White supremacy wins again

White supremacy wins again
let's celebrate

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these niggers finna bout to get dabbed on

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Did enough people watch for there to be a salt mine?

I hate niggers, kikes, isreal, jannies and spooks

LOLOLOLOL, Get ready for the Libtard SALT!


>white QB
>white receivers making all the important plays
>nonstop woke commercials

the salt will flow soon, frens

>discord trannies btfo
>/leftypol/ btfo
>tumblr btfo
>twitter btfo
>democrats btfo
>inb4 trump tweet
your commercials do not phase me zog

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Edelman is a kike

I only tuned in for like the last 3 minutes lol

Pats are the great white hope. God bless Tom.

The salt on Twitter is flowing. America won tonight.


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oh wow. one team full of niggers beat the other team full of niggers. what a great win for the white race!!!11


All points scored by whites bud

will the GOAT ever retire?

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The real question is what will Trump serve Brady at the White House? Surely Tom won't want to eat burgers and pizza. Thoughts?

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>Tom Brady won thanks to Julian ((Edelman)))

Typical Jow Forums

he won because Trump or something

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He's humble, soft-spoken, and a Christian. That makes him whiter than you.

champions eat what they want, nigger

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Civic Nationalist shitskin lovers deserve the rope.

more people watch the superbowl than anything else. however brady is very well liked as a player so i dont know how much salt there really will be. only from demsoc faggots who have never even played sports will there be salt and they will quickly forget about it.

Fuck off racist.

Did you get lost on your way to reddit, civicuck?

Fuck niggers, fuck gooks, fuck spics, fuck kikes, fuck janitors, and fuck race traitors.


>however brady is very well liked as a player
No dude every other NFL team's fans hate him

so is Robert Kraft, the Jewtriots are kikes incarnate manipulating the stupid maga goyim

Racism is wrong and you can fuck off back to stormfront faggot.


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Well we all know only a white quarterback can run an offense. Sorry Black Kangz.

none of my friends have tv's or even care about sports i feel so alone basking in this victory that even i don't care about

who is white if not Irish? Spaniards.

Why is it wrong?


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Because societal, cultural, and environmental factors hold far more weight in the development of personal character than genetics.

celebrate we shall
with our best women

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XD Based.

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Nah fuck off with this nigger collision shit.

If these faggots are going to politicize everything under the sun, they should at least pick the winning side every once in a while.

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U aight wyboi

I doubt it

Woke commercials? You sure you were watching the superbowl?

Almost every commercial featured one or more niggers. Halftime act threw a few tokens in to mumble rap shit. There was so much monkey during those few hours that Planet of the Apes producers are in talks about a film adaptation.

The media has turned it into a proxy war of left v right it’s the one night out of the year when they do have good ratings

I am so happy and I’m an afc Steelers fan

It's something like this

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Lol... This is rich. They want the patriots winning a football game to mean something in real life.

But... it happened in real life. It wasn't a fucking video game.

Hahaha... Yeah and YOU really got to interact with it didn't you?

>putting in joke tweets with the real ones
There isn't any shortage of real ones kinda lazy there user.

Boring game but at least the good guys won

(((Bob Kraft))) let David Hogg have anal sex with a underage boy on his private plane.


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Let's celibate? Hey! You don't have to ax twice.


The Patriots are only white?

wtf I love niggerball now

Nope, but they were picked as Trump's team so the fact that they won is enough to bring out the salt in all the checkmarks on twitter.

These patriot white supremacy threads are 100% Mossad ops and OP is 100% Jew shill look into it start with
(((Robert Kraft)))