How real is Qanon and what proof is there?
Also, is there a place that contains all of his posts? I tried looking it up but I just got a bunch of articles about how fake he is.
I'll believe he's real when his predictions have any tangible effect on anything. The only thing truly known is that Q Is useless.
Getting harder and harder to argue with this
Gojira predicted this
The Clockmaker, reporting for duty sir.
It is an honor to be poasting in epic bread tonight.
Also, my AMA from last night was interrupted by an intruder on my property.
So, we can continue that right now.
>don’t be ridiculous, there’s no way the Russians meddled in our election, you paranoid libtard.
>now let me explain how “pizza pie” is code for liberal pedophile cult.
Kill yourself you retarded faggot.
You're an idiot. Like an actual one. The "Russian meddling" was a few facebook ads that riled people up on BOTH sides, and "Cheese Pizza" is actual pedo code, confirmed by the feds. Fuck off back to plebbit
My AMA is currently active right here.
So go ahead, ask me anything.
I'm half horny. Can't decide if I wanna jack it or not. Kinda lazy kinda horny. Anyone else like that ?
what am i looking at
Qanon is bullshit. A copycat of FBIAnon. Qanon appeals to 70 something white boomers. Dumbshits
That is The Great Clock of Q user. It is my magnum opus.
Why are you such a Larping faggot?
Can you shove that clock up your ass and then go to Reddit?
does this clock "end" on 11/22 ?
Reddit has been compromised.
The end is merely the beginning.
Trust the plan.
cheese pizza has been literal code for CP since fucking ever. anyone on THIS SITE IN PARTICULAR who doesn't know this is an absolute newfag and can an hero right fucking now.
I guess I mean, is the clock complete or are you adding to it as Q posts ?
It's used as a hyper-link deal, yeah ? The hands will line up and tell a (tall ?) tale ?
Currently running an AMA,.
I am The Clockmaker.
Q is real
former doubter here but over time too many validations and "coincidences" is a good source
It is nearly complete and ready for purchase soon after that.
Be sure to spread the word, I'll be dropping red pills here.
AMA is live. Come get red pilled.
you made the clock, ok.
what precisely does the clock mean/decode.
who precisely are you, and how do you have information we don't.
why should we believe anything you (a random user with a clock) has to say
I'm not rustling your jimmies here. I want to believe q is real. but I'm a skeptic first and foremost.
The guy admitted it was fake and posted the discord logs. The larp is over, let it go.
.... no that was pobesic you faggot
yeah, laziness/idleness and lust go together. It's taken me years to realize that. Number one way to quit masturbating is to work more
Yes, I'm here.
Yes, I made the clock.
We don't know what the clock means until the weather warms.
I cannot reveal my identity, I can show you a picture of me while I was undercover.
Trust the plan.
I've tried to wrap my head around the Q clock for a while, can a Clockfag like you explain it to me?
I want to believe.
But more concrete proof is needed.
Oy vey! Shill! Trust the plan!
It's all a LARP
Trust le plan
Please remember, this picture is while I was in disguise. I look just like all of you and I am quite normal.
are you a person in the know
as in, alphabet agency or cabinet position
Alright, more basic then: Where did the clock motif come from? It's like it sprang up from nothing one day on /qresearch/.
No it wasn't. Also I saw it unfold in real time like most actual Jow Forumsacks. They spun off of FBIanon and got real retarded with it. It was completely nonsensical at first when it was only on here, an obvious troll where they would post retarded circular riddles and refer to themselves in codenames and speak in code language.
Man, Fuck all Niggers
I am The Clockmaker.
Fuck. I won't accept that.
gas em
Activate little almond
Good night, thanks for attending.
I'll say this. Q long ago said we would be using the military to build the wall. We’re about to find out.
Yes, if the President doesn't act like a fucking RETARD
Start here
If you think some random person could get away with this for this long, with as much exposure and people trying to disapprove it as there is, and nobody yet has doxxed the guy, you’re an idiot. Also, the things that he says, there’s no way a regular person would say that shit. Whoever it is, knows exactly what the fuck is going on at a very high-level, and has a lot of military intelligence experience and that’s obvious to anyone who knows real shit.
Literally all they do is read Jow Forums and repost it. And it's not one person, it's an entire discord server.
not even the same plane lol
kys discord trannys Q is real
What if its all a larp to get politically active conservatives and independents to spend their time decoding maps and looking retroactively at events for proof of vague predictions; to prevent them from doing anything as they lose whatever gains they had. I think it has the same effect as Christianity on any true believer. Don't fight back turn the other cheek and trust in the word of the lord. He will always protect you from evil and even if your people are destroyed due to your religion being neutered of any warrior roots it had left you will have eternal life for your beliefs. Just trust the plan and never do anything.
