Pick a side already
Israel or Sandniggers
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You keep making these threads because everyone hates Israel and you cna't handle it.
Israel. Fuck mudslimes
Only people who hate Israel are the people who want to kill us
I hate both sides, but between Iran and Israel, Iran is the slightly lesser evil.
>Israel or Sandniggers
The middle east belongs to Iran. It's up to them if they decide to let the Arabs and Jews live.
Just hope they both kill eachother off somehow.
Symptom vs disease. Symptom
>cucking to Iran
why can't they both go extinct?
Glass em both
Funny how all these people want to kill you, but the only one actually killing people is Israel.
They’re both sandniggers
how about neither?
how about y'all gtfo back to Africa?
take your stack of mutilated genitals with you, savage cannibal warlord scum.
>Alien vs Predator
>Pick a side already!
Israel IS sandniggers
Let em fucken kill each other while we do our white people things
The correct answer is Alien, btw
I'm sorry I don't remember when I funded Iran's military with my taxes.
Israel on the other hand...
can't we have a 3rd stance and just wipe them all out? it would be best for the environment and the west if we were to all just agree that these sand people must be removed, with nuclear fire.
if we were to just wipe them all out, no more having to bother with terrorists or bullshit war or interventionism. so how would just pulling the trigger be a bad thing?
sandniggers all the way. we didn't have any problem with sandniggers whatsofuckingever until the kikes were gifted israel by the british and they started power tripping in the middle east and doing black ops shit to everyone around them and biting the hands that fed them.
sandniggers would be all too happy to team up with us to crush israel in a matter of days not weeks. we could then deal with the actual sandniggers at a later date to be determined based on their behavior and not have to deal with israel stirring the pot and false flagging as ISIS as they do.
Paris, Nice, Manchester, ...
oh right as if islam wouldn't have done this regardless kek
I dont have to pick a side. Glass both
Oh you mean the people shipped to Europe by Israeli NGOs?
lmao watch bitter lake for starters you filthy shapehshifting merchant. the arab world in the 50s was a paradise before you lot moved in on borrowed land (and time, i might add)
i side with america. fuck off leaf. semites can slaughter each other.
Arab andy. I was watching that stream LIVE when he got busted was top fucking kek. Anyone know how he is doing?
If Israel isn't chock full of its own native sand niggers I don't know where else is. Nevertheless, Iran can take over all of Israel if that means no more manufactured rapefugee crisis. Are they sand niggers? Yes but they truly earn the title of Aryan if they wipe out the state that caused most of the West's problems over the last decades.
he is banned from the internet so no
Imagine if we could clear out Africa and the Middle East in one fell swoop. Some sort of EMP that causes heart attacks en masse in humans leaving all the infrastructure intact. What a world we'd have then.
Fuck both!
They're all sandniggers
Fagot kike! And sandnigger alike should die off along with the Americanized nigger.
Kill them both off to save them from each other.
is he out of jail?
Palestinians should control Palestine for the same reason Koreans should control Korea. Stop fucking around with semantics and disputing whether the palestinians count as a "real people," that is so profoundly fucking jewish. They're indigenous, they've changed languages and religions many times over the millenia, and the only time a significant population transfer occurred there was when hundreds of thousands of Khazars immigrated down there and demographically displaced the native semites.
is shit but it's not the most relevant issue. Solution to Israel/Palestine conflict is the Madagascar Plan.
Islam is shit but it's not...*
israel is sandniggers
Based arab andy pissing off kikes
Believe it or not, but after living here for 3 years, I began to hate israel and local people's mentality. A lot of israelis have this shitskin-tier behavior
Open bob and bitch lasagna pleez babae
>Israel or Sandniggers
same things; semite
at least wanting to kill your enemy is human and goes back millennia. kikes want to degrade, humiliate, decimate, and enslave their host societies.
>implying Israelis aren’t sand niggers
Israel of course, is this a serious question sandnigger?
I'm all for Mudslimes in mudslime countries
I hate both but if I had to choose, I’d have to go with sand niggers. The Arab world have known about the crimes and nepotism of the dreidel spinning, nation wrecking kike for centuries.
none of the above.
What's so bad about Arabs in their own land?
I prefer the third option
Fuck off Shlomo.
This. Fuck this degenerate shithole full of delusional thieves and liars. I actually hope Iran nukes it.
Stupid fucking kike. You don't even know anything about this shit place you diaspora parasite.
Fine. Sandniggers. Now go away.
Rooting for #teamchink to wipe them both out eventually. I'd root for whites but they're cucked out so hard.
arab andy lmao
>this is white in Canada
sand niggers
Israel was one of the few nations that stuck by South Africa before the abolition of apartheid and sold guns and the rights to produce Israeli guns to the Rhodesian government. Fuck the international Marxist Jews, but Israel was actually pretty based.
I just know this makes me smile bro.
gotta go with the jew boys
Fuck the Madagascar plan, help the Arabs pour into Israel and take their land back. That's a Middle Eastern conflict I'd get behind.
Nuke tel aviv and fuck them both
sage in the spice rack
Jewsare the real sandniggers. Arabs are far superior to kikes.
Football with sandnigger heads should become a legalized sport in Israel.
Unless you faggots are actual sandniggers or glow in the dark niggers I have no idea why you'd actually pick those baboons over Israelites, arabs are the most two faced backstabbing pieces of shit in the world and they're the ones actually killing and raping our folks you fucking spergs.
Nice larp faggot, it was almost believable.
You're right bro man I'm already starting to feel sick in the stomach I think i'm legit going to throw up what the fuck am I doing?!
I legit feel bad now man I'm so sorry bro.
Say 10 hail Marys and make a donation.
I'm down to do a Muslim prayer if that's what it takes for me to repent I have no idea why I sperged out like that now I feel really quilty why are you doing this to me bro? I'm sorry alright.
I love you bro.
Fuck you then if you don't love me back you filthy sandnigger.
>pick one
Israel, they'll stay where they are or move to the US
I'm safe.
There's been a huge spike in "Muslims are bro tier" posts in the last 1 month.
I'm 100% sure it's pakis with VPN and co-ordinated postings.
Another indication of that, notice the number of India hate threads when poos are almost irrelevant posters. Connect the dots.
Jews ARE sandniggers. I pick white man's side.