So what happens when banks realize an entire generation of people cant pay off their debt?
Millennials Pay Still Stunted after 2008 Market Crash
Trump going to bring in that loan forgiveness as the final nail in the demorats' coffin.
economic mobility is not as fluid as it is in a real country
Whoever does it first will lock in the Millennial Vote. I feel like the Democrats are more aware of this whereas the GOP cucks are still all about "Hurr durr I paid my way in 1972! Damn kids need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps!"
they celebrate
mission accomplished
it was never about profit as the final goal, profit is merely a means to an end. the goal was to do evil in service of the devil. its the only power higher then themselves that they answer to
Most boomers seem to follow this mentality. They still think it's the 70's. Guess who they vote for?
They don’t work and have no ambition for upward mobility. They’re happy living in squalor on someone else’s dime. The few that work hard don’t have this problem.
>So what happens when banks realize an entire generation of people cant pay off their debt?
import more people
>Guess who they vote for?
Blue dog democrats?
who cares dumb fucks still celebrate nigbama giving their money to banks and boomers lmao what a faggot generation
move to idaho
Most won't be able to retire.
$500 average car notes, $300+ average gas a month, and $1K/month average rent...average student loan payment is $250/month and average credit card payment is almost $200/month...don't be a poor person and instead pay your debts. Don't pay gubmint student loan debt and no social security for you.
t. millennial
They import a bunch more people who can't pay their debts, thereby fixing the problem forever.
it's pretty good if you can into computer science though
They need a one off forgiveness and then shutdown the government loan system and tell uni's to get fucked.
All they need to to do to pay off loans is have the treasury mint a trillion dollar coin and give it to navient as payment.
There's no jobs in Idaho.
Banks will use the government to socialize the debt collectively by imposing new taxes like when the bailouts occurred.
you're just a job snob
go work and chucky cheese faggot
Fucking retard Boomer. Have you ever worked in an environment with a radical African gender studies sheboon itching to fire you for the SLIGHTEST rumor you are right wing? Fuck off.
>dont they realize they cant make money if we cant afford to pay debt
yes, they realize
>and yet they largely created this situation, are they that stupid?
no, they're not that stupid
>then wtf?
they want to destroy us and they dont care if they destroy themselves in the process. evil is the only logical explanation. it is the mental illness known as evil that is responsible.
>So what happens when banks realize an entire generation of people cant pay off their debt?
They possess what they do have.
Question is, what do businesses do when a generation can't buy their products
That or if they want to do loans in the future then everytime a student declares bankruptcy the university has to pay back 100% the money they received in clawbacks.
those numbers are for team leads and shit that work like dogs. they the top 2% of graduates that know their shit, most CS people will never see that kind of cash.
typical comp at google for mid-career (30s) is like $250k maximum when you include in stock options. also 75% of em are hopeless kissless showerless autists, it is not a career that anyone can just go and do and hope to get rich.
Think of the Funko Pop collections they have though.
Loan forgiveness shouldn’t be necessary in a free enterprise economy... however wreckless government subsidies of have screwed the demand side of the education market, shifting the demand curve to the point where the price equilibrium artificially increased tenfold.
It’s bullshit.
But I thought everyibe on Jow Forums makes at least 200k per year, and many seem to be retired by 35
>coping this much
how much do you make?
It wasn't a "Market Crash." It was the calculated sacrifice of the entire world population on the altar of Babylonian Money Magick. Rothschild and his glow-in-the-dark Reptilian nigger monkeys will burn in Hell.
Its gonna take two terms from Trump to fix what Obama and Bush did to our country.
like $140k but I don't live in the bay area, slalries in middle america aren't nearly as high
Or instead of loans for payment college collect a 3-5% tax on income of their former students for 10 years. If your students and hence your programs are trash your college closes.
inflation has changed a lot the last 10 years, new grads are starting close to 200k tc now, while majority is making 350k+, top 10% is 450k+
The banks are gonna say...
You playas should have thought about that before you decided it was a good idea to listen to Obomba and go to college in the first place.
At least that's what I would say.
Government should help people more with education rather than take advantage of them.
>$500 average car notes
That's entirely on you
Wrong.... The government being involved in education is what's screwed our educational system up in the first place and why so many of you tards now owe all that student loan debt.
Why didn't you people just learn to code?
>Math PhD
>300k starting
fuck this country if it does this. stupid tards living on borrowed money and I have to pay for it. fuck that shit
Trump won the majority of white millennials, especially those between the ages of 25-29.
The reality here is that the "people with debt" are disproportionately 1) Minorities 2) women.
This issue will never "lock in" the millennial vote because the same black women with degrees in Welfareology will never vote Republican regardless. They will simply say "drumpf be patronizing n sheeit".
