White men with less than a 4-year college degree are the new niggers...

White men with less than a 4-year college degree are the new niggers. You don't qualify for any assistance from the government, no one is going to hire you because of the colour of your skin or your vagina, and all of the unions have been busted. Thanks to your low to no wages, you can look forward to becoming an incel on your 23rd birthday and living in your mom's basement forever. We have no reason not to become communists.

Attached: neoliberal scum.jpg (1600x851, 444K)

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My apologizes for this retard’s post.

I am Iranian and i own my own house and scam the government for NEETbux, keep working for me white boy i need to get Ace Combat 7 soon.

So I don't get to participate in the economy because I failed differential equations? We're just going to through a generation of Canadian men in the garbage?

I made 40 dollars an hour at 20 with no education. Kys retard.

Thanks leaf
I was in top 10 high school and university in the US and have a 6 figure job a year out of college - ethnonationalism is the answer

In case you haven't realized, most people under 40 have a more positive view of socialism.

You're the retard. Do you think that the oil patch is going to save anyone when the price of oil drops to $50 CAD when gas cars are banned before 2040?

>I was in top 10 high school and university in the US and have a 6 figure job a year out of college - ethnonationalism is the answer

You're the only kind of person the economy works for now. Lemme guess, IQ well over 130, both your parents were professionals too. A lot of the guys you knew growing up, unless you were in a guilded zip code, just kind of got older, and never became anything.

Correct. The waste of human capital is astounding

Yeah. We're like the housewives of the 50s, sitting around doing nothing because machines do all of the work now, not working simply because of tradition. Massive waste.


Overly cucked mindset. The guys I know are doing fine for themselves, they just just obviously could do more if there was a worthier call to answer

I don't get what you mean. Are you saying they could be more productive if given the opportunity?

Lol as if this is why we are staying Armageddon, the NEET phenomenon is such bullshit and could be totally avoided if the economies weren't being dominated by an anti-society racket


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>white men with less than a 4 year college degree are the new niggers
>you don’t qualify for any assistance from the government

So the opposite of niggers then?

I'm CFO of a multinational, and you're a gigantic faggot
multiculturalism is the answer

The combination of affirmative action and rampant importation of nonwhite populations is why the white working class has been decimated, in conjunction with jewish capitalists.

Becoming communists simply reinforces the death of the west by removing the borders completely and allowing the US and other countries to be overrun by leftists nonwhites.

It’s ok, it’s not your fault

T. Retarded larping shitskin manchild

Keep proving your “people” are infeiror by wanting to live in white people’s lands. It only makes our case stronger


Whatever faggot. I'm a self employed finish carpenter in the Midwest and I made a little over $80k in 2018. I'm not rich but I have purpose and enjoy what I do. Get rid of the victim mentality before you become one.

Are you retarded? Communist countries had the hardest borders in the world, like the Berlin Wall and the DMZ. China and Vietnam have strict borders and immigration controls. Open borders is a neoliberal policy.

How old are you?

this is now a Big Brain Leaf Only thread, all other posters are our slaves and kiss our cold, icy, leafy, feet

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>Open borders is a neoliberal policy.

Any attempt at Communism/Leftist takeover of the government would have an open borders policy as a prerequisite because the leftists in this country do NOT want a wall, as you can see expressed by Antifa and other Communist groups.

Communists in the past may have had strong borders but that has no bearing on the implementation of leftism in this country.

So you're not even a Millennial. You turned 18 in 1998, during an economic boom, and had already been working for 10 years by the time the Great Recession hit. You were probably unionized and fully qualified before 2009. I can't believe someone wouldn't realize that the GR would affect someone's lifetime earnings.

I'm not in your country.

Wrong! Walmart and the military hire tons of stupid whites.

Basically, I think internalized moral-cultural abstractions are what define men and enable them to perform. Capitalism is shit at generating quality human capital because men need higher purpose than "dude make money lmao". And the implicit universalist humanism of communism will never work in a multicultural environment because it will always devolve into the bottom 50% wanting redistribution while the top 50% wants (basically) ancapism

Nice argument

AC7 is great buy it now user

ok but how the fuck did you know i was turning 23 this year my guy?