Q is not real, and the proof is that before he got kicked out of here, he had dozens of CBTS posts promising the storm was coming November 3-5 2017. It got so bad that there were four and five CBTS mega threads running at one time, and dozens of lesser ones. He made all kinds of predictions between October 20th 2017 and November 3rd 2017, including that John Podesta and Huma Abedin would be arrested by November 4th.
Nothing happened and Q shills ignored it by saying "He didn't say what year!".
That was around they time they got kicked out of here for spamming/flooding and somehow got picked up by the boomer normies.
Show your fucking flag kike.
Stage is set niggers - release the hammer
>"pizza pie" is code
No, you faggot. Cheese Pizza is a dark web codeword for Child Pornography long before you ever heard of this site or of Comet Pizza, or Pizzagate.
It was a code word on TOR sites, people would post requests phrased like "I'm sure Hungry for some Cheese Pizza. I could go for 6-8 slices of Cheese Pizza" or "I could go for 10-14 slices of Cheese Pizza"
Until the shills came along, there was no assumption on the part of the investigators that it was just liberals doing it. We are aware of the Finders. We are aware of Second Mile. We are aware of the parade of under aged male prostitutes through the Bush Sr. White House. We are aware of John and Tony Podestas' good friend former GOP house speaker Dennis Hastert.
Most of the Pizzagate bullshit was made up by shills trying to discredit the actual investigation, which had nothing to do with direct involvement by Hillary Clinton or John Podesta or Comet Pizza, and the people saying it did were the same shills saying the planes at 9/11 were CGI and DEWs were used to bring down the towers.
It is fake dumbass
Anybody who knows real shit about intelligence work and security clearances would laugh somebody claiming to have Q level security clearance right out of the building.
Q Clearance is a Department of Energy security clearance, the DOE equivalent of Top Secret. Not even Top Secret SCI or code-word Top Secret. It's the kind of clearance they give to Nuclear Engineers who work on power plants and bombs and shit to protect vulnerabilities.
If you know anything about security clearances, then you would know that nobody with a Q Clearance would have a "Need to Know" about anything in the military, politics, law enforcement or the intelligence community.
This user is exactly right, there was not one single piece of information that Q provided that was not either a larp or something that the rest of Jow Forums had already discussed months ago and were fully aware of.
It was code HERE.
The chan was a massive cp drop for a long fucking time. then people would spam it on /b/ along with gore and bestiality to get newfags to leave
>Being this much of a brainlet
I’m sick of all these shills flooding /POL. I originally came here because of Qanon thinking this place would be amazing to discuss the amount of progress it’s had. Not to mention our loyal POTUS. But it turns out, you’re all just anti-Semitic assholes who’ve learned nothing from what happened 70 years ago. If it weren’t for loyal Americans, you’d all be speaking German and wouldn’t have the freedom we receive today. Trump is a loyal supporter of Israel and so is anybody else that’s sane. You’re just a fringe minority who makes people such as myself look bad. People of all races should unite against libtard insanity instead of promoting the racist shit you post.
So I’m leaving this place, you’ll never learn what it’s like to be in the Holocaust.
It was code for CP before Moot's testicles dropped.
>Saudi Arabia
>Believes in the Holocaust
>Opposes it
What the gay is this
The military IS building the wall RIGHT NOW. As Q posted (will not say predicted) it’s being done by army Corp of engineers (RED CASTLE/GREEN CASTLE).
It comes from here, when people would spam pictures of cheese pizza to make the mods think there was CP as in child pornography hidden in the pizza pictures.
>Q posted a thing that anons on Jow Forums were discussing four or five months ago
>Q was right this time!
I’m sick of morons saying Trump is loyal to Israel even though he’s pulling troops out of Syria leaving Israel to steal land on their own but you don’t hear me crying about it.
So you’re saying that everyone here was arguing about wall funding just for kicks and they knew the wall was already being built?
That may be so but we knew about this shit a year ago.
You knew for a fact that the military was actually building the wall?
Bullshit! Everyone here was bitching that the wall wasn’t being built.
Admits it’s a LARP but still continues the LARP?
Fuck off faggot, you didn't make shit. Why would anyone need to buy the q clock. Fucking Gerome "buy my book" corsi faggot disinfo shill
the VIRGIN Q trust vs. the CHAD reality hackers constantly fucking with the jannies and changing things
No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
Horse Shit. We were speculating about that in the summer of 2017, you Q Tards haven't uncovered a single thing that Jow Forums didn't already do before you.
It was taken over by a jew who's making money off of it now, it's why the original guy exposed it.
> summer 2017
put in your url bar
so what are the jets in the latest post signifying? Any gouge?...
It's beyond a joke now.
If you buy my clock it helps support the Patriots Soapbox on YouTube.
There is a live stream for the Q army to interact and share red pills 24/7.
Please refrain from cursing and trust the plan.
That sounds like some real kike shit. Go shill this nonsense somewhere else
So why did the Military recruit Trump when he has pedo blackmail on him by Bibi?