Is there any s0y material you actually enjoy Jow Forums?

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Andrew Jackson Jihad

Some other /mu/ bands

Last Podcast on the Left

Quentin Tarantino

Wes Anderson


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Fotc isn't onions. Jermaine is hilarious.

early adult swim

>white guys basically making fun of how other people are idiots

not onions


That show "you" wasn't so bad at first... also shits creek was super degenerate but had its funny moments.

He's a huge faggot douchebag who is best friends with renowned race baiter Taika Waititi who constantly slags of NZ in foreign press as being racist and full of old white people

Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Johnny Hobo

There is nothing I enjoy anymore

He's half Maori. Literally 98% of actors are hyper liberal

>Andrew Jackson Jihad
[spoiler]but i liked them in high school when the people album came out and have it on vinyl. so glad i outgrew folk punk.[/spoiler]

I agree user

to be fair, there's a lot of fine pieces of ass in overwatch, and true aryan chads play as either mccree, reinhardt, or soldier

Soldier is gay now btw

oh what the fuck? when did this happen? I haven't played in a while. fucking soibois at blizzard ruining a good thing

Flight of the Conchords was pre onions. It's from that odd 2008ish early Obama era where being a plaid wearing and "cultured" sophisticate living in a Boston or New York coffee shop loft listening to Rilo Kiley was actually considered a cool and aspirational thing to be. An entire subgroup created out of rejecting the culture of Bush's America was the precursor to the onions disaster of today. I guess those same people finally grew out of college and had to face the harsh truths of reality, making them bitter and deranged.

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It was always faggy user, you just didn't know any better.
t. wisefag

>Rilo Kiley
The fuck, that's an anagram for Riley Kilo

this was blue-pilled but a good watch

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They're funny, desu

Is this onions, Jow Forums?

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i listen to kcrw in the mornings... Its pretty onions

This is why tf2 is superior. None of that fag shit from valve.
Other than pyro. But he's a psychopath, implying gays are mentally ill.

funny desu *

What is she holding them back from?

They're good, but I prefer Jonathan Coulton.

yeah, but at least with reinhardt I get to play as my big aryan ubermensch

Overrated, if nothing else

I'm just sitting around waiting for TF3

>fucking soibois at blizzard ruining a good thing
Remember when you nogs were saying if you don't like games then make your own. Well we did eat shit and die hypocritical nazis.


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I like smooth jazz a lot. It strikes a nice balance between musical talent, technical skills, and being easy to consume.