You pretty much just proved my point. Wal-Mart pays below subsistence, and the military is a joke.

Canada and the US are basically the same thing except you have more chinks.

Leftist groups in your country are essentially the same as in mine and the implementation would be identical.

Nope. Take some time to learn about how things work up here.

In the 1960s my garbage man was a nigger
In the 70s my garbage man was Italian
Now my garbage man is white

No, why don't you give me a few examples off-hand?

You can't because there aren't any.

who is far left and who is the guy between cameron and reagon

We have an actual progressive party called the NDP that could get elected, form a government, and reform things. Your country is a dystopian shithole. The Democratic Party is just Woke Capitalism's party.
Milton Friedman and Tony Blair. You have to be 18 to post here.

You dindu nuffin

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Progressivism is just woke capital

Why do you want black people and chinks to have better opportunities than you? Canada is a white country founded by white people, you don't even have a history of slavery and yet you fetishize nonwhites dominating you. It's pathetic.

I guarantee that you've never read a single one of the NDP's policies or even been to ndp.ca.

Apology accepted leaf

Fuck and die capo scum cunt!

also you haven't answered my question about how you would manage to get an immigration policy that would protect the white working class from nonwhites invading via Open Borders?

We don't have open borders here. It's hard to get in. "Open borders" is what the EU and US have, where you can walk across the border and get welfare after flushing your Shitholistani passport.

Not in nor have I ever been in a Union. They're for lazy fucks. All my money comes from hard work and quality results. You are correct though, you're not going to make top rate in your first few years. You have to earn it. That's the biggest problem with millennials. They want everything now. A generation of instant gratification participation trophies. Work hard, do your best, you will find success.


I don't need to, this is the leader of the party.

No but you allow so many chinks in that the Canadian real estate market is in a massive bubble, destroying any dream for average white people to own property.

Really sad that you support white genocide.

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>Work hard, do your best, you will find success.

Nope. You don't get it. It's a structural, generational problem. Do you think we're all just a bunch of fakers? forbes.com/sites/lawrencelight/2018/11/19/heres-why-millennials-are-trailing-behind-financially/

You just admitted your ignorance. There's really no point in talking to someone who refuses to read.

>You just admitted your ignorance. There's really no point in talking to someone who refuses to read.

Not an argument, the fact that a party with a history of supposedly watching out for white working class Canadians would virtue signal by putting that guy as the head is proof that the party cares nothing for white working class Canadians.

You're a faggot and you have no argument, you can't even explain how to keep the Chinese out.

you are millennial, depending on whose date range you go by. of course, as a fence-rider, you can pick genX. participation "trophies" is just a baby boomer meme to complain about their kids. those things have been around before you were swimming in your dad's nuts. but, even today the top performers in ____ are still uniquely rewarded as such. participation "trophies" don't mean dick to the kids that get them, because they know it symbolizes how much they sucked.

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It's worse than that even. A capable white man is not going to just say fuck it. He's going to use his wits. Honestly better off just ODing because that's what they are counting on. We'll pull the whole of modernity on our backs because we're honorable white men.

I'm just waiting on legal permission to dispatch our adversaries like a good little authoritarian.

I'm not white but that's literally me.

Sign up for your racial grievance gibs goy.

But I don't want to be a civilization destroying leech. I want to work my way up to a decent middle class life. It will take time, but for now this is the life I'll have to live.

>assuming I’m an oil worker
Yup you are a lazy retard.

There's no other way to make $40/hour with "no education."

ctrl-f "learn to code"
0 results
wtf goys

I dropped out of highschool in 07, I've made 150k a year, every year, for the last 11 years. I'm married, debt free, and my wife is pregnant with our third child. I am no nigger.

Unironically this is the secret to financial success.

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So you're a drug dealer than imports from Latin America?

what do you do for a living?