties. I got a fetish on them since I discovered pol
It is funny to offend and humiliate kike girls while fucking
gee this thread hits right at home with me not because i like girls with hook noses but beause I as a dude cant go a day without thinking how ugly my hook nose looks. Its very similar to and i look like a fucking parrot from the side coupled with the fact that I got eye bags and it looks horrible.. one of my primary goals right now is to save 6k for a nose job and 2 grand for eye bag surgery and I dont even feel bad about it.
I guess you could tingle your ass pucci using that nose. Hence the attraction towards it.
Their religion literally says that women need to fulfill every kink their man has.
So yeah, every jewish chick takes it up the ass
I have a nose like this with a bump in the middle
My wife of 15 years has that nose and 32-DD cups.
Life's good.
Italian here. I have this nose.
>lol mutt
Fuck off niggers. You'll never be white like me.
i love blonde/red hair and blue/green eyes, but I hate nordic noses. they're so small, it reminds me of a mouse nose. Also something about them reminds me of chinks/niggers even though their noses don't look niggerly
That inverse curve is fucked up desu, quite feminine looking only works on qt's
You're a faggot. Kill yourself
You're a nigger if you can't spell
I want to say this is a nord nose
what do you think of my new nose?
die, nigger.
Yep there are some huge fucking noses at the south. Freaks me the fuck out. Nordic nose is the most aesthetic.
Then we have Asians with their weird noses. There's that one type, small cute nose for Asian qts that works out but on average Asians got the weirdest most largest selection of noses for a one race. Like they don't have a clear standard what's supposed to be their nose.
Anglo nose then?
MFW I actually considered moving to Israel. Guns, no niggers, no sandniggers and hot kikesses
>Why do I find women with bigger and aquiline noses to be more attractive than smaller Nordic noses?
idk user but I'm glad to hear someone loves these ogers. I've always hates these noses. As a kid when I described how much I hated it to my friends they laughed, as if they didn't quite agree but got mind point. Is this not a deal breaker to most people? I called it the Tucson Sam.
>no sandniggers
up turned noses to me aren't as attractive either but cute and normally hot Nordic Scandinavian woman have those noses but they are small. I personally have something in between but I am also a Rh Negative. My brother and my sister have Roman noses.
This nose is why I think so indian/arab women look like dogs.
I like beaks too and I have a small nose. guess opposites attract or something
>gee this thread hits right at home with me not because i like girls with hook noses but beause I as a dude cant go a day without thinking how ugly my hook nose looks. Its very similar to
You don't even know what hook nose means. These aren't hook noses. The high, arched nasal bridge isn't a hook nose. A hook nose is the downward pointing tip.
Middle Eastern people like Arabs and Jews have downward pointing tip and nostrils whereas Europeans have it horizontal.
Do you like it because you can fit your micropenis up the nostrils?
I like big/long noses on girls too.
i can't stand that kike nose, literally makes me limp. I find russian noses the best, gets me diamond
you can stick that definition up your ass, both noses have a nasal bridge that has a slope bigger than 45 degress literally making out the shape of a hook
Lmao, you are right. Wtf I thought there were no mudslimes there. Wow Israel sucks ass
Fuck, she's a jew.
Sadly, I think I'm just attracted to the female jewish nose. At least when they're still young and cute.
Better than a huge bell pepper nigger nose
Hng, hey there cutie.