Candy bar commercial with a muslim female

>Candy bar commercial with a muslim female
>no likes/dislikes
>comments disabled
What did Crunch mean by this?

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just a little bit freedom of speech for you

Unironically this

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Oh look something I never bought and now never will buy. Good to know.
Perhaps, that's a good reason to watch commercials now a days to know which companies to never give my money.

>comment disabled
>likes/dislikes disabled


They also disabled comments how nice of them. I can't imagine why.

>that nose

>freedom of speech
>just pay $3+ million to air it

Crunch ain’t bout that racism
He hold it like cuck.

i dunno. im not even offended. the gayllette commercial was bad. im not in favour of diversity propaganda. but this is literally just a muslim eating a chocolate bar. its going to take more then that to trigger me.

Triple crunch

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What kind of name is "Fatima"?

>muslim women complain how oppressed they are in shitstanistan
>move to freedomland
>try to remove freedom of speech because of MUH feefees
>turn freedomland into shitstanistan
>why are we opressed!?!?!?

It means people like you can't be trusted with freedom of speech

>fatmia loves crunch
made for bbc

the right will herald this as an attack on the west. the left will claim this as a victory for wokeness. but its literally just some muslim bitch eating a chocolate bar. am i supposed to care?

Gag em'

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Someone download the video, reupload on a burner account and leave the comments and dislikes enabled

You can tell this wasnt conceived by Muslims because a real Muslim wouldnt platform a woman

>Complains about oppression
>In a video where the girl in question just says her name and eats a chocolate bar

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wouldnt she get stoned to death in the middle east for eating chocolate or something. or speaking to a camera directly without going through a male chaperone. this commercial might be offensive to muslims i dont know.

if you want to mass migrate to western countries beware. once your women taste our crunch bars you will lose all control over them.

Literally all the elite ant is more useless shit to make more money. All you retards that buy this garbage are nigger slaves for the almighty pedos.

They start the commercial off with soliders and an American flag. Then they have a sand nigger, eating a fucking Crunch Bar under #AmericaLovesCrunch.

Either you're a jew or a retard, they are clearly pushing the narrative that this is normal and this is American when it is one of the farthest things from being American.

If you aren't white you aren't American it really is that simple.

The first Big Food merger of 2018 is poised to be a sweet one: Italian chocolate maker Ferrero SpA announced its intention to buy Nestle's U.S. candy business for $2.8 billion. Bloomberg reported the rumor last week, and today Nestle confirmed the deal.

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Bottom right going pelican mode

>this step is the girl is eating the chocolate bar in the muslim country
they don't have crunch bars in iran

You dumb nigger, here that are directly displaying their intent to import sand niggers, destroy freedom and western civilization, just so they can have more people buy shit and subsidize their criminal organization by selling them candy bars.
>doesn't bother me
Fuck you, nigger.

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You can buy any ethnic looking troll for cheap in South/South East Asia. And then proceed to play dress up with your purchase. Doesn't mean it'll be a genuine caricature of your reference though.

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if you believe america has to be 100% white sure

i just believe america should be mostly white which means closing the borders until whites populate themselves into being a proper majority again. in the meantime some muslims will still live here and they should identify as american and eat our fucking crunch bars.

And that relates to your original point how? You brain dead Hispanic circus freak, eating a chocolate for some shitty product placement, doesn't equate to moaning about oppression. If you think it does, elaborate on a rebuttal.

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better than a white roastie whore with a mouth of of bbc, like most commercials have these days..

Jow Forums should all just start larping as muslims IRL but calling for sharia law and taking away womens rights.

Idk how the fuck liberals side with muslims.

liberals are mentally ill that's no they do makes rational sense. they are simply not rational. thats how.

>selling sweeties
>fat, i'm a
The absolute state of silly, Politically Correct cultists.

keyboard low batteries, dropped words. im going to rewrite this

liberals are mentally ill that's why nothing they do makes rational sense

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

A Muslim shilling for a Jewish corporation, y'all Arabs must be seeing what im seeing

I'm not interested in a cuck leaf telling me how to run my country into the ground. Also you cannot deny they are saying this is America's identity, which means America has no identity. They are clearly pushing this concept on the masses. There are clearly joining in on the destruction of American identity.

>if you believe america has to be 100% white sure

A zone that is multicultural can be nothing except a cesspit and shithole. It can never a nation. America was never founded to be such and could never be. Without Northwestern Europeans there is no America, they are the people who built it and are American. Everyone else is a foreigner.