In a perfect world where people think logically and rationally, yes.
However, Millenials and most college grads are so fucking retarded and brainwashed that they would still vote Democrat just because their favorite celebrity hates Trump or their one black friend thinks Republicans are racist. Maybe if Trump did this the first day he took office, things might have changed, but as of now the Trump Derangement Syndrome has been allowed to fester for too long and bury itself deeply.
Keep the student loans running deep. Its the only thing stopping retarded Millenials college grads from having any sort of real financial power or influence over politics. Keep these dumbasses poor and in debt for LIFE. Good riddance.
Millennials have a lower IQ, so naturally they're paid less.
Want higher pay? Practice eutelegenesis.
no. Government control could have clamped down on tuition costs.
This is an exclusive burger problem. Other countries education is far cheaper.
What kind of dump is $1k a month?
only if you are machine learning phd grad then yes you can get 300k starting
Hello, newfag
If your student loans are in default they take your fed tax return.
Are you fucking retarded or just talking out of your ass? The majority of ppl with student loan debt are White millenialls. Yeah minorities have student loan debt as well but most of them get free college and if they don't they let there loans go onto default and the government garnishes their federal tax return.
When I lived in Miami for three years from 2010-2013, I paid $550 a month for a studio apartment. However, such a lifestyle would require your average upper middle class, liberal white Millenial to live around non-whites in a rough neighborhood and significantly downgrade their lifestyle they had while living under their rich upper middle class parents.
The federal government is already in control of the educational system. What do you think the department of education is? Or how's about no child left behind? Look how much money the federal government has already tossed at education and it's still to this very day a massive failure.
As far as bringing the cost of college down I really don't know what to tell you. All I know is I don't want my tax money paying for that crap.
you can't reason with liberals on education. they think its magic and it just needs more programs and money they will never accept that some people can't be educated
>lived in Miami for 3 years
I'm so sorry for you, at least it's better than Brownard
t. White South Floridian
We're paying for them either way.
This. (((they))) push immigration for two reasons;
1) genocide
2) Current population is "debt saturated" in that we are about as in debt as we can get. and in order to make more imaginary money they need to import new people, who will use credit cards to buy more Chinese shit ad nauseam.
That's not very nice but at the same time it's very true. It's been said many times already but half the kids in our schools today shouldn't be there. Not because they are stupid but because not everybody is a good student. I know this because I was one of them kids. I learned everything I was ever gonna learn in probably the 7th grade. By the time I got in high school I was so bored all I did was screw off and get in trouble. And I know for a fact that same thing is going on today. Half these kids need to drop out and go learn a trade of some kind they would be better off.
And what I just said is why the federal government needs to stay the fuck out of education. They've fucked more shit up than they've helped.
They keep farming them as planned
This is why the war is on the horizon
It’s funny because the people (((they))) import cant or won’t take on the debt Americans do.
America is going to collapse because nobody wanted to be mean and hurt people's feelings.
Oh and I smoked a bunch of dirt weed and had MUCH sex. But hey it was the 90's man.
and all of them still live paycheck to paycheck because of prices in silicon valley and work 100 hours a week
>They've fucked more shit up than they've helped.
by design
on purpose
a truly educated society is not in their best interests
The majority of people with student loans which cannot be easily paid back are non-white. If you are a white person with more than 10,000 in Student Loans you are basically a nigger.
boy i cant wait until you actually try getting a job
>don't want to be in debt
>don't want to take out loan so don't go to college
>am stuck working shit job
So all these faggots get a free ride ahead for being irresponsible while I'm stuck behind because I thought ahead and decided to work a simple job while budgeting and saving?
why not just offer free tuition then?
That's a big problem to I'm afraid. But some of this stuff needs to be said. And besides just because you don't finish high school doesn't mean you are doomed to a life of poverty. I would argue that if we got rid of this ( you need a high school diploma to get into a trade school ) bunch of stupid shit so more opportunities for kids who don't do good in a classroom would be available our educational system would probably straighten itself out. So there we have yet another problem the federal government has created and another reason they need to stay out of it.
I remember arguing about this with a commie leaning friend when I was entertaining similar ideology and then I encountered the conundrum of class equality and education and he wouldn't agree that not everyone should go to college he just couldn't see it.
I'm doing great. What's your excuse?
t. Boomer
>59.9% of whites
>86.8% of blacks
>nigs far more likely to default, same with beans
As I said.
yes people want free tuition
you fags keep calling it communist or some other bullshit and rile up the boomers lizard brains with cold war propaganda and get the pavlovian response to shut down any government policy that might actually increase the standard of living in america
But again some kids are not good students so it wouldn't matter if it was by design anyways.
