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lies, women never fuck me

That sounds pretty awesome.

That's 90s grrrl power edge btw

You can't even smile at a woman without going to jail , but you also can't NOT smile at her because if she wanted you to smile and you didn't you'll go to jail

Yeesh. Sounds terrible to be a woman, they should really all be replaced by sexbots and artificial wombs.

Sounds degenerate,

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i only wish i could be as brave as a modern day western woman

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God I wish

This is what having rights does to women.

Not if your fat.....bitch

>gets mad that guys want to fuck her
>ruins lives when guys dont want to fuck her

>wow well everyone wants to fuck me so i have to fuck everyone lol
Either i don't understand this or this is completely fucking retarded.

>be woman
>walk around ignoring any sub8 man that talks to you
>get daily invitations for sex by 9/10 and 10/10 men
>do nothing to deserve this attention but merely exist
>get drunk every night, eat like shit, don't take care of yourself it literally does not matter, you still get offers of sex by the most desirable men
the only thing that will make these cunt happy is the complete extermination of every man under an 8 and the redistribution of all their assets to the sisterhood.

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>walking wetholes are treated like walking wetholes
All is well, the way I see it.

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But I'd love it if someone told me straight up that they want to fuck me. Also, the absurdity of that reversal is one of the many things where sexes are profoundly different and unable to fully identify with each other.

Omg, it must be so hard knowing all these thirsty cucks want some of that wizard sleeve pussy! You’re right op, women have it soooo bad in the west, we should invite more Muslims over from third world shit hole to replace all the evil mysoginist white men!

Wait, women are forced to say "yes" when you asked them to fuck you? Why the hell am I learning this for the first time?

shit that is literally the high school I went to

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>"thank you very, very much" with a smile on your face
Something about that story sounds a bit fishy...

>ask for roots, gets roots, somehow this is a problem for this bitch.

If I wanted to know what it's like to be a woman I'd get a lobotomy.

38.845252, -77.631421

HA! Shameless self checked

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>write fuck me on your chest
Maybe don't wear a tight shirt, a pushup bra and expose your cleavage when you're walking down the street.

You earned that tripz.

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>this is how women “think”


W-would that actually work?

>tfw you’ll never be tyler

Dykey, unhappy women have the biggest persecution complexes? Yeah, that's the truth.

>Imagine being so pathetic that the only way you weigh your self worth is as a sex object.
>So pathetic that you project your self delusion on every single member of the opposite sex.
>Then when you realize that you are a vacuous hole blame the people you DID have sex with for you being so worthless.
>Imagine screaming that lie so often that you attract other losers like yourself that buy that bs you are spewing.
>Now everyone is worried that they are also only sex objects even though they had been so much more before they doubted.
>Imagine now having shit things up so much that sex is no longer even WORTHWHILE for the opposite sex for fear that the delusional mob mentality will render even an enjoyable consensual encounter rape post hoc.
>Even as birthrates decline and suicides skyrocket you keep beating the drum just so your worthless life has meaning, by rendering all other lives (even those of the unborn) worthless.
>Now you know what it's like to be a feminist cunt...

>>Imagine being so pathetic that the only way you weigh your self worth is as a sex object.
>>So pathetic that you project your self delusion on every single member of the opposite sex.

Pic related.

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truth; if you are a whore maybe

>women have to fuck every guy that says yes

>2nd panel

this is some really delusional melodrama got damn

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this. I wish I saw more of this and less of these uptight whores.

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>Kirshner is a granddaughter of Holocaust survivors; her father was born in a displaced persons camp in Germany in 1946, and met Kirshner's mother, a Bulgarian Jewish refugee, after they escaped to Israel.

10/10 maidens, would lay down life to defend