How do we wipe the planet clean of 7 billion people?
How do we wipe the planet clean of 7 billion people?
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Keep the warships at home and world trade grinds to a halt.
Supervirus + airport. I tink I saw it in a movey
End all foreign aid. They will turn on each other.
Twelve Monkeys, good movie.
simple, do nothing
the course is set
Basically this.
First phase is the big guns, in other words, the nukes.
Second phase is the armoured invasion preceded by air bombardment and proceeded by infantry occupation. This phase will be concluded by the building of concentration camps for the city (((folk))).
Third phase is famine for the country folk who happen to be niggers or chinks.
It should take roughly 10 years with America's resources but of course Jow Forums would have to take unchallenged control of the gov first.
12 Monkeys with Bruce Willis I think
Most likely scenarios.
Meme answers.
I'd go with establishing low-orbit space mining with asteroid towing operations and "accidentally" drop a couple.
>How do we wipe the planet clean of 7 billion people?
Maintain our present course.
You’re not apart if the we category, you’re apart of the them category
Leave that to Kushner when the Zionists make him the first Israeli US President in 2024.
>EMPs over every major population center
There ya go
Stop feeding people too stupid to feed themselves.
But then where will the Zionists get all the immigrants they need to destroy white countries?
Agenda 21 is the plan to wipe the planet clean of the pesky non-elites and their favored slaves.
Be the change you wish to see in the world, leaf. Set an example.
start with those two shitskins in the pic
This, but make it lethal and make whites immune
>meme answers
As virology technology becomes more widespread and ultra lethal viruses easier to make its unavoidable unless we use gene editing beforehand
drop a tungsten rod into the Yellowstone caldera
>implying (((somebody))) isn't planning on killing everyone off either via transhumanism or some other method already
it's the most literal answer
the way we all die is to do nothing to stop it
Sterilize people too dirty, stupid and annoying to survive on their own without becoming a biological threat, then wait some decades.
Why is every Canadian here a psycho?
imagine if you had a weak leader like Trudeau