Brady yells REAGAN

>Brady yells REAGAN
>the play has the players run to the right

What did Brady mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Let's Make America Great Again

Attached: File_007.jpg (497x458, 68K)

TRUMP 2020 confirmed.
Screencap me in this post.

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Trump confirmed for president in 2020

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Good call!

Make Football right wing again


Attached: BAS_MAGA5_pounded in the butt by my own butt_themovie.png (1228x953, 327K)

Include me in screencap

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2 0 2 0

CFU good channel he throws in the 6 sided star of the kikes

This game has been hilarious so far
Praying for 3 - 0 till end

What happens?!



i love that they caught that audio

Kek has spoken, Trump will win 2020 backed by Tom Brady the goat

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Holy moly what a set of digits

By the Great Kek I am seeing doubles


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Out of all the audio they could have caught haha. I hope rams yell Pelosi and run straight left out of bounds...

Trump 2020 CONFIRMED

Digits confirm digits. :O

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Kek is with us again!!!

dem digits


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screen cap me cap'n

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>call a rbg and die

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Right wing death squads confirmed by Brady.

2020 - 2(nd term) - 2020


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>>Brady yells REAGAN
>>the play has the players run to the right
I missed this, did it actually happen?

The Rams have a counter play called OBAMA where everyone runs to the left and all the white fans have to pay for their tickets again.

My sides

lel you should look at some of the leftist tweets in response



>2020 2020

Two 2020s two scoops two terms let's fucking go

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Superb Owl Bubo Bubo 202022020 says

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LMAO does anything not make them mad

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>play fizzled out after three yards

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when he yells clinton it means run to the left.

From the sideline:

"Ok we're gonna run a CLINTON '16, Her Turn, Left. GO!... INTERCEPTION, GODDAMNIT!"

"Who the fuck called Clinton 16, we should have gone with SANDERS. FUCK! FUUUCK!"

It was real in my mind

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>Troll the ever loving fuck out of left while they are all watching
Hahahahaha, fuck I couldn't give a shit about sports but this guy deserves the win.

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This one made me smile

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lol i can't believe Jow Forums like ronald reagan now. this place sucks

Wew digits

White man bad

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Brady will be president someday

White man bad... again

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they dont actually you fucking brainlet. the white man said a thing in the football game and thats it

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Wew.... Nigger

Imagine, honestly just fucking imagine being this much of a pathetic cunt

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Ohh lawdy

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>The jig is up

>The nig is uppity

The Sandinistas were the drug dealers and the terrorists freedom fighters had a sting op to smear them done by the false flaggers of jewdom

>offense shifts into a giant wall of blockers

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Not be seen for 2 months

Based and blessedpilled

>what did he mean by this?

Yes it did

I thought that was called the Venezuela, but after they pay, they are denied entry.

>Reagan is racist
>the same Reagan who gave beaners amnesty

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Fuck Reagan.

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does he mean he's going to replace all the players with spics
I can't be the only one who gets pissed at Reagan's legacy considering how badly he fucked the right in this country

How is this racist?

>2020 and doubles

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Trump 2020 confirmed

Illiterate nigs can't spell "Reagan".

All whites are racist

Which is funny considering that niggers sometimes have Irish names like Tyrone

Nobody here likes that faggot Reagan.
It’s just really funny how triggered the left is over it.

Trump 2020 - MAGA

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Everyone else is sub human

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Put me in screencap

Let’s not forget last years meltdown.

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That was two years ago user

Make room for me in the screencap

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Well fuck
Where does the time go?

>Where does the time go?
Jews stole it, as usual

The Russians hacked the Rams game plan

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