>in the meantime some muslims will still live here and they should identify as american and eat our fucking crunch bars.

They aren't welcome here and never should be and if the populace wasn't brainwashed they sure as hell wouldn't be.

I'm going to grab every single crunch bar, in every store i go to, and crush it into a crumbs.

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Pumping irony.

English language, video & internet technology, company in America: all these things were made by and for white people in a white country. When a white country turns brown, it goes down.

That's the spirit!

So no rebuttal then?

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Muslim women, and women in general sit around complaining about how "Oppressed" they are, all day long.
wow here's a bunch of articles about them complaining about how shitty shitmanistan is.
The point of the post is that the likes/comments are disabled, in case the perception centers in your brain aren't working. Any time they come over here, (claiming MUH OPPRESSION to do so), they immediately try to censor anything and everything they do that might hurt their feelings, gradually turning the country they go to into a shittier and worse country, where everything is censored and rights are limited, before repeating the process.

Arabs are some of the most confusing people I've met, but I wouldn't exactly call them monsters. The way the Middle East is set up in the first place breeds terrorism, thanks to the vast majority of them being authoritarian shitholes with no long standing tradition of self rule as well as the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran is shitting up the place even further.

That's not even the same person you retarded newfag, learn to use IDs.

>somali bro

I am a Muslim, I don't know why the fuck do they have to portray such a cliche Muslim woman as if they absolutely want to show she's a Muslim.

Why do people need to care about the religion of a person appearing in a commercial? Fuck this shit.

I guess I replied to the wrong dunning Krueger autist, and all that garbage literally isn't even relevant to your original claim. For fucks sake, how does eating a chocolate bar equate to moaning about oppression?

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>white supremacists triggered
>crunch cashes in on outrage
>world moves onto next news item in 3... 2... 1...

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Of course.

Too busy doing something else to care about the minute nuances.

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Just advocate for people not to buy it user. You will only run into legal trouble for vandalism possible, or loss of profit. I understand the sentiment user, and you should hate Crunch and Nestlé.

But announcing illegal activities online or doing things in isolation won't help. Also it won't hurt them much but could land you in trouble. We've got to be smart about it user. If you want to start a social media campaign about Crunch and how they are anti-American then go ahead. I can't think many will get behind it though, unless this is the straw to break the camels back which unfortunately I doubt.

>What did Crunch mean by this?
It's called virtue signaling

if you believe america has to be 100% white sure
i'd be fine with 80% white

It's afraid.

imagine pretending to have 2 personalities.
I'm going to spell it out for you, very slowly.
Muslim women go waawaa I have no rights.
Muslim women come to american countries.
Muslim women do stupid shit, like eat candy bars and look extremely steryotypical.
Muslim women get flak for it.
Muslim women get super sad, and then try to censor the people who said the bad thing >:( by doing stuff like disabling likes and comments. For example, in the UK, with "DEATH TO THOSE WHO CRITISIZE ALLAH" signs and riots.
Muslim women ruin country they are in, and turn it into a shitty country.


Just nuke them already.

>Still no argument

Enjoy your last (you).

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>troll has ancom memeflag
>wind blows, tumbleweed rolls by

that would probably solve it

There must be some king of pig fat bomb. And when all mudslimes will be fattened enough, they explode by themselfs.
Do crunch use pig fat in their "chocolate"?

They couldn't put her in a full Muslim trash bag because the product label wouldn't be visible for the camera under a veil.

This tbqh famm

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You aren't addressing my points and therefore I will have to say you are avoiding and thus take it as a capitulation.

The sand nigger is clearly supposed to represent the (((average American.))) There is no way you can get around this and thus you are just avoiding it. America's identity is white and as such cannot be represented by a sandnigger. A nation without an identity is lost, and that is what they are pushing a liquidation of this identity by casting a sand nigger, a foreigner, as an American.

Look goys this is your America now and isn't it beautiful. It doesn't have to be 100%. In fact blacks were not and do not view themselves as American. Americans did not view them as American either until recently I would say. A nation has an identity which this commericial is saying there is not one because anyone can be American. Even if America isn't 100% it's identity is still white because that is what is American, those that founded this fucking country.

Also, stop pretending to be American faggot, or are you in Tel Aviv and you forgot to set IP address to an American one?

Based and redpilled.

Should start a campaign claiming that Nestle cuts the cocoa butter in their chocolate products with rendered pig lard. Wonder how butthurt the muzzies and kikes would get?