What do you think about this? Is it bad to give the government more power or should animal abusers get fucked?

What do you think about this? Is it bad to give the government more power or should animal abusers get fucked?

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I can't believe that animal cruelty isn't already a federal crime.

What does this have to do with interstate commerce?

Yea and Patriots act is about Patriotism
What else are they sneaking in that ?


For fucks sake even hitter advocated compassion for wildlife

Death penalty for animal abusers


What is """"Animal Cruelty"""" in California is not Animal Cruelty in other states.
Im sure it was left up to states rights for a reason

>What is """"Animal Cruelty""""
What is WITH YOU INBRED KIKES SPELLING WORDS WRONG? Seriously you people are fucking degenerate losers. You can't spell the board name right, you can't do echoes properly and you fucking try to force "lol" in every post because you're scared of Kek. Imagine being a piece of shit like you.

Probably define it as willfully causing pain or distress to an animal for non farming reasons or someshit like that

I wish death upon those that injure dogs
The rest can fuck off I don’t care

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They're probably gonna use it as leverage to ban factory farms, or even worse zoo porn.

Then I can start using
>This post violates United States law.
to report these cunts that continually post animal cruelty webms and gifs.

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no it shouldn't be a felony who gives a fuck about animals

people already don't give a fuck about humans

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The feds need to fuck off

give me the name of the leftypol chink in richmond hill, toronto that posts animal gore so i can collect a bounty for his head

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I'm more sympathetic towards animals than my human counterparts.

I wonder what type of individuals are prone to animal cruelty... Abuse, neglect, dog fighting etc..

They're there to keep you whiny cunt bitches away

One of the few legitimate roles of the federal government is to prevent violation of the NAP. Animal abuse definitely violates the NAP. This obviously excludes humane slaughter/captivity for sustenance and resources

Fine as long as it concerns pets but liberals will obviously amend the bill to interfere with hunting wild animals; the vagueness and legalese will be abused as with any piece of (((legislation.)))

>t. cowardly child fucker hiding behind a meme flag

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((They)) care more about animals than human babies, sad.

>killing babies good
>killing animals bad
hmmm... I wonder who is responsible for these proposals...

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Felonies meant to take guns away.

nothing will happen
i can post videos of people getting domed and executed and nothing happens
you think some animal dying will be any different?
get real

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Animals, unlike humans, are entirely pure of heart and they don't actively try to fuck the planet or each other out of raw malice. It SHOULD be a high tier federal offense and people should have their lives ruined for trying to inflict their nasty humanity upon innocent animals.

lol a bunch of hajis and mexicans and even more niggers are about to go to jail

Is this animal cruelty?

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>implying you have to choose between the two

this bill has been introduced to defeat VA and NYC with their abortion law, state doesn't recognize a baby as a citizen but will have to refer to it as an animal

But also this:

Cats play with mice, often killing them in the proces.

Are you so sure? Many animals are intentionally cruel and torture their prey. Killer whales, sea otters, dolphins are horrible to other species and will rape and kill other animals for no clear apparent reason.

A chimp will predate on lower apes but at least its to eat them.

Nothing more cruel than Kosher and Halal slaughter. Hopefully it passes.

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>fried nigger vag
gross. no

the real problem is the cancer of pet ownership in this country, particularly dogs. It’s uncivilized

Hurting doggos affects all Americans

It'll only take a minute.


The Industrial Slaughterhouse powered by illegal immigrants supported mostly by the republican party. The federal government can go fuck themselves this should be a state issue.

Bullshit the artery is severed with an insanely sharp knife, the animal is brain dead before they even feel the cut. A friend of mine accidentally cut the shit out of his palm using a halal knife. He didnt even realize it until he washed his hands (he thought it was the sheeps blood.

You can cut a leaf with just the weight its insane how sharp it is.

t. Muslim who has witnessed tons of halal slaughter. Literally they lay down you make the cut and they are done. Occasionally the nerves may still be active and kick but brain wise they are out.

>animal cruelty

Shit, now I can't beat blacks any more.

Yes and also we need to give animals voting rights.

>Brain dead before they feel the cut
You keep telling yourself that you filthy mudslime

"animal cruelty" is so far down the fucking list of priorities that we shouldn't even be talking about it.

two kinds of people are obsessed with animal rights; children and furries. We should listen to neither

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Blacks have been able to vote for decades.

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Yes. Even if you dont agree animals can feel things, most psychopaths abuse animals. By putting them away for longer you stop potential, likely murders in the future.

muzpoop I have seen many of theses clean kills and they are not. Animals kicking screaming and fighting while the loser moslem assholes prance around like cock fairies. Oh I forgot you also claim that your perverse psuedo religion is one of peace. Lets perform halal on you bitch boy

They sound brain dead alright, take your lies elsewhere kebab.


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