Peaceful photo of dead man on DocumentingReality who od'd

Peaceful photo of dead man on DocumentingReality who od'd

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sleep tight junkie

RIP Justin Bieber

And then we all clapped

Cute butt on that corpse though

this, id fuck his boi pussy.

Another kill for the Chinks

Play stupid games win stupid prizes

.t junkie orphan

>Blaming China for what Obama was doing

Also, Dude, Chinks is not the preferred nomenclature. Celestials, please.

God I wish that were me

I OD on reality daily. but I keep getting up

looks comfy desu

What did he win?

The sweet release of death from this modern global hellhole.

This was him alive

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Imagine being a cell in a dead person. The lungs stop and the brain shuts down but you still carry on using energy and duplicating. All of a sudden, blood stops giving you water and nutrients. All of a sudden the muscle cells aren't getting any signals to contract. The bacteria and viruses start losing their food sources and begin to disappear. Your neighbors wither and die and you start to do the same. You're just a dumb cell though. You're driven by instinct and all you can think is, "Oh fuck I'm dying something's wrong." You're completely unaware of the nature of reality or what caused your conundrum.

Sometimes I wonder if we're the cells on the rotting carcass of the accomplishments of humanity.

One day you'll realize that existence is the illusion, not the other way around.

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That looks like me :(

>.t junkie orphan
You are an orphan because your parents were junkies or you are a junkie orphan?

What would he look like if they just left him on that couch for several months?

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rockin it

Will he be ok?

We're not supposed to be like this. Our subconscious animalistic living-in-the-now side is empowered only because we give it power. The difference is that as Europeans we can change this and not let it consume us.

More so than any of us

Thats how I found my friend, but he had a smile on his face.

What look would you say this guy had on his face?

Look closely, this all it takes. Just one marijuana and this could be you.

we're gonna debate if an open mouth is a smile now?
No thanks.

Why was his mouth open? I thought it closed when you die.

it was waiting for a dick

His brain melted from an intense feeling vertigo followed by an easing feeling of comfort before slipping into the afterlife.

No, he is right. Chinese are the ones flooding USA and Canada with fentanyl

So what stage was he in when that pic was taken?

How is this relevant to the board?

Its Chinese manufactured because up until recently there were no restrictions on it, not imported, that's like blaming Afghanistan for Heroin when its really the CIA.

It is your destiny, english teacher. Strike the accursed chankoro for the Emperor! TENNOHEIKA BANZAI!!!

This faggot thinks he's Chuck Paluhniuk. Get cultured.

you mean the guy that wrote fight club, Jow Forumss unofficial manifesto?

i dont see evidence he peed himself or voided his bowels - not dead.