Super Bowl Commercial Watch #6: Sponsored by Kia Edition

Superbowl commercial watch!
Lets see how much racemixing, queerpushing, virtuesignalling things are pushed down our throats today, fellow americans. Post proofs if you can, keep track of how many stupid white males appear in this feast of advertising!

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for 3-0 game

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3rd for BOOOOOOO


First for Patriots


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more commercials

shut up you

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fuck your cbs nigger sports dot com you faggot. fuck you


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I've seen football (for Americans: "soccer") matches with a higher score than this.

Very good. Just not stupid enough to give her access to my money. She would waste it all buying dumb shit.

John Krasinski with the pro Veteran commercial

this is as close to the talmud vision I'm getting, report in kike degeneracy blease


Was that Jon Krasinski?


We need an underwhelming Owl.

military worship is the other NFL meme

>this military job keeps us safe
>Automated Logistics Specialist
lol go count bullets pog

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the rams should be embarassed that they only have 87 yards this entire game so far..

Too bad it was a Google commercial. Knowing those motherfuckers hate white veterans.

fuck you google, you already blew it, dont try to play the nigger veterans card

well you sound like a controlling asshole just from everything you said and how you see her


Go Patriots.

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That toothpaste commercial was the whitest office I've seen in a while.


>6000001 odometer


>he's actually watching the game


Defenses are too good. Boring game, boring commercials.


anyone spot the sniper booth yet?

Google made a based commercial?!!

Join the military, goy

muh military dis da price of freedums :DDDDDD

Pro veteran =/= pro military

This quarter sponsored by water, now with zero calories...

>I could've been using my dildo this whole time
Hope you're happy Jow Forums

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One of these niggers needs to pull out a gun, start shooting other players, grab the ball, make a touchdown, then smile at the camera and say
"Ain't life a bitch?"
Before blowing his head off on international TV.

Defense wins championships krautkuck, you should have learned that at Normandy

not shitting on whites is now edgy tv.

Or 25 series :(

Jesus Christ, I just watched a commercial were they literally outright said “supporting social justice.”

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What's wrong?

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Bobs and vagene pls

What is with the robot commercials?
They are trying to mass condition the population to be more accepting of automotans listening in and being in their own homes.

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Punt time again?

>anyone spot the sniper booth yet?

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Last Boy Scout is kino

I'm gunna start calling it the Sodomite-bowl

Yeah, thanks Google. I'm sure there's tons of jobs that require blowing up armor. Somebody check the other infantry MOSs

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topkek 3E1X1 was refrigerator technician

The viewers are their recruitment pool.

>over half the ownership is zionist heebs

Gee I wonder why they honor the goyim dying for Israel and international banking interests

>watching TV just to watch commercials
The absolute state of Americans

>He's sitting in a fucking lawn chair.

Doesn't seem like the best choice desu

Meh, you think I am a controlling asshole for not giving someone access to my money that has no clue about it's value? You sound like a fool. Put me on your bank account. I promise to be responsible. Really.

>mfw if i try it for 11b it will just be the same shit jobs i qualified for before the army

What? There's a sniper bo

Yup. I was very proud when my mom brought that up. She's responding well to the redpill

Yeah. Tits or GTFO.

Oh shi-

can't find job

>low score on ASVAB
can't find work

Christ makes me want to not hire veterans. Bunch of morons.

where are they aiming at


Fucking retarded Americans. Don't watch it if it clearly upsets you.

>defense wins
>Normandy was an offensive win the allies

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Companies like to set the agenda with Superb Owl commercials user.


Coke commercial pre game pushing diversity

>watching and posting in a thread about people watching commercials

>this whole time I thought the metal on the front of the helmets was for protection
>It is actually to keep the players from kissing

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What is “social justice?” White genocide?

honestly were set civilian wise so it makes sense

How do you even score low on ASVAB? Literally just a "are you too retarded to follow simple instructions?" test.

> Cardi B
> WM/ with brown/black women
> robots
> Indians

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>What is “social justice?” White genocide?

No borders no wall no USA at all.

I mean from the way you talk about her and berated her
im not even a real girl he just seems rude

this, only a pleb tier faggot tracks niggerball stats on the talmudvision. Patricians shitpost about the social consequences of such an absurd event on Jow Forums, totally removed from the normie world monitoring the pooperbowl only through Jow Forums

Goff is fucking retarded holy shit. I know this comment is coming kind of late, but you know what I’m talking about.

Isn't that what the indian dude was? (From the Covington controversy)

you'd think the most modern stadium in the world would have a better spot for him to setup

I think I have foun-

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Damn it user stop embarrassing us


Communist bullshit

most boring superb owl i've seen, get back to the commercials already goddamn

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Thats the best choice no nothing leaf, i've killed many deer in a lawn chair

suace me user


google "fat generic female"

I like how Romo is lowkey talking shit about how boring this game is

Well, this game is pretty boring because the Steelers aren't there. Commercials are surprisingly boring.