The earth is flat

this picture proves the flat earth
>no curvature
>coriolis effect is a lie

Attached: flatearth.jpg (416x640, 35K)

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Flat Earth is a psyop to make NASA critics look crazy, how can field of view increase with greater altitude if the Earth is flat?

>Flat Earth is a psyop to make NASA critics look crazy, how can field of view increase with greater altitude if the Earth is flat?
Kek. Shut the fuck up kike. This is the stupidest vector of shilling I've ever seen. The Earth is flat and you can't stop people from finding out the truth. You're just a fucking failure and a piece of shit.

So is the moon like a big pizza pie?


The moon is a light in the sky not a physical body.

>how can field of view increase with greater altitude if the Earth is flat?
Sea level no curve.

Attached: 1528475616025.webm (640x480, 2.53M)

Airplane level no curve

Attached: 1546703489457.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

120,000ft no curve

Attached: 1524509654476.webm (1280x708, 2.66M)

You're the shill, normies are put off by the whole flat Earth thing which makes them less likely to take the Jewish question seriously

I don’t see a rebuttal here. Only a buttmad schizoid.

Also to deflect people from legit "conspiracy theories" like MKNAOMI, MKULTRA, NSA, etc.

Earth is flat and Israel is gonna be exposed when they try to fake the moon landing in a couple of weeks.

>Also to deflect people from legit "conspiracy theories" like MKNAOMI, MKULTRA, NSA, etc.
Who are you to say whats a "legit conspiracy" and what isn't You're not an authority on the matter. You're only here to shut down any discussion of flat Earth because you're a shill.

If we are on a flat plane then your field of view would be the same even if you climbed a watch tower right? Or how do you suggest that works?

yes there is...tough break FLATFAG

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flat earth is the ultimate red pill because it makes God/architect immediately apparent

>If we are on a flat plane then your field of view would be the same even if you climbed a watch tower right? Or how do you suggest that works?
HOW ABOUT YOU FUCKING GIVE AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOURE INSINUATING. You know why you're a kike shill? Because you make these baseless assertions with no proof and ask multiple questions per post without actually explaining what you're talking about. You can't because this is called pilpul.

i can notice a curve in all of these

flat earthers really do retard mental gymnastics that hard to convince themselves those are straight lines

>earth is flat

more like a simultaneous projection of all creators present.

air visibility is like 90 miles on the clearest day

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whats at the end then user

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they are just pin head pea brain moron stupid idiots who don't know anything factual and like to think the world is flat because they are too simple to grasp the true nature of space

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What would be the point in a grand conspiracy to lie about the shape of the earth?

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Infinite plane, infinite resources, more land than we're told. To hide the history of humanity, to hide how we were created, to hide alternative energy utilization. The list goes on and on.

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So all piolets are sworn to secrecy? Sorry,flat Earth is retarded. What would anyone gain by the earth being flat?

This is the most retarded shit ever. You can prove the earth is round from the ground.


whats at the end user

Imagine posted a picture of an art project and thinking it'll affect anyones thoughts.

the fuck is this school project

The fuck, that sun looks like it is overhead

>whats at the end user
It's an INFINITE PLANE! Infintite


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Flat earthers are insane

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what a boring reply

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That’s cotton. Trust me. And could you flat ear there’s stick to image macros? Webms are only good in doses.
t. Northam

Attached: Expert opinion.jpg (301x287, 24K)

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ok mongrel

Attached: 1533101439464.webm (852x480, 891K)

>there will come a time when sane men are called insane by the actual insane men

Yeah nah. How can the sun be so many times. Bigger at sunrises and sunsets vs noon? If the sun is millions of miles away home can its size in the sky shange so drastically?

Lol I'd be totally open to flat Earth being true if proven. What I mean is if a guy can see 1000ft in front of him let's say, then he shouldn't be able to see further if he climbs higher, if he's on a flat plane, or how does that work?

Fucking retard. Find a buddy and to with him the Eratosthenes experiment.

Link to video of these?