Remember liberals are ok with interracial relationships unless it is a white man and Asian women
Remember liberals are ok with interracial relationships unless it is a white man and Asian women
F6= white apparently
No they aren't.
i think it means six-figure income
Explain why, memeflaggot
I don’t get it either
Korean marriage migrant visa. I'm about to get one.
guessing from my keyboard, it's the button to turn the brightness up
The article
Jews prefer it to wm/wf, but the main objective is for white males not to breed at all. They attack wm/bf sometimes even
Yet another article from a Jewish organization attacking WMAF. Jews do not want this to happen.
struggling taking that big white cock
No idiot. Jews are just laughing. I had Jewish friends and they were laughing at WMAF couples blatantly. The Jews would brag that they are fucking white girls and that white cucks were fucking chink pussy. They found that shit hilarious.
>aggressively trying to stop it
>muh kike larp
The joke is unironically on them. There are plenty of desperate White women out there who refuse to do anything to improve themselves that could guarantee them marriage with a White guy. So the only people who want to be with them want to pump and dump them thinking they're sticking it to the White man when the White man doesn't give a shit.
White women unironically are destroying the White race and it's going to be tech like artificial wombs and shit that are going to keep us going, not the women.
>Remember liberals are ok with interracial relationships unless it is a white man and Asian women
really tells you something, doesn't it?
What, exactly?
the push for miscegenation is based on the jews desire to reduce goyim IQ.
they don't want smart goyim breeding.
Fucking boomers
Make Axlotl Tanks Great Again!
Tleilaxu war now
smash the face dancers!
haha that's kind of funny
>FFFFFF is the hex code for white - the term is used to refer to white people
Literally the first thing that appeared when i typed F6 in google.
Dude most Ashkenazim self identify as white.
Pressing f once gives one respect.
They're saying that white men deserve 6 times the respect of the lesser races and sexes. Pretty based if you ask me.