Korean Comfort Women. Japan Should Apologize

WTF Japan


The coffin passed the Japanese embassy in Seoul, accompanied on its final journey by mourners waving banners and holding yellow butterflies.

Cries of "Japan must apologise" rang out above the crowd, while others quietly sobbed.

It was not your usual funeral procession. But then, Kim Bok-dong was not your usual woman, and this was her final act of resistance against a country which had stolen so much from her.

Kim was one of thousands of so-called "comfort women" rounded up by the Japanese army and forced to work as sex slaves for years on end.

She died on Monday, at the age of 92, without ever receiving the apology she wanted; still railing against the injustice; still angry with Japan for taking the life she could and should have had.

"I was born a woman," she said, "but I never lived as a woman."

'I had to comply'
It took Kim Bok-dong almost 40 years to find the strength to tell her story.

She was just 14 when the Japanese soldiers arrived at her family's home in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang. They said she was needed to work in a factory. If she did not come, they warned her mother, the family would suffer.

But Kim was not taken to work in a factory. Instead, the teenager found herself transported to one of hundreds of "comfort stations" set up by the Japanese Imperial Army across the territory it had seized.

These "stations" were, in reality, brothels where some estimate as many as 200,000 women were forced to work as sex slaves.

Kim, who should still have been in school, was among them.

Her young age did not go unnoticed after she arrived in China.

"When they found out I was only 14, they talked among themselves saying 'Isn't she too young?'," she told YouTube channel Asian Boss during an interview in October 2018.

Apparently, it was not a problem. She was sent to start work.

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oh cry me a fucking river

Burmese crocs gave a good lesson to japs

>Kim Bok-dong
i bet she did

don’t you have a bunch of small fish to be eaten by?

is it weird the germans aren't demanding an apology for the mass rape of women by allied soldiers after the war?

i'm not a nazi. and i understand that ivan did most of the rape. but american, british, and canadian soldiers were in on the rape too. and it stains the image of our veterens which i dont like. but it happened. and its not cool

fuck off english teacher weebs.

I'll take "what's the true point of war" for 1000, alex

Based nippon

Oh fuck off. Stop apologies for all past events like this and just get over it.
Koreans should take note of the Jews, you never hear them crying about the holocaust.

based yellow fevered expats

Are u talking about sharks?

>She died on Monday, at the age of 92, without ever receiving the apology she wanted; still railing against the injustice; still angry with Japan for taking the life she could and should have had.
>"I was born a woman," she said, "but I never lived as a woman."
if she’s 92 now she was 19 when the war ended in 1945
she got dicked from 14-19, and spent the next 73 years shrieking and wailing about it.
Meanwhile the people who actually had to fight in the war and live through the horrors of the battlefield quietly picked up their shit and went on to rebuild civilization.

The gook cries in pain as the nip fucks him in the bum

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Based nips. Koreans if you didn't want your women to be raped you should of fought instead of surrendering within 2 weeks.

Those brave pedo rapists must have been horrified that all they had was Koreans.

Attached: raughs.jpg (500x500, 50K)

Fucking based.

This is Jew-tier whining.

>Japan Should Apologize

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Two nukes wasn't enough.

Possibly the most useful things they did in their life was be comfort women. I bet a good portion of them actually started to have affections for the Jap soldiers desu

Based Nippon

Some 'comfort women' were coerced; others were certainly willing participants. Every time an army has set up somewhere in the last 7,000 or so years, prostitutes appear out of nowhere like magic. There's a reason it's called the Oldest Profession.
Japan has already apologized numerous times for the war, and cut a deal with the Koreans in the 1960's that included massive economic aid.
Some Koreans are just trying to guilt trip and shake down the Japanese. It's really a shame to see Koreans stooping to the level of Negroes.

>Be Japan
>Sign a deal in 2015 with South Korea providing 900 million yen to provide old-age care for elderly comfort women
>Deal was supposed to be a "final and irreversible" settlement of the issue
>3 years later Koreans are still claiming they never got an apology

These vultures are gonna keep picking you guys apart forever over this.


fucking based