>mentioned in passing by Plato in a clearly allegorical manner
>conspiratards obsessed over it to this day
What's the deal with atlantis? Why does something with absolutely no evidence attract so many people? You can believe in antediluvian civilizations without having to buy into this stupid shit.

Attached: atlantis.jpg (1000x541, 153K)

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Self-bumping isn't a thing, I don't think anyone who seriously believes that Catal Huyuk and other ancient cities were the centers of civilizations 10,000 years ago also seriously goes on about Atlantis as a lost continent.

Well there's infinite evidence for a Z.O.G and the jews controlling everything and yet Atlantis is more well known than that.

plato could have been spinning a yarn based on a true story

it was really hard to find because of misinformation and pop culture.

it is properly called the city of King Atlas in English or atlan-polis in bastardized Greek and it is located near morocco and was apart of the traditional Berber territory.

the gold coast was actually a lot lower in the time of the ancient Greeks but a "volcanic burp" threw the city into the sky (literally), raised the ground, and caused water to flood the city. by the time the water had drained everyone was dead. it now sits well above sea level. just so you understand the city went up, then down, then up, then settled.

why is plato the only one in the classical world to reference it?

maybe some faggots here will like which is all i have on ancient history and the stories of their myth and legends as well as the evidence for them.

he was the only one in a position to that was able to survive the trials of time.

other people reference it but not in detail

why is Atlantis always portrayed with concentric circles? serious question

coming through

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description by Plato
video here.

hol up

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They split the atom in the bronze age (age of heroes) and destroyed most of civilization

A lot of it is Christian's and Bible scholars looking for the origin of a pre-flood civilization. Let's of ethnats seek to examine it as a potential origin point for all "advanced" civilizations (Greek, Roman, Hyperborian, etc.). Others are convinced based on scant pieces of evidence or a simple desire to believe.

I would like to believe, but I'm withholding that pleasure until I see something more convincing than Doggerland.

The interesting thing is how even in antiquity the reaction was mixed. Aristotle thought Atlantis was nonsense, but other contemporaries believed it was a real place.

>eye of the Sahara

Native Americans are the Atlantians. They are the only race to sail the oceans and had the technology. Europe would still be in the Stone Age if not for Indigenous Americans delivering them new metallurgy and technology.


Could Atlantis be the origin of the sea peoples that descended on Egypt in the BCE?

Based Rudolph

no, probably "Celtic vikings" and general mercenaries from modern day turkey

See that, right in the middle of the atlantic? That's now called the azores. Thousands of people live there. It's still a paradise. It's still Atlantis.

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Plato mentions it in two different books

One he uses Atlantis in an allegorical fashion

In the other, he gives a detailed account of Atlantis (even giving the dimensions of the ringed islands) and says its not fictional/allegorical. Herodotus who is a historian, not a philosopher also claims it existed

>we wuz seafarer traders

Imagine a subspecies of human being afforded multiple harvests a year, in a place where you are isolated from any nigger-tier tribes that couldnt make boats to navigate to you. That's why the Aryan people evolved on Atlantis.

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What's the Richat Structure?

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He isn't, he just had the most info about it that survived.

The sea peoples considered partly responsible for the 10th century BC mass civilizational collapse? Maybe. Would be really interesting to know, but if Atlantis were proven real in the way we might think then that event would be totally superfluous compared to the myriad other implications of something like that. In my mind I'm thinking mostly of the possible theological implications from a Christian perspective.

When the younger dryas period ended because of a cometary impact 12,000 years ago, the laurentide ice sheet melted and rushed into the atlantic ocean, raising the sea level drastically. Atlantis was washed away, except for the very tips which are still inhabited.

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they found it

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Which tips?

Everyone sane understands in an allegory.

The (((media))) pumps out shit like atlantis and big foot etc to dumb down the population.

Literally everything they say is a lie.

More like ash from Mt Mazama covered the ice sheets and it rapidly melted, and the Lake Agassiz flood happened.
It is all about the flood.

It was in North America, it took the brunt of the multiple impacts that led to the younger dryas.
All the ice dams burst at once, causing a massive flood, Greenland was hit too, they just found it but it got memory holed.
I have a guess as to where Atlantis was, it hasn’t been touched on by anyone, but I’m not telling you faggots where.

I think he gave factual information, then made allegorical remarks.

>eye of the Sahara

its at the center of the true Earth, navel of the Earth, mt shambhala, mt olympus. its been called many things over time by many different cultures.
the maps aren't correct, there is hidden land and above all else, the globe earth model is bs.
some were, not all. I think that every race had an "atlantean" sect. more like antidiluvian
there are many stories the paiute of death valley tell of their land and the old inhabitants, and how death valley was a great sea before. ties into this

Timaeus and Critias. Critias is incomplete and literally ends mid-sentence. Some /x/ tier people swear Plato had a third dialogue called Hermocrates which there is no evidence for.

