Why aren't woman as virtuous as men? I know they are more compassionate...

Why aren't woman as virtuous as men? I know they are more compassionate, but men seem to concern themselves more with maintaining civilization.

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Women have never been as virtuous as men. They aren't able to feel comradery. Women have no sympathy towards the loyalties of others, yet militantly defend their own selfish loyalties. They have always been about rampant materialism and will sacrifice the ladder for their false Gods

I want women to not be crazy and not be on birth control, but that's too much to ask.
Guess I'll just have to f*ck a sexdoll then.

No need. They evolved only to manage the household.

Women have more empathy and men value justice/principles

Wrong! Guys don't have to be all those things, they and they don't have to date unattractive women, they only need to find damaged women.

Attached: or find a crazy girl.jpg (625x469, 35K)

Gee why do you think Freemasons and other mystery schools never accepted women into their ranks? It’s almost like some of the major religions warn men against the nature of women or something.

She obviously cheats on him. He has never seen her naked unless he is watching her and her bull

>seem to concern themselves more with maintaining civilization.
lol modern "men" dont give a shit about civilization

>Women have more empathy


>caring about judeo-nigger syphilization.

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>I know they are more compassionate
I strongly doubt that, especially when most of domestic abuse/violence is caused by women.

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Because women are just carriers of our genetic code
They want the best genetic code they can carry

Its not that hard

Nah, they're just whores.

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gtfo with your nu-pol mens rights bullshit, men are more violent than women and more aggressive. guarantee your stat is treating womens slaps as 'physical abuse' or some such mens right wimpiness

>don't be a landwhale
Doesn't this just defeat the whole image by illustrating that the men are just as vain?

women are retarded trash only worthy for use as sex dolls.

they are immune from the immense struggle for success that men must endure, but still think they have it hard.

no, cause men aren't allowed to be fat either.

anyone else realize that a "sucessful" woman=bare basics that men are expected to have?

eg, all the women I've met who are called "sucsuessful" by others just have a job+car+rented apartment. Thatts it. Successful for a man=rich entrepreneur, hotshot lawyer, luxury car, a leader in his chosen field.

There are plenty of non-virtuous men as well.

> women
> more compassionate
> more empathy

not all women bro

you're being toxic

ever tried going out and talking to women before? virgin

it's got nothing to do with vanity my friend

fat people are unhealthy and a bad investment

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there are always outliers

This chick is nuts. Whole relationship is a scam

Landwhales are infertile, user.

Unironically the ONLY appearance based (minus race, of course) that I will care about are the size of her hips. My mother is built like a fridge and she had to have a c-section three times, with my brother having such a hard time being pushed out that he almost got delayed and would've been retarded.

fuck off stefan, women absolutely have more empathy on average, makes perfect sense with evolution. u all claim to believe in evolution but somehow women are just evil bcause muh meninism

t. roastie

This. Men dont have to be a body-builder to be in shape, but women wont look at you the same way they will at a body builder

Yeah, the bar is higher for men. Don’t be bitter just because you can’t measure up

A woman is as virtuous as the most important man in their life.

>"the bar is higher"

which has resulted in white people not reproducing at even levels because men dont want to just get cucked

but you dont care because nothing matters to you except appeasing women

haha this they are few and far between
but they are 95% men

bullshit money is #1

Many of those things listed are incorrect. I have almost no friends, but am super sociable. It is an IQ thing. GF doesn't care as it means we spend more time together.

Most men don’t actually realize that every time they do not approach a women, unless they are too pussy to make the approach, they are rejecting her.
Think of all the women in your life who are around your age but you would never date.
You have rejected all of those women before they even had the chance to reject you.
Outside of contrived online dating spaces, men reject women more often than women reject men, since men almost exclusively perform the rejection even before an interaction begins and she’s had the chance to even evaluate you as a men.
Men’s rights and MGTOW is such a beta shill operation on this board.

>bad investment
yep this fat chick i slept with this morning was too lazy to sit up to take her pants off so I had to do it for her, then fucked her, came quickly, and then asked her to leave

>if you dont look at me its rape

That's wrong. I have quite a few virtues a woman must have, virtues i tend to bring up in conversation, when appropriate. Simply enough, the less terms she matches, the less i commit

Many women go home every night being silently rejected by 99% of men at the venues they had frequented
After spending 2 hours slutting themselves up with make up and stressing over the right clothes
Men were either too pussy or they themselves weren’t motivated enough after a decade of watching porn desensitized them to tits and ass
“Elbows too pointy”
Women have it really bad as well dude and more liberalism like MRA obviously isn’t their solution

I'd say half the reason our own standards are so high is because of men as well, though. We're more competitive by nature, of course there's going to be tons of men that will always be raising the bar for what's considered competitive.

oh zoinks user be careful not to fr*cking swear

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why do anons censor themselves like that?

>smile doesnt reach the eyes
Either she isnt in a relationship with him, or she is using him for validation, bux, or both but certainly not sex

I used to be a scumbag and pick girls constantly, sure they were hardly "life partners" but still. You used to be able to get girls even if you didn't meet any of their requisites, probably things have changed since the tinder age

I’d be very happy with a damaged girl.
Sadly even that doesn’t seem like an option when you consider how much more likely it is that women with multiple partners cheat on their current one.
Point me in the right direction though senpai. Is there a damaged girls forumn that I can go to or something?

Sorry manlet women like Tyler Durden cut not bodybuilder.
source: actual bodybuilder