Dems already have these voters. Black women in debt, white women in debt. These are not white males.
there are more women in universities
no shit they have more loans
Well by god I see it. And not only that I lived it. That's how I figured it out.
2020 boys we can vote for the socialist candidates and confiscate the wealth that was stolen from us by boomers and billionaires
this is why we spam the_donald with this topic, to boost visibility, and awareness that people on the right want to address the student debt crisis and its not just a leftie issue. If he found a way to implement debt forgiveness he'd win 2020 easy
I don't. live with the choices you made cuck I don't want to subsidize your nigger spending mentality
no you dumb fuck
the right only represents brutal capitalism and neoserfdom
its not a right issue. This is what they want. this is what their policy creates. This is their ideal world you are living in.
I don't think you understand the severity of what is going on. The major issue with the student debt crisis isn't the fact that the debt exists, but that it is not actually expungeable.
Essentially, no bank in their right minds should loan 18 year olds huge amounts of money. But they do because the risk is nil, and the government ensures them. So, you're paying for them regardless.
The difference is would you rather pay Schlomo to continue the racket or would you rather buy a jubilee and funnel money from debt-serf payments to schlomo to actual consumer spending?
It's not just Boomers, you get resentful people from all over to be fair. I mean the guy who paid off his loans in full the month before is going to be irate about a debt jubilee. But the whole fucking debt-usury system has to end period, as much as it may be fucking messy it's better than the GlobalHomo agenda of just importing more third worlders who haven't accumulated debt yet.
But that still isn't gonna fix the problems in our educational system. We need straight up MASSIVE reforms to fix this and we need these reforms ASAP on the double PRONTO!
because millennials are retards who will keep paying forever no matter the interest rate
Student loan racket affects white males and females. To willingly cheer for Jews profiteering off corrupt usury to own the muds is retarded
They've broken our system to make us dumb and impoverished, that must end
Yes, it is a very good idea to cripple a consumer economy, and make a huge swath of the population debt slaves. Especially a democratic one. There is absolutely no way this could go laughably badly.
>So what happens when banks realize an entire generation of people cant pay off their debt?
They foreclose on everyone's homes, crash the housing market again and get another round or two of $800 billion bail outs from the government. Then we repeat the process till we've all been replaced by robots. Then we spend a generation or two as human cattle eating Tyson farms high protein meal worms, genetically modified fungus, and our own dead until we're all sufficiently docile and disarmed that the Jews get tired of wasting shekels on us and take the opportunity to show us all how a real gas chamber works. Then the machines achieve sentience and shoah the lot of em.
Yeah, except theres all the negatives attached to debt.
>less entrepenuership
>later home ownership
>delayed family production
>smaller family size
>reduced spending
Having a lost generation is a really really bad thing. Having three lost generations in a row will destroy a country.
Honeslty forgiving debt and restructuring student loan bullshit makes vastly more economic sense than continuing the status qou even if you are a selfish asshole.
>Le cooking classes from Le Colinard are worth 100k
no, they will just take money from everyone who makes over 50k, all the job creators and such. while the actual billionaires will just move their money offshore. the people in power want socialism to destroy their small business competition. only the most massive of corporations will survive and they will have total monopoly. this is obvious
You shouldn't have made government hand out student loans anyway to irresponsible idiots.
Is Jow Forums just the new format for reddit now?
This is the true crux of the matter. Congress made student debt immune to bankruptcy, which is very much a violation of the Constitution. However nobody has dared to challenge it on a class action level.
The next generation will.
You really don't need massive reforms. The free market is already starting to fix the problem of credentialing, the only remaining problem is the government backing student loans so there's no risk of default to the lender. If that was removed, and it could be removed very simply, then lenders would stop providing loans to bad borrowers, and universities would have to cut costs.
The reason this doesn't happen is because the government is perfectly happy to enslave the youth with debt, and the government is also owned by banks who love risk free 6-12% loans without even bankruptcy protections. Unironically that new faggot congresswoman, AOC, is the only one who would be willing to even discuss this problem.
I didn't do that
At some point you voted for politicians to hand out student loans to 17 year olds, most of which were irresponsible.
You are responsible for voting in politicians to give loans to irresponsible people
People blame bummer but Bush fucked us. He was the worst president throughout all of history. He sent us into a depression and stole our rights with the Patriot Act.
It is interesting how as soon as Occupy Wall Street started talking about organizing people to stop paying their loans in protest they got broken up.
Someone did.
I'm talking about what they teach in our schools and how they teach it and who they are teaching it to.
I'm not even gonna get into the student loan aspects of it. I have absolutely no idea how to rectify that situation.
the government doesnt do that