Atlantis would not function as depicted in said image. The stagnant water would breed mosquitos and the entire city would die of malaria.

The Portugese Azores, they are called now.

Possible, but Atlantis of legend wasn’t there.
You brainlets can’t figure it out. Kek.

They are two different books

One is a dialogue with Crimaeus I believe where he talks about the "factual" history and in the Republic he uses a fictional version of Atlantis as an antagonist to his ideal society.

you're just some weird internet guy, but I totally agree

This post gave me a shiver down my spine.


we call it the Great Basin, it was a huge inland lake.
"Their land"? The Pauite admit to killing the older red haired Saiduka and stole the land.

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Injuns never sailed or had any real technology. I was kidding.

>woodrow wilson

how could one Croatian be so based ?

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Atlantic= Ocean
Atlantis= across the ocean
across the ocean= North America
North America= Atlantis

we have evidence that the ancient would had zero contact with north America, that made it back.

there was a roman galley found in the Caribbean somewhere.

you're fucking retarded, how did Pacific Islanders just appear? ancients had ships. also native Americans were much more advanced than you think

I remember someone argued out that the type of bronze being used before the bronze age collapse had some geological signature that indicates it came from a large tin mine in the American midwest and the speculation is that the bronze age collapse was caused by this trade link to America going dead.


there was some one willing to try anything.

It’s just an island that made it to another timeline/dimension user.

6 toes ?

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yeah it's true. there are also paiute accounts of the Havmasu who were also mighty men (read: giant) but secluded themselves to the mountains surrounding the valleys and became isolationist, focusing on harnessing advanced technology and developing logistics inside the mountains and earth.
tl;dr dont fall for jesuit/masonic/matrix bs lies
the real jerusalem is in the americas and so is the holy land, so is the real mount hernon where the fallen angels fell, where giants, etc

modern science and their timeline can't explain things like puma punku, where the diorite was carried in from miles away, each stones weighs at least three tons, and were all laser cut and fit perfectly together, unrepeatable

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Just Latvians.

>ancients didn't mutate or have congenital diseases?

atlantis was when the niggers were kings
they are now in exile in atlanta.

the church of the subgenious talks about atlantis so does raw and edgar cayce
eday cayce predicted where atlantis was located and 30 years later scientiest from in the same spot he predicted they found a giant thing which looked like a cement road in the ocean
according to the subgenious atantis was ran by being smarter and better than humans but humans living good lives there after the accident atantis fell and humans spread all over the globe to and populated all over the globe but these so called evil scientest maybe a metaphor for someone else is watching over and controlling these humans now and since forever they escaped Atlantis
also Atlantis has advanced technology.

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Gulf stream. Any retard on a log can float from Oceania to North America.
and they did, 10,000 years after the Solutreans sailed against the currents to North America.
Wow them injuns were so advanced. Literally they were still stone Age until 200 years ago. No writing, no wheel, no animal domestication, no real agriculture, no ships, no sailing, and they couldnt even use raw metals laying on the fucking ground.
They couldnt even knapp good stone arrowheads. Fuck they hardly even count as stone age.

Oh (you)

I'm pretty sure there's evidence of a large trading network along the missisippi

Close. It was huge Copper mines in michigan. They shipped raw copper to the Med, and mined the Tin in todays Serbia.
Huge battles were fought over tin.

these two gentleman are based and north america pilled

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It's fun

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Yup, and the Ohio river. The Moundbuilders were Europoids, and used the river systems. The main trade was shipping the copper back across the Atlantic the Med though.

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>Why does something with absolutely no evidence attract so many people?
Some people enjoy controlling others like puppets by spinning bullshit fairy tales. Other people love being puppets for some reason, don't ask me why.

half the things you said are so incorrect that it's not even worth debating.

>when poltards don't realize we aren't the first intelligent species to inhabit this planet
>but we're on our way to self-extinction just like them

Why does everyone assume we actually know what the fuck was going on 2 billion years ago? There's a tiny number of people on Earth who purport to know everything, and while I'm no flat-earther or dinosaur denier, it's naive to place all of your trust in these people. Keep in mind they're the same ones selling out your future on the basis of neo-liberal "muh climate change" garbage.

Maybe the previous inhabitants were human, and maybe they reached peak civilization and thought "holy fuck, we need to reset this shit".

So they destroyed everything and left humans with a basic level of knowledge, enough to reform societies in the hope that we wouldn't embark on the same fatalistic journey. Which we seem to be doing.

Perhaps it's inevitable.

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Don't forget about machu picchu, that shows a distinct difference in building construction styles, from well cut fitted rocks to mortar and cobblestone.

>mentioned in passing by Plato in a clearly allegorical manner

You haven't read Timaeus or skipped to the Atlantis part. Critias specifically says that the Egyptian priest Solon speaks to explains that the story of Atlantis sounds like a myth, but is to be taken as truth.

>Thereupon one of the priests, who was of a very great age, said: O Solon, Solon, you Hellenes are never anything but children, and there is not an old man among you. Solon in return asked him what he meant. I mean to say, he replied, that in mind you are all young; there is no old opinion handed down among you by ancient tradition, nor any science which is hoary with age. And I will tell you why. There have been, and will be again, many destructions of mankind arising out of many causes; the greatest have been brought about by the agencies of fire and water, and other lesser ones by innumerable other causes. There is a story, which even you have preserved, that once upon a time Paethon, the son of Helios, having yoked the steeds in his father's chariot, because he was not able to drive them in the path of his father, burnt up all that was upon the earth, and was himself destroyed by a thunderbolt.

>Now this has the form of a myth, but really signifies a declination of the bodies moving in the heavens around the earth, and a great conflagration of things upon the earth, which recurs after long intervals; at such times those who live upon the mountains and in dry and lofty places are more liable to destruction than those who dwell by rivers or on the seashore.

well I do not know if the city of atlantis was real or not . BUT there is too much proof of there being long lost civilisations , every culture on earth had legends of something existing long before themselves .

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You don't get multi-cellular organisms until 600 million years ago

If they reached the conclusion that civilization needed to be reset, they would've understood that DNA is also a problem. The fact we are probably heading to the same problem as them would mean they were destroyed by forces outside of their control.

you're a dumb ass and wrong

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Spot on. It just hurts the brainwashing you have been taught.
Imagine how the noble savage meme is going to work when white people realize they have an ancient inalienable and traditional right to North America just like the injuns have been preaching for so long.
Your commie narrative is slowly dying.... and it's wonderful.

Again, you're placing all of your faith in what is, by all accounts, a best guest. We're basing that timeline on the remaining physical evidence we have, and using radio carbon dating to approximate an age. If something like a human existed 2-3 billion years ago, you think there would be physical remnants of it?

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Idk how it all works - my understanding is that the 600 million number comes from finding a 600 million year old fossil

If it can survive 600 million, why not 700, 800, 900, or a billion?

The intrigue about Atlantis is that there are other lands that have sunk beneath the waves.

Take Doggerland as just one example. This was a mass of land that connected the British Isles to Europe. It was a large area, likely inhabited. It sunk beneath the waves by 6500 BC.

Keep in mind Gobekli Tepe and other ancient civilizations predate this. So there very well could have been civilization in Doggerland.

That's just an example.

Since the last ice age sea levels have swallowed vast areas of coastal lands. And you know where civilizations arise? Along the ocean. Close to the water. So who knows what ancient civilizations sank beneath the waves.

We'll never know until the next ice age when the sea recedes again.

do you think that in 2000 years later the niggers gonna belive wakanda was real ?

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Come home white man, and womenz. Your traditional home awaits you.

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The sample size is far too small and the margin for error on RCD is way too large. There are a lot of things that can affect the decay of carbon isotopes, and to test literally less than a handful of fossils and say they're that old is a bit of a stretch. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's definitely inconclusive. We can't even prove if people like Jesus existed 2,000 years ago, yet we're talking with surety on the age of some shitty crab monster from over half a billion years ago? Doubtful.

Bro, a lot of them do already.

twas a white city
before the jews destroyed it with niggers

Not enough people in this thread have taken their Carlsonpills

Atlantis is flat and isnt even a planet.

heres a documentary about what happened to atlantis

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No, using the average rate of DNA ration per generation and identifying "least possible denominator" type species, we identify the level of genetic difference and therefore the approximate amount of time since they split off.

When did white people split off from black people?

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Madagascar was once a giant island but as it pulled away from the continent its supervolcano blew and 2/3 of the island sank into the Indian sea. Could have been a thriving metropolis but totally destroyed.

My Aryan lads,

imo, Atlantis is Dvaraka. Krishna had sunken Dvaraka some 5000 years ago.

>Kṛṣṇa therefore decided to construct a formidable fort in a place where no two-legged animal, either man or demon, could enter. He decided to keep His relatives there so that He would then be free to fight with the enemy. It appears that formerly Dvārakā was also part of the kingdom of Mathurā, because in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam it is stated that Kṛṣṇa constructed a fort in the midst of the sea. Remnants of the fort which Kṛṣṇa constructed are still existing on the Bay of Dvārakā.

this is correct

No they aren't. The Solutreans were Atlanteans and the original inhabitants of North America before Asiatics exterminated them, just like in Central Asia with the Caucasian peoples there.

>He first of all constructed a very strong wall covering ninety-six square miles, and the wall itself was within the sea. It was certainly wonderful and was planned and constructed by Viśvakarmā. No ordinary architect could construct such a fort within the sea, but an architect like Viśvakarmā, who is considered to be the engineer among the demigods, can execute such wonderful craftsmanship anywhere in any part of the universe. If huge planets can be floated in weightlessness in the outer space by the arrangement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, surely the architectural construction of a fort within the sea covering a space of ninety-six square miles was not a very wonderful